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What's Bothering You?

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Me and my friend saw someone taking pictures of us. They kept hunting us down trying to take more pics.

I'm absolutely terrified and had to ge that off of me.

I really wish I wouldn't have to call 911 for the cops. And other than that, I don't know what to do.
My glasses broke and now I have to wear contacts.
Now that would be all good except for the fact that contacts are the most uncomfortable goddamn sight-enhancing...tool?
It just feels like i poked myself in the eye a couple times real hard.
They aren't ripped or in the wrong way either...I think I need new contacts. GODDAMNIT

Same! That's why I have a pack of contacts that have just been sitting there for a year
I feel so tired right now. That's what I get for going to sleep at midnight and waking up at 6am. :U [I tried to go back to sleep but I gave up.]

And there's no way I'm taking a nap either.
I feel so tired right now. That's what I get for going to sleep at midnight and waking up at 6am. :U [I tried to go back to sleep but I gave up.]

And there's no way I'm taking a nap either.
6am alone is enough to cause problems
Me and my friend saw someone taking pictures of us. They kept hunting us down trying to take more pics.

I'm absolutely terrified and had to ge that off of me.

I really wish I wouldn't have to call 911 for the cops. And other than that, I don't know what to do.

I think its better u call 911,can be something dangerous
school starts in a week

i got my schedule recently and more than half of my teachers are known to be really strict & i have the same gym teacher as last year, who obviously couldnt take me seriously bc im not a sports person. great to have him again.. :/

i feel fat but i have no motivation to work out, but i seriously need to get in shape before school starts again so i dont start off with low gym scores
- My school starts in two days which sucks bc my sleep schedule is so messed up and I'm not ready to be overloaded with homework again

- I ordered an amiibo card of my fave online and it hasn't arrived yet and I'm worried it got lost or something since it's really late
Midnight child, one who wanders alone.
Lost, he's given up. He just wants it to end already.
Once, he walked aimlessly, going about with a face of apathy.
He had met a tall looking man, he seemed awfully patient.
The reached out to him. Although he was distant, it was all the boy had.
Sometime later, reality caught up with the man.
And he died, leaving the boy to walk alone once 'gain.

As he wandered, he passed by many people wearing masks on.
The boy asked himself why, he noticed they all were either smiling or wide-eyed.
This scared the boy, and he ran. Far, far, away.
He had bumped himself into something, someone.
He sent them down to the ground, it was a girl.
As he saw what he did, he was saddened. He cried.
The girl tried to the levity of the situation, the boy was still sobbing.
She held his hand, he was reluctant, he held on to it, firm grip.
Eventually, interests started to dissipate, connection severed, reality caught up.
The boy realized he was wearing a mask once she left, he took it off...
He saw flesh, his own hollow reflection. Only, it was stained of blood and grief.
Reality caught up to him, he didn't want to go, but he went.
Knowing he'd no longer be happy, his road has ended. He, the real facade, had ended.

I feel creative during midnight, something was swelling inside my head. This doesn't really give my interpretation on it, but it's something.
today a guy who ive liked since forever sent me a text confessing his love for me.
 it wouldve been good except for the fact that he’ll become my step brother in 4 days fml
I have this friend who messages me everyday of every hour of every second. He's a nice guy but it's starting to get really annoying. Even when I ignore his messages for a while he'll still message me. I really don't want to be mean but I really hate it.
I have this friend who messages me everyday of every hour of every second. He's a nice guy but it's starting to get really annoying. Even when I ignore his messages for a while he'll still message me. I really don't want to be mean but I really hate it.

Maybe tell him how you feel c: I know I message guys a lot and I hate it when they ignore me, if they said 'I'm busy' or 'Can't talk atm.' Then I would stop until they are free again.


My foot because at 1 AM, yes, ONE FREAKIN AM. My brother and his friends are all awake and they were tickling me and I try and kick one of the guys and miss, hitting a plate and BREAKING IT IN HALF. I don't know how but apparently I did, I also got away without bleeding.
today a guy who ive liked since forever sent me a text confessing his love for me.
 it wouldve been good except for the fact that he’ll become my step brother in 4 days fml
don't let that stop you
it's still totally legal
Took a sleeping pill this morning and then slept until I had to go to work, so I ordered some food at work, a freaking grilled cheese and soup, and 2 hours later and nobodies called me to tell me it's ready, I got worried 30 minutes in, cause the kitchen gets stuff out in like 15 minutes. They told me at 30 after it hadn't come out yet. I waited and waited, an hour after I called and nobody answered, waited a little longer, called again, nobody answered. Called again just now 2 hours after the fact and the girl says "Oh let me check.." and then walks over here to tell me she didn't even put it in. Now the restaurant is closed and I don't get to eat anything... that's cool...
So AO3, right?
I want an account
"You must get an invitation"
Okay cool
*Enters email and junk for invitation*
..."Want to see how long it will take?"
*Enters that stuff again*
August 24th
I was pissed. I went around asking if anybody could please help me and just send me a goddamned invite because I am NOT waiting that long.
I check later
August Mother****ing ('xcuse my language) 25th.
What the hell.

if you has AO3 account plz pm me.
windows 10 messed thw audio up so it doesnt work and ive tried everything i've seen online mhmhmmm this is just. awesome. :')

- - - Post Merge - - -

i restarted my computer and guess what?? it worked. 10/10 every time something doesnt eork just. restart. (even tho i restarted lots since it stopped working but LOL
Omg, a guy who doesn't speak English went onto the floor and found someone who HARDLY speaks English to translate for him, omfg. I had to rephrase everything to so the one guy could understand enough to tell the other guy... so frustrating!
Day 11 and still haven't heard from you yet. Not one night has gone by where I haven't prayed for us to talk again. I don't intend to give up.
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