What's Bothering You?

I really don't want to go to my graveyard shift. I always dread it, and it's even worse now because I'm alone so I'm afraid the higher-ups will all gang up on me and I'd have no one to be with. My schedule's also bad enough because I have to be present tomorrow morning for an orientation since I'm one of the liaisons, so basically I have to muster up some energy from 7PM - 12NN. I should also probably not do my part-time tomorrow after 12NN and reschedule another day, I swear I might faint from exhaustion ;;
life update: I fell asleep during the orientation while my camera was on I feel so bad 😭 sorry I unconsciously blanked out for a moment there yikes!!
My anxiety over crazy heart rate stopped... Good! But now my anxiety over not being able to feel my crazy heart rate has gone mad... Now I'm freaked out that my heart rate is normal?!? Let me catch a break!!!
damn twitter is a mess with the new algorithm system, my art is gonna be harder to see. man I already have a small account
Think I need to vent a lil' about my current job, before I start to snap or something. Don't have a lot of people to talk to about or not there when I need to talk.

Currently working in a lil' deli shop that had a more focus on Italian foods and snacks, but since the new boss started, it's more greek. She was the manager before taking the place on.
Been working here about over a year, started in June of 2021, and out of everyone including the boss now, I've been there the longest. Which feels so crazy.

This is also my first job, but sadly not the sort of job I want to continue working as. I'm more creative, and want to start working in a TV, or film Production. Honestly any would do, as long as I'm creating something, I'm happy.
But because of the same tedious tasks, dealing with food and washing up all the time I'm feeling extremely low and disheartened. The constant washing up has also really affected my hands terribly, I wear gloves now but they are constantly itchy, red etc and have already tried getting cream from a doctor.

I just feel not heard, not paid enough (I used to be paid less than minimum wage, and only gotten it up a bit more) for what I now have to do at work.
I'm only doing part time, but feels like full time with how less time I have in the day to really be me before work starts. I can't focus on my passions beforehand because there doesn't feel like a lot of time, and having a lot more responbilities than I would've liked.
For instance, I now usually close the shop by myself, and have to do any work that hasn't been done. Which is hard, because some of the work I need to be away from the counter, and can't leave it empty, anyone could come in, steal or worse. This year, a lot of the coworker's have left, and only told my boss the day after that they were leaving, so there's no chance to look for other workers (although my old boss used to say we didn't need anyone else, this was after two coworkers left, and he's really just dulsional).

My shift and hours also change randomaly. So it's never the same, and then suddenly I'll be asked to come in on my off day. So, again. My free time doesnt feel safe.
Like, just last week a coworker ditched instantly and so I had to give up my weekend that I hardly ever get anymore. I wanted to meet up with a friend I hardly see face to face but he's busy this weekend. :/

I've contantly looked and applied for other postitioned elsewhere, but I either don't get a word from them or been told I didn't get through to the next stage.
I can't really just leave this job and be jobless for a bit either, cause I need to help my mum with the bills, and the last time I was getting help from the government with money, they tried making me PAY them over a thousand for something that wasn't my fault, and was also their fault.
And I wouldn't just leave the place like the other's have done, I would give them enough time to find someone, heck even help train them.

It's probably why trying to do any of my hobbies have been a real push, and the motivation feels long gone and I hate it.

So far at work it's just me, my boss and her husband working there, but they all work in another job too. She sometimes brings in her toddler, so not am I also looking out for any customers, but making sure her kid doesn;t try running out the store (which she constantly does, an tries to go into the road) or hurt themsevels.

I stress I feel from the place doesn;t go away, and my mum and friends have noticed how snappy and irritated Ive gotten recently.

One thing that has recently annoyed me, is when I'm having to close up by myself, no one (there was that one coworker who left) tries to finish off tasks before they have to go, to make it easier for me to close shop, but when it's my boss or her husband closing by themsevels for once, they always make a point to mention to me to try and do this, and that because they're closing by themselves, like in a sad voice or somerhing, like where was that for me? Likefelt really rude to say that to me as if I wouldn't help as much as I could. They have left me with far irriating tasks to do while alone.
Mainly the orange machine, where we make freshly squeezed orange juice. Where i have to desemble the machine, clean the fron of the machine, wash the parts and put them together; takes about 30/40 mins without being intruppted by a customer.

Some good news though, I applied to a training scheme and applied to two of the companies, and I really, truly hope I am picked. The deadline was the 6th, so I've been juggling work, the hallween event and this for a while.

Apologises for the long read, but it def feels like a new fresh air after writing it down.
I need one of those phone chargers where you plug a thing into a wall and you place your phone on top it and it starts charging. I don’t know what it’s called.

Edit: I got one. Hopefully it works.
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So I finally settled on what phone subscriber/data plan I wanted to change to... only to realize I have to wait until this invoice's due date when the money is deducted from my bank account and status is paid... I'm so stupid lol.

Like the good guy I am I always put in my invoices for the bank to deduct on the exact due date so I don't forget to pay them when I get them 🤦‍♀️

Oh well guess I have to wait til like the 28th or whatever ugh.
i'm ill, again, and as an emetophobe, i really hate it. it has to be stress at this point, because nobody gets this many random bugs back-to-back. it makes me want to cry, because i just want to play games and stuff, but i can't even manage something that simple because i feel like throwing-up non-stop. i've taken some flu tablets, but they haven't kicked in yet if they even will at all.

train strikes, even though cancelled, and other things continue to keep my girlfriend and i apart. i think the constant disappointment and stress that's currently abound in our relationship is partly behind my feeling ill, but who knows.

i just want to sleep, but i'm not sleepy, only exhausted, and i don't really want to trash my sleeping schedule either. (not that it's great at the moment anyway.)

still can't get a doctor's appointment. it's been months. i want to change my meds. i want to sort out getting an autism diagnosis. i want to hear about the test i did for adhd. i want to get another blood test because this level of fatigue just doesn't feel right or related to my diet, and i am so sick of being completely wiped all the time. i don't even care if i need to be on medication for the rest of my life to feel awake, just want it to stop. i want this stupid eczema to go away, but that's probably been caused by the stress too. the call queue to try and book an appointment is absurd; you never get through. when i go online, there are never face-to-face ones available, let alone for my doctor, who never even seems to be there.

the therapy company or w/e screwed up the fact that i only want face-to-face, so they cancelled the video call appointment and... put me on the wait list for face-to-face? i don't know if they slapped me at the bottom or put me at the top, considering it's their fault i wasn't on it to begin with, but if it's the former, i can't be asked to wait another several months over some kind of clerical error when i've already been waiting god knows how long. (even though i think cbt is a total waste of time at this point. how do you plan on changing the thought processes of a brain that doesn't even have thoughts?)
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I seriously threw out my back at work yesterday. I can hardly move
the other day, i was talking to some people about what majors we wanted to go into and when i said what major i wanted to go into (early childhood studies), they kinda just.. looked at each other weirdly?? idk how to explain it well but, it made me feel a bit stupid.
like yeah, i know i'm going to college instead of university first and i know i might not make a killing like an entrepreneur or a surgeon, but i really don't think that's a bad thing. i just want to live a humble life, really. i don't really care much for having a large mansion, driving around in a fancy car or buying luxury items. i just wanna live my life, is all. i just wanna live in an apartment/small house with a cute girl. perhaps a kitty/puppy or two. is that so much to ask?
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The poll inspectors were supposed to remind us to show up tomorrow. I didn’t receive a call. Now I’m worried that I was either forgotten or removed from the precinct board without notice. I had some questions too. This is so frustrating.

At least I was able to confirm the polling site that I was originally assigned too.
I was just in the elevator in my apartment building when a person started yelling at me and made false accusations about my political beliefs. There was false gossip about me that was made months ago, but I'm surprised it's still going around. All I did was accidently sit in the lobby during a meeting that didn't allow uninvited guests. There was no sign about it and I thought the lobby was open for all residents 24/7. I even left when they told me to. The person tonight was a complete stranger, so I just ignored them. As I got out of the elevator they yelled "yeah, go into your apartment" and called me a profane name. I thought harassing strangers because you heard false gossip was something people quit doing once they left high school? Talk about immature...
the domestic mail company here being the most useless thing ever and basically not caring about handing out mail when they should. i mean i know a lot of countries have it bad but this is over 9000 bad man.
i don’t feel very good rn bc i got the covid and flu vaccine last night.

also i just had this massive chemistry test, it was like five pages but the first two were based on simple physical and chemical change questions. hopefully that saves me because i was not good at the math part, i already have a C in that class 😭
i’m at my 2nd physiotherapy appointment for my fractured ankle/foot, waiting for my physiotherapist to come see me. feeling pretty anxious tbh. she’s very sweet, i just wish i wasn’t injured and didn’t have to do this. 🥴
I've been feeling excessively tired lately and I think it's bc I ran out of my bupropion and I haven't gotten it refilled bc I won't be taking it anymore soon and so there's no use paying $10 for a prescription that I'm only gonna take like 4-5 pills out of and then toss. I don't even think I have any more refills anyways. all I know is for the last 3-4 days I've literally nonstop felt like I haven't slept in 36 hours. it's almost 1pm and I could honestly go back to sleep. and it's not even like a "depression" tired like I usually am, I feel physically tired and I have no energy to do much of anything.

also gettin tired of warm weather in November, I've been getting overheated really easily bc it's november 8th and I keep expecting it to be cold outside (and it actually was pretty cold for a few weeks) but instead the high is like 67F, not to mention a few days ago the high was literally in the mid-70s :rolleyes:
"DON'T TELL ANYBODY!!" as if I want to have the same stupid conversation again with somebody else, once was bad enough
I think this is about as much sleep as I'm getting tonight.


Train strikes today and I have a meeting at 10am. I think the stress of it is keeping me awake. 😔
I feel really bad because I told someone about my flatmates' dog without their permission 😔 my flatmate is protective of his dog since she's an American bull dog, which is a highly sought after (and expensive) dog breed, which means shes more likely to get stolen. I didn't really think about that when I told someone else ☹️