What's Bothering You?

This is literally the stupidest thing to be upset over and I don't know why I'm so bothered by it, but a bag I've wanted for months finally sold out, probably for good. I wanted to wait until mine was too far gone before buying another, and it finally fell apart this weekend, so I went to buy the bag I wanted and saw it out of stock. AND it's being scalped on Mercari and Depop. Smh
Update I’m alive and in a safer place now. The watch is still active, but at least it’s not storming overhead ^u^b
Holy cow! That must’ve been scary. Even though we’ve never talked before, I’m glad that you are safe.
I'm having a very rough week. So many things going wrong I don't even know where to begin to get things back to a manageable level.

My toddler is teething and is somehow producing five new teeth at once. One or two is the norm for this. He's in excruciating pain and doesn't know enough words to ask for help or understand what's happening to him, all he can do is cry and fight. It hurts my heart to see him in pain, but there's only so much I can do to help.

The big one is a serious problem that's taking up the majority of my life and seriously messing with my mental/emotional/physical energy is my mother-in-law's divorce. It's a long story with too many convoluted details to explain them all here, but basically, my family has to sell our house and buy out her house from her and her ex husband. Her English is not very good and neither is her driving (she's from a country where most people don't have cars so she didn't learn to drive until she was well into adulthood) so her job options are very limited. She doesn't make a lot of money and would have a hard time affording to take care of herself and my brother-in-law who loves with her still. Her mental health is not in a good place, so we worry about her living alone, but our current house isn't big enough to take in both of them.

I get along well with her and my bro in law is actually a really good friend, so conflicting with them is not the issue. It's just, I'm not ready to give up my home. I've lived her for little over a year, and it's become my sanctuary. I've painted every room and made every aspect of it feel like mine. I love the town I've moved to and have favorite restaurants and places to go. I love spending time at the local library and have the coolest park only 3 minutes away. The local deer have given birth recently and my backyard is one of their favorite places to rest during the day. I have hummingbird feeders up and have five regulars that come by throughout the day.

On the other hand, my hometown, the place I'm about to move back to, is awful. Everything is run down and ugly. The traffic is so bad that it can take half an hour to get some place that shouldn't take more than ten minutes to get to. People are rude, drivers are aggressive, and nothing about this place feels welcoming. The school district is absolutely awful. I've dreamed my entire life about escaping that crappy town and am devastated that I have to go back.

Just to add more stress to my misery, my husband's workplace is going through a crisis, and he's been working 60-90 hour work weeks for over a month. He's absolutely drained and has no energy for anything, and he's doing his best to keep a good attitude and help where he can, but it basically leaves me to arrange the moving details and packing by myself, while managing a furious one year old.

The final straw just hit tonight. I was making dinner and managed to cut open a finger pretty badly with a kitchen knife. Blood everywhere and had to get three stitches. It just really reminded me of how much things suck right now, and I feel really overwhelmed now that I'm partially crippled and have limited hand mobility for at least a week. That's really going to help things go along smoothly (sarcasm).

I do feel better after venting, though I could use a little help. I just need someone to come over, wash a few dishes and maybe change a wet diaper while I catch my breath. Is that too much to ask for?
Holy cow! That must’ve been scary. Even though we’ve never talked before, I’m glad that you are safe.
Thank you so much! That’s really sweet of you! ❤️

And yes, it was pretty scary, but I’m glad my boyfriend was there to help keep me calm (he doesn’t get very scared)
Quite a few things but that's how life is sometimes.
The fact we inched closer to war.
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I won't go into detail but I've a specific anxiety/fear arising during the night, after I go to sleep and I wake up multiple times before morning. really messes with me. and I can't imagine what's causing it 😞
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I have to get three cavities filled tomorrow and I’m terrified. Last time I had one I was 11, and the dentists were so rough on my teeth that it scared me into taking care of them. The dentist said they would be a lot more gentle than the other ones were, but still.
Heat waves. It’s not just hot here in Texas, but no place deserves a heat wave. Not at these temperatures. I remember last year, I was very concerned for India and Pakistan because they had to deal with 120°F weather (50°C). Then it went to Europe where it generated a higher reported death toll.

Artificial photosynthesis needs to come in soon. And artificial cold snaps too. Texas could benefit with 30° weather in July (which is single-digits in Celsius).
I'd love to join the Mario Kart forum but I would feel out of place. I play for fun and not as competitively as the members on the forum. I don't think the forum is for anything other than competitive play and clans. Why can't people play for fun anymore?
I'd love to join the Mario Kart forum but I would feel out of place. I play for fun and not as competitively as the members on the forum. I don't think the forum is for anything other than competitive play and clans. Why can't people play for fun anymore?

I feel this trying to find people to play Pokémon Unite with. I’m a casual player but I still get tired of having teammates who barely know how to play the game (or just straight up troll), but it seems like the only other option is people who play the game way more competitively than I do. 🤷‍♂️
Another tornado warning :/ I just heard the one from a few days ago on a recording of a tv program. Looks like it’s going right over my area -_- at least I’m at home rn.
I'd love to join the Mario Kart forum but I would feel out of place. I play for fun and not as competitively as the members on the forum. I don't think the forum is for anything other than competitive play and clans. Why can't people play for fun anymore?
Yeah I feel like a lot of people just don't know how to relax. So many people are just way too competitive (in general) Competition is good, but there is a fine line between it being healthy and unhealthy. And some gamers just tiptoe dangerously in that territory all the time.