That'll be fine
Can't sleep right now because there's a huge thunderstorm...
I'm scared.

I hope your toad gets betterMy toad Ive had sense I was 15, isnt sick, but she refuses to eat fpr the past weekThe reason she wont eat is because shes lonely but her species are no longer avalible... Im scared
Oof I hate when stuff like that happens. Or like I'm really far in a game and the power goes off. I had that happen a few times. Good luck, I know it's a pain, but you got this!I forgot to save the entire time I played TLoZ: Twilight Princess the past few hours, so I lost all my progress today.Which really sucks because I progressed in the story quite a bit (including getting the Master Sword...) and I have to do it all over again. Plus, there were a lot of annoying segments to go through, and I'm not looking forward to doing it again.