What's Bothering You?

I just don't get why some people have to be so rude. It literally takes no effort at all to be kind. It's honestly pretty pathetic.
I think that every time I hop by on Twitter to see what my friends over there are up to. Wish they would actually leave the stupid place lol. It's like they've been conditioned to act this way. Like kindness is seen as a weakness now. Which is sad that people are stupid enough to believe that.

It's strange how people excuse their terrible behavior all the time. It seems like recently people have tried to make it socially acceptable to be terrible people. It shouldn't be socially acceptable that someone is a piece of filth that can't take the time to be a better person.
Last night I fell asleep while the tv was on, and I heard something so ****ing disgusting and horrible that I woke up for a second. I woke up this morning thinking it was a dream because of how absurd it was. But it was real. I hate this person for what they did. They are disgusting and should feel ashamed of themselves but they obviously don’t, and reality tv has no problem giving them airtime.
The person I work with that was previously mocking gender pronouns, like saying "I don't care what you identify as he/she/it/baseball bat whatever, just don't be an *******" attended the Pride event in June and was shown in pictures. Maybe she's a terf?
New episodes of The Ghost and Molly McGee have finally came out on iTunes, except that only one came out last night when there were five missing episodes.

And yes, I have the season pass.
I hate when people go way out of their way to hit you with a star on Mario Kart.
I mean I won't go way out of my way, but if I do get the star and someone is right near me I might hit them to secure I get a better position at the end.

New episodes of The Ghost and Molly McGee have finally came out on iTunes, except that only one came out last night when there were five missing episodes.

And yes, I have the season pass.
That's kind of odd. I looked into that show since I just recently got Disney+ and it only has episodes from like way early this year. You would think a show on Disney and its main streaming service would be up to date.
I mean I won't go way out of my way, but if I do get the star and someone is right near me I might hit them to secure I get a better position at the end.

That's kind of odd. I looked into that show since I just recently got Disney+ and it only has episodes from like way early this year. You would think a show on Disney and its main streaming service would be up to date.
I am going to contact Disney about their episode distribution to digital stores. Maybe it’s an error, or maybe they’re doing one a day, but I’ll still do it anyway.
I wish I knew why people do the things they do. I wish I understood their intentions. I feel like life would be easier if I could perfectly read people.
time to play my favourite game of “am i nauseous because i have caffeine in my system, because i have ibs, or because what i ate earlier gave me food poisoning” 😍
I'm starting to get really embarrassed with my face flushing bright red all the time. It's generally after I've been outside (not sunburn or windburn), been somewhat active and start relaxing, or when I'm tired in the afternoon. After some research it's most likely related to PCOS, yet another crappy symptom I have to deal with 🙃 at least the other symptoms are manageable but I can't really stop this from happening
I'm moving in a week and the new apartment isn't set yet.

I first filled out the application through the real estate company I'm using 2 weeks ago, but every day right at their closing time they would tell me there was some issue with it, I'd send the correct info right away but they'd be closed so it's take another day so it ended up taking a whole week to complete, and then the last week has been just... waiting. I called a first times to check in but it never felt like things were progressing and I had to be the one to reach out for any info. Or they'd say they'd call back at X time but never would. This morning they supposedly were going to call the company for the room but I still haven't heard anything back.

If it doesn't work out I have no idea what to do. There's no time. My apartment contract is ending, the moving company is already set up, and I'm starting a new job Aug 1 so it's not like I can just change the dates easily (and it'd cost a lot anyways I'm sure). I'm very frustrated at the real estate company, especially since it ended up being a lot more money than I had thought.
Spoke to a coworker and I really hope she does end up buying a house soonish so I can move in with her lol. Being able to live in peace without being judged would be a amazing rn 🙏🏼
I wish that I was a better babysitter. I’m not good at faking enthusiasm while doing play pretend. Nor do I wish to take my nephew outside in the 110+ degree weather.