What's Bothering You?

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Thank you guys. I’ll try talking to one of you next time I’m feeling down. <3
bruh, she was clearly speaking to Riley. You kinda look like him though... maybe I should introduce you to him!
I'm trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance and I'm wondering if I'm making progress or not.
Stay peachy with peaches Yukii
If this my trying falls through, I would need to change my name to RedTropicalUnpeachyFish. I'd never want that.

Ummmm eat some cake? Dunno how it's hard for people to GAIN wait no offense...
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I can't seem to gain wait or weight lately. :( The wait is the point, I think. Actually I eat like a horse.
When you have 3 people to afford - one needing others' help to hold a cup (or chopsticks), and two fur babies - both have chronic disease, and they never can wait when something happens.. you likely to have no time to sit around. I think that's why... ;_;

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I feel like death, and kinda wish it was the real thing
Oh, this all is just a dream, Mello. We all are just in the dream that you're having on the way to death. Sweet dreams.
If this my trying falls through, I would need to change my name to RedTropicalUnpeachyFish. I'd never want that.

I can't seem to gain wait or weight lately. :( The wait is the point, I think. Actually I eat like a horse.
When you have 3 people to afford - one needing others' help to hold a cup (or chopsticks), and two fur babies - both have chronic disease, and they never can wait when something happens.. you likely to have no time to sit around. I think that's why... ;_;

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Oh, this all is just a dream, Mello. We all are just in the dream that you're having on the way to death. Sweet dreams.

Funny you say that cause now I just can't sleep.
that poem named "anxiety" is basically me now lol (it's a swedish one and idk the english name) buuut ye
send it here then i can dress properly -.- i hate this ****ing rainy soggy weather rn

oh yea, we can definitely trade, i love rain! Let me just run this transaction over with god real quick then ill send it right over~

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Rather snow than the hell amount of rain that's coming down at this very moment! D:

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I have to work in it too ahhhh

well at the very least you have some soothing rain sounds, all we got here is fear of traffic accidents or gosh forbid, slipping/falling!
oh yea, we can definitely trade, i love rain! Let me just run this transaction over with god real quick then ill send it right over~

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well at the very least you have some soothing rain sounds, all we got here is fear of traffic accidents or gosh forbid, slipping/falling!
Noooo trade with ME!

Slipping and falling? Sound like your area loves classic comedy lol
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