What's Bothering You?

have you been experiencing this often during the morning? excessive daytime sleepiness is pretty much a requirement to diagnose narcolepsy. DSM 5 says at least 3 times per week for 3 months. if this has been happening to you and your being extremely fatigued or having "sleep attacks" in the morning is interfering with your every day work then i do suggest getting checked by a doctor. :)
I literally almost fell asleep while driving home from work early this afternoon, so yes haha. my sleep schedule has been a little funky for the last few days since I'm going on a trip soon, but this has been happening off and on for a few months now at the very least.

(*sighs* sorry : < it's just very annoying :rolleyes: 🤷‍♂️ )

my videos are always fine, though... so that's something i'm glad about :3
I had a health appointment today which I was dreading, part of me wanted to cancel but I really did want it over and done with so I went. Don't get me wrong, she is very nice, but I felt as if it was a waste of time. Everything was basically just the same as my previous appointments. When I told her I was really struggling and then only one medication would help, she started telling me the side effects of it. I've been through this several times with different medical professionals. However, the side effects are minimal and I've never had any from this med before. However, I've had several weekly injections that I've had to sign consent forms and those injections had higher risk side effects, such as developing cancer. I would willingly sign a consent form to get this one medication that works and be able to enjoy life rather than everyday being a constant battle with pain and lack of sleep.
I can't help but feel like my doctor's appointment was a waste of time and it left me in a sour mood since. My family is also getting on my nerves (especially my brother), which doesn't help matters whatsoever.
Also having some very dark thoughts, for lack of a better word. I wish my brain would shut up so I wouldn't feel like this all the time.
That being said, I think I forgot to take my antidepressants today, though I can't remember if I did or not... Why am I always messing up. 🫠
I was next in line after waiting some time to check out at a store. An employee comes up, cuts all of us, and uses the next available machine. No excuse me, no sorry, nothing. If she was nice, I would've let her no problem! There was no need to act entitled.
Lots of stuff going on at work and in my head right now making me feel very unsettled...

I applied for a job in another town not expecting much of it, I didn't think I'd get that far with the application. Didn't hear back from them for ages, so just assumed that they found someone. Then they called me and I had a teams interview with them.

The interview went really well, they said I interviewed really well. I had already set my expectations really low, but now I'm trying not to get myself hyped up on the possibility that I might get somewhere with this.

It would be good for me financially if I got this job, but I'd also be much closer to family (which also saves money for me on travel costs). Not to mention it would be great for my career. So I can't help but feel really excited about it, disappointed that I don't get it, and just anxious in general!!
I’m because I paid $40 to change my gender on my ID before it became illegal and a crime.
What’s bothering me is that I paid $40 to change my gender on my ID.
a new license in the state i moved to, which would also comply with new airline regulations starting in may, cost me $120 :( fortunately they didn’t give me hassle about changing my gender marker to X at all. they asked it like a normal question
Stuck between feeling very lonely and wanting friends, and the other half of me feeling too exhausted to make the effort.

@ShawnFuzz I appreciate our chess game. Even though I haven't been very chatty, it's been quite fun playing together. Thank you.

Is there a way I can say literally the exact thing?

Just so you know I am enjoying our chess game too! At some point we will have to play live. I am scared to think about the beating I will take, but I am a happy loser 😆 . I enjoy learning from failures!
I slipped and really hard on ice today. All my body weight landed on one knee on concrete. I was also carrying a paper bag of groceries which ripped when I fell and everything fell out around me. And there were a bunch of construction guys right by me just watching me struggle to get up and get all my stuff together. My knee really hurts and is swelling now