Think I need to vent a lil' about my current job, before I start to snap or something. Don't have a lot of people to talk to about or not there when I need to talk.
Currently working in a lil' deli shop that had a more focus on Italian foods and snacks, but since the new boss started, it's more greek. She was the manager before taking the place on.
Been working here about over a year, started in June of 2021, and out of everyone including the boss now, I've been there the longest. Which feels so crazy.
This is also my first job, but sadly not the sort of job I want to continue working as. I'm more creative, and want to start working in a TV, or film Production. Honestly any would do, as long as I'm creating something, I'm happy.
But because of the same tedious tasks, dealing with food and washing up all the time I'm feeling extremely low and disheartened. The constant washing up has also really affected my hands terribly, I wear gloves now but they are constantly itchy, red etc and have already tried getting cream from a doctor.
I just feel not heard, not paid enough (I used to be paid less than minimum wage, and only gotten it up a bit more) for what I now have to do at work.
I'm only doing part time, but feels like full time with how less time I have in the day to really be me before work starts. I can't focus on my passions beforehand because there doesn't feel like a lot of time, and having a lot more responbilities than I would've liked.
For instance, I now usually close the shop by myself, and have to do any work that hasn't been done. Which is hard, because some of the work I need to be away from the counter, and can't leave it empty, anyone could come in, steal or worse. This year, a lot of the coworker's have left, and only told my boss the day after that they were leaving, so there's no chance to look for other workers (although my old boss used to say we didn't need anyone else, this was after two coworkers left, and he's really just dulsional).
My shift and hours also change randomaly. So it's never the same, and then suddenly I'll be asked to come in on my off day. So, again. My free time doesnt feel safe.
Like, just last week a coworker ditched instantly and so I had to give up my weekend that I hardly ever get anymore. I wanted to meet up with a friend I hardly see face to face but he's busy this weekend. :/
I've contantly looked and applied for other postitioned elsewhere, but I either don't get a word from them or been told I didn't get through to the next stage.
I can't really just leave this job and be jobless for a bit either, cause I need to help my mum with the bills, and the last time I was getting help from the government with money, they tried making me PAY them over a thousand for something that wasn't my fault, and was also their fault.
And I wouldn't just leave the place like the other's have done, I would give them enough time to find someone, heck even help train them.
It's probably why trying to do any of my hobbies have been a real push, and the motivation feels long gone and I hate it.
So far at work it's just me, my boss and her husband working there, but they all work in another job too. She sometimes brings in her toddler, so not am I also looking out for any customers, but making sure her kid doesn;t try running out the store (which she constantly does, an tries to go into the road) or hurt themsevels.
I stress I feel from the place doesn;t go away, and my mum and friends have noticed how snappy and irritated Ive gotten recently.
One thing that has recently annoyed me, is when I'm having to close up by myself, no one (there was that one coworker who left) tries to finish off tasks before they have to go, to make it easier for me to close shop, but when it's my boss or her husband closing by themsevels for once, they always make a point to mention to me to try and do this, and that because they're closing by themselves, like in a sad voice or somerhing, like where was that for me? Likefelt really rude to say that to me as if I wouldn't help as much as I could. They have left me with far irriating tasks to do while alone.
Mainly the orange machine, where we make freshly squeezed orange juice. Where i have to desemble the machine, clean the fron of the machine, wash the parts and put them together; takes about 30/40 mins without being intruppted by a customer.
Some good news though, I applied to a training scheme and applied to two of the companies, and I really, truly hope I am picked. The deadline was the 6th, so I've been juggling work, the hallween event and this for a while.
Apologises for the long read, but it def feels like a new fresh air after writing it down.