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What's Bothering You?

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one of my good friends passed on the other day. Kimsie had a beautiful soul, and a beautiful smile.
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These next few days are going to go by so slow. I'm so excited to move out I just wanna move now!
i wish i didn't spend so much on clothes the past months.. but ya im into that hippie 60s/70s style so gotta shop when it's on..
im legitimately going to rant if it's okay??
so, i had this crush on a boy for about five months, i suppose. it was really tearing me apart because i had identified as a lesbian for around 6 years now. he was such a jerk, but he had such a nice smile and enjoyed my company.. i really liked him very much. i got butterflies in my stomach every time he would speak to me-- which was awful because he was my section leader.. i told him my feelings for him, and how confused i was about a week before school ended. he did not return my feelings, but a week later, he asked me out. i was blinded by how much i liked this boy. we had fun together, we played pokemon and laughed and cuddled on my couch. everything was simple because we're young and dumb. i knew it wasn't going to last forever, though. he is a senior and is growing up, and i'm just a freshman. and im so stupid. i told him everything about me, because i thought i could trust him. i was so blind. i cant explain the emotional/physical stuff that happened, but it really hurt.
we lasted for a month and a half, and broke up on 6/30. the relationship was so broken as soon as i went on a trip out of state. we barely talked, i was afraid to tell him anything. he made me feel so worthless and childish, without even realizing it. it was just me, trying to hold back a flood with a leaf. i tried everything to try to make him stay. but eventually, we did break up.

and today was the first day i saw him/talked to him since then. and im so scared, because im falling back in love with him. and i cant do this again. it hurts so much-- getting so close to someone, then having to pretend you never knew them at all.

everything is pulling me back down into depression. i just cant do anything right.
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Weird people, the annoying ones who try to hard to fit in or out.

Or people who have a lot going on and is willing to share that to the world but doesn't want help cause they already have "people who are helping them", must be the greatest help ever if you're still complaining about the same things. It makes people care less, especially me(why respect you if I don't even like you).
super irritated, boyfriend doesn't want to spend time with me, depressed, ants attacking the house, friends not wanted to spend any time with me, making plans and then just not showing up after I get ready...I feel like everything Ive worked so hard to get is being taken away and its been so long since Ive been truly depressed. nobody cares or worries either, I've been locked in my room not really even going out my own door for days and nobodies asked anything or knocked to see if i was still alive... it's a really awful feeling
super irritated, boyfriend doesn't want to spend time with me, depressed, ants attacking the house, friends not wanted to spend any time with me, making plans and then just not showing up after I get ready...I feel like everything Ive worked so hard to get is being taken away and its been so long since Ive been truly depressed. nobody cares or worries either, I've been locked in my room not really even going out my own door for days and nobodies asked anything or knocked to see if i was still alive... it's a really awful feeling
That's really awful and i know how it feels, it happens to me a lot. I care about you though :) <3
I had 3 panic attacks yesterday and I don't think my friend likes me.
super irritated, boyfriend doesn't want to spend time with me, depressed, ants attacking the house, friends not wanted to spend any time with me, making plans and then just not showing up after I get ready...I feel like everything Ive worked so hard to get is being taken away and its been so long since Ive been truly depressed. nobody cares or worries either, I've been locked in my room not really even going out my own door for days and nobodies asked anything or knocked to see if i was still alive... it's a really awful feeling
-hugs- i wish i could be with you turtbro <3

but ya my dad atm like dude you're the one keeping it up just freaking disappear if you dont like it
Tfw you try to say "hello" to and you get ignored.

I understand. I have the same feeling. And also:

-Packing stress
- Worry about infraction ( would argue, but I'm too lazy to argue with mods and I guess I deserved it)
- Desperation to save up enough for HHD and/or AF
people having race cars and driving by our apartment. they are not really sounds isolated so you hear it way worse than it is

also stop mowing your lawn so late omg
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