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What's Bothering You?

Heya, friend! I've been keeping up with your posts and just wanted to say I'm amazed at how much progress you've been making in life. I also just wanted to say that I really enjoy playing Smash with you and you're really good at it, which makes it even more fun when we play. I know what it's like to feel worthless and it's one of the worst feelings in the world, but please trust me when I say you are not in any way. You're kind, funny, and thoughtful, and I really enjoy seeing your posts on the forums even though we don't talk all the time. I just sent you some lights, but I wanted to reach out as well because I have always considered you to be a good friend on these forums. I hope you feel better soon and that your holidays this year are the brightest. 💚
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I'm so ****ing sick and tired of my 14 year old sister doing bad things and rarely getting punished for it. She constantly shows up late to school and missing the school bus, and I feel like she's probably gonna end up having to repeat the 9th grade because of it. And to make matters worse, my parents aren't even on the same page when it comes to disciplining her. I guess you could say my dad's the "bad cop" while my mom's the "good cop."

My mom has considered putting my sister into some kind of boarding school or scared straight program or something like that if she didn't get her **** together. As harsh as this may sound, I wouldn't really be surprised if my sister got kicked out of the house the minute she turns 18. Hell, even my own mom considered kicking her out just in case if she doesn't clean up her act.

I feel like confronting my sister about it isn't really gonna do much, tbh. She's pretty much a lost cause anyways.
I’m sitting down in the living room, but my grandma is across the way listening to a video that’s very homophobic/transphobic. They use phrases such as “a man pretending to be a woman” and “thinking that a cake can change their gender.” (The video was about a ‘coming out’ celebratory cake, I guess. I’m trying not to pay attention to it.)
I’m sitting down in the living room, but my grandma is across the way listening to a video that’s very homophobic/transphobic. They use phrases such as “a man pretending to be a woman” and “thinking that a cake can change their gender.” (The video was about a ‘coming out’ celebratory cake, I guess. I’m trying not to pay attention to it.)
Sorry your family is so intolerant.
I'm pretty dead set on getting my second lobe piercing today but the more I think about it the more scared I feel 🥲 I had my first piercing done when I was 3 weeks old so I obv don't remember it. I can't go until my shift at work is over but the anticipation is absolutely killing me hdkfhsdglshs

edit: it wasn't that bad hehe 💜 I figured it wouldn't be but my anxiety sucks sometimes.
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I am really stressed out about work now, there was an incident yesterday and while I was not in the wrong and told that I did everything right I am still worried that somehow I am going to get in trouble for it somehow. I guess we will see what happens but I do feel like I was treated weird today at work even though I was not the wrong do-er in this situation. It is what it is!
i’m having a rlly hard time being patient w/ a close friend of mine lately >~> she’s rlly nice and stuff but she can also be rlly confusing and honestly a little frustrating sometimes

but im worried if i say smth like that itll cause more drama in our friend group + might make them hate me ._. i dont know what to dooo
the neptunia rebirth trilogy on switch got canceled. they say it's “not complying with the Nintendo Guidelines,” but that doesn't make since there is game that are worse (content wise)

My mood was a little better today but even now, while I’m working on one of my entries, I feel like it’s getting bad again. I’m only thinking about my drawing so it’s probably just regular depression.

I’m also still anxious about some stuff; I hope everything ends up okay.

Please no dms here or discord, or replies or comments.
It was a pretty crazy day yesterday.
Work went fine, nothing problematic there, but I had planned to go to the library afterwards to meet with my friends mum to help her with something personal; they don't have laptops or such and I'm much quicker at typing.
At the library though, they were planning to host a small music thing near the computers where they were practising their intrustments? So that didn't help, plus their printers were not working, and the computer decided to clock out as we were doing an application so it was all lost.
I mentioned maybe we should go to the other library nearby, by bus, and we did. But their printers were also NOT working.
They suggested an internet cafe, but first I thought it'd be better to complete the application there, I luckily had my USB on me still, so once we have the confirmation, I can download it to my USB to print at the cafe.
The application didn't send to her email so she was calling someone to figure it out, and eventually it went to her emails; I really hated seeing her so emotionally distraught by this. Able to print it off at the cafe. (She was kind enough to treat me to lunch)

When I got home, I realised i had a splitting headache and tried to rest.
My mum returned, had a Christmas dinner at her work which was just awful, veg undercooked and all that. But what I was more worried about was that my mum has been having such a bad cold for a few days, she's asthmatic and said when walking home she could hardly breathe, so I called the doctor and to see if we can see someone as soon as possible.
Luckily, got one and rushed as slowly as possible to the doctors. Has a very bad chest infection and needed steriods and antibiotics.
Now, there's a pharmacy just across the road from the doctors, and we said it would save us all some time if it went there, which she agreed, but somehow she had sent it to the wrong one, which was too far, it was nearly 6PM here and that's when the pharmacy closed, so we tried to rush as quick as we could, I ran ahead when we got closer, and luckily they allowed me in to get the stuff for my mum.

All in all, a very crazy rollarcoaster ride of emotions.
Mum hopes I won't catch her cold, and hopefully I won't either.
Because of this, mum is worried about going out, so we won't be going to the shopping mall next week like we planned.
I had such a busy day yesterday (hospital, work, concert) and my body is protesting. I ache all over, brain fog, and have no energy do anything. All I've accomplished today is feeding my animals.

I took a 4hr nap on the couch this afternoon and feel worse for it.