What's Bothering You?

feeling really nervous about my relationship with my girlfriend rn >_<

was talking abt her ex (who is also my ex, long story i dont feel like gettingr into atm), and how they connected a lot through sharing photos, talking on discord, heartfelt moments, etc.

and im prolly not gonna be able to do stuff liek that with her because 1. i do NOT feel comflrtable sharing photos of myself online, 2. i hate my voice so much, its way too deep and i have yet to start voice training so its more feminine, and 3. idk how to do that

i know its silly of me and prolly wont happen (esp since she’s stated she wont and prolly cant go back 2 her ex) but im scared shes gonna break up with meeeeeeeee *~*
I'm sure your voice is wonderful! Also good for you not giving in and doing things you're not comfortable with.
I woke up a bit ago and my jaw and ear are both hurting; I took some medicine but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

I went to bed upset and woke up still upset. Yesterday I couldn’t focus on anything at all. Now, my jaw pain is also making it hard to do anything too. Hopefully the medicine starts kicking in soon and my jaw and ear starts feeling better at least. I might have to cancel my plans this week. I can’t even sleep with my jaw hurting like this. I hope there is a change in plans today about going out to get the rest of the christmas gifts.

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I feel like since covid happened I haven't been getting as sick nearly as much as I used to (except the time I got covid) but I came down with the flu and it sucks. I feel horrible cause one coworker at my already small workplace has left so we're short on people and I just went to the pharmacy the other week to get my flu + covid booster shots but wasn't able to get them cause they wound up not accepting my insurance
wasn't gonna post about this because it feels like oversharing but i lost my cat very suddenly on saturday and i am really just....not good. and being at work constantly since then has only made things worse.
I'm sorry.
My dad's in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He's been there for a week and the doctor says he needs to stay another week. His whole body is so swollen with fluid. I had been begging him for weeks to go to the doctor and he finally caved and called the non-urgent number and they told him to get his butt to the hospital. Unfortunately this means my mom has to go to a long term care home cause I cannot care for her without my dad's assistance. Also I'm watching over their dogs for them until things get sorted out and their one dog Winston went into medical distress on the weekend so he had to be put down. I couldn't even ask my parents permission first cause the dog couldn't wait. It's been a terrible week.
I'm sorry.
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I think I turned down all the camera settings, but I still a bit motion sickness while climbing in Genshin. My head feels pretty weird now.
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I can’t sleep. I still feel a bit weird from the motion sickness that I experienced earlier. Too anxious and not feeling good. I hope my mom forgets about us needing to go out today. I am too stressed and really need more time to destress and have space.

Please no dms here or on discord, no comments or replies.
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My cousin is so so stupid and I can't do anything to help. He got a girlfriend. She's nice. The problem is she has broken up with him FOUR times because she doesn't know what she wants.

After ignoring her this last time, she invited him over today. He's going to "see if there's anything left."

I'm literally at a point where I want to message her to say "if you want him to move on, leave him ALONE."

She is bringing so much negativity and toxicity. She needs to fix herself before fixing this relationship (if it can even be fixed).

I know it's not my relationship, not my problem. I stay out of it. It's just... watching family I love go through this is frustrating.
i’m so stressed and anxious and mad and sad rn i want to rip out my freaking hair

turns out our math teacher decided the course ends today instead of the 20th when it’s actually supposed to end and only told us through Google Classroom (which is barely active most of the time) and NOT THROUGH THE SYSTEM WE USE FOR OUR ASSINGMENTS


today i am bothered by how painfully stupid i used to be. shout out to all the old posts I'm removing from here rn bc jesus christ i was 15 and 100% a simple fool... and i was SO LOUD along the way too omg. for someone who was trying to hide from harm i sure did post very loudly. my conclusion is i overshared a lot and i was a distressed teenager who didn't have any sense... oh well i guess. it was also kind of sad to go thru some of my old posts bc i now know more than i did then, like how some posts i made were actually just lies i had been told by ppl i did not expect to lie to me, and other posts were abt my hopes for recovery from my now permanent disability, lol.
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