What's Bothering You?

If you voted for Trump please let me know so I can block you
Everything is such a miserable mess and I don't want to trade collectibles, in game items, or play games with people who's views align with that man.

I am baffled. I don't understand how we got here. It's 2025 for crying out loud but take away our technology and you'd think it was the 1900s. There's so much hate. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism are everywhere and I. Don't. Understand.

I'm so tired and I'm so scared and stressed and it's all exhausting. So please. Let me know to stay away from you if you're part of why Trump is president. Or even if you didn't vote for him but you think that what's going on is not that bad or justified.

The most saddest and ironic part of it all is that I talked with a guy who is a Trump supporter, or voted for him at least (had to take a ride). My family and I generally lean towards the left and don't like Trump at all.

Basically he said that he voted for Trump because of the economy, but if you take a look at the U.S. economy now prices are going up, not down, so his literal only reason for voting that way is a moot point. 💀

I'm really not happy with my state or country right now, and if things remain this way past 2028, my friend and I are both considering moving to Ireland or some other nation.
If you voted for Trump please let me know so I can block you
Everything is such a miserable mess and I don't want to trade collectibles, in game items, or play games with people who's views align with that man.

I am baffled. I don't understand how we got here. It's 2025 for crying out loud but take away our technology and you'd think it was the 1900s. There's so much hate. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism are everywhere and I. Don't. Understand.

I'm so tired and I'm so scared and stressed and it's all exhausting. So please. Let me know to stay away from you if you're part of why Trump is president. Or even if you didn't vote for him but you think that what's going on is not that bad or justified.
YES. It’s already a disaster. ICE raided some Mexican restaurants near me and let the workers go after finding out they were legal. A guy I know also rants on Facebook about how illegal immigrants are ruining the state, etc. Mind you, this is FAR from a border state. It wouldn’t be OK if it was, but you know…the racism and paranoia is insane.

Unfortunately, like most of my dad’s family, my aunt voted for Trump. She is deaf and a federal employee. Whenever people got laid off, my grandma would be like, “Well, they can’t fire her. It would look bad, etc.” Now, with Trump’s anti-DEI stuff…good luck.

Also, they were constantly texting the group chat during the inauguration, like they were pumped about it. My aunt and grandma were wearing patriotic stuff in the pics. 😱 (My cousin doesn’t agree with them, thank God.) My other aunt (who I thought was liberal, even went to a BLM protest) complimented Melania’s outfit and made fun of Michelle for not going. So Idk about her…. Can’t tell if she’s sucking up or actually agrees with them.

(Note: My dad is liberal but his family isn’t.)
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I feel so awful right now. On top of my constant headaches, I'm also experiencing dizziness. Turning my head or even walking too fast hurts. I tried carrying a laundry basket upstairs and I couldn't keep my balance at all. My brother thought it was a great idea to startle me and I almost fell down the stairs. :cautious: And then I scraped my hand against my door and now my finger is bleeding... Lovely.

I'm so glad my doctor's appointment is only a few days from now. I can never be physically and mentally okay; I feel like **** either way.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while.

Life after high school feels so disorganized. You have to create the structure yourself. Thankfully I have people helping me, but it can’t always be that way. Adulthood sucks lol. I feel like I’m in some sort of paradox because it’s been FIVE years since I graduated high school, a whole other high school period away from high school at this point, but I’m still in my early 20s so I still feel young. But when I think about it, it kinda feels like I’m older than I think. The way time passes is scary.
A man in the movie theater was freaked out over somebody taking his seat. He started yelling, cursing, pointing at everybody and saying "Your all what's wrong with this country". Then he said "I'll remember which row you guys are in".

As a school shooting survivor, I recognized the behavior and it absolutely terrified me and I went to the bathroom and had a panic attack. I was only one row down from the incident.

Security kicked him out and I could see them blocking the door when I left to use the bathroom.

I'd like to not die while watching a Bob Dylan movie thanks. I'm very shaken up right now. My family also thought he would come back with a gun.
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I’ve sort of developed feelings for a friend of mine I made at the start of December, but I’ve kept it a secret because in the past she’s told me if anyone confessed to her she wouldn’t know how to react to it. Over the past few weeks she’s opened up to me a lot more and she brings up dating stuff fairly often out of nowhere. I shared what’s happening to several people and some think she’s hinting at something while others think she’s just venting. It’s kinda hard to say at this point.

She’s from the opposite side of the country from me and she’s Trinidadian-American. I’m worried if I did date her I wouldn’t be able to understand her culture well enough. I’m also worried her parents might not approve of me. I genuinely like her for her personality, though, and I know my family wouldn’t mind her.
I sorted through my clothes to set aside stuff that's too small/I don't wear anymore to donate, and I knew my parents would get on my case about it. They insisted that I keep my dresses for "special occasions", even though I'm very uncomfortable in feminine clothing. I went to my graduation ceremony in a dress shirt. I went to a family Christmas party in a Metallica hoodie. I've told my parents countless times that I hate wearing dresses/skirts, and they don't ****ing listen. It's frustrating and further proves that they don't truly understand my struggles with my gender identity. I just want to be comfortable with myself.

I mean, it's not like my parents made me keep my dresses, but still. I really wish they'd stop questioning me about it and saying hurtful comments. It truly doesn't feel like they accept me for who I am.
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it sucks when people don't offer you the same grace and understanding that you offer them. my mom left a box of blueberries precariously on top of some containers in the fridge. and she was in a rush on the way out and asked me to get her some godiva chocolate from the fridge. i accidentally knocked the container over and it spilled blueberries everywhereeeeeeeeeee. then she yelled at me and said to move more carefully. like, then get your own chocolate? put the blueberry container on a solid foundation? im exhausted from taking care of her all week since she's been sick. ive been making her lemon and honey tea 4 times a day, heating up heat packs, doing the dishes and laundry, cleaning and vacuuming, taking out the trash, getting the mail, fixing her furniture that she broke, fetching things for her, etc. and she left the burner on earlier this week and i didn't yell at her, i just showed her that she did something very dangerous. because i knew it was an accident and that she's also tired from being sick.
and suddenly im trying to search for you in every little thing
trying to remember what little you left me and what little i kept
trying to build a replica of you in my brain with sticks and stones from barren memories of you
just to burn it down and do it all over again

(i dont know why i do. it feels almost primal, something i cant shake off.)
Life. School is a nightmare, everyone is rude and blatantly disrespectful. My parents just don’t get it half the time. I tell them how much they are rude and annoy me and all I get is “uh huh”. Like wtf? I literally wrote down every rude thing that got said to me in one day and filled up an ENTIRE PAGE. And they were surprised. See what I mean? And I hate literally every subject I have to do, the only fun one I had last year was just cut.

I don’t have time for anything anymore. School is a nightmare and yeah that’s annoying BUT IT TAKES UP SO MUCH OF MY TIME. I can’t do ANYTHING anymore because it’s always school school school!!!! It makes me angry.

Not to mention I have zero friends, everyone in my class is racist and rude, and one friend I did have I don’t have anymore. I put up with them for a few years but then on my birthday at my party, LITERALLY IN FRONT OF ME gave someone else a frank green, and me nothing. LIKE IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY FOR THE SAKE OF NEPTUNE!! Sorry I’m ranting heh
Why does "everything" have to have flowers all over it all the time? Don't get me wrong, I do like flowers, some more than others .. but I don't want flowers on literally everything. It is hard to find things sometimes that don't have flowers on it, or pink/purple. Is it so hard to get something green or orange with some leaves or some other design that isn't flowers or pink and purple plastered all over it? I feel like the past 4-5 years flowers, pink, and purple are shoved down my throat all the time. Maybe I should just get black or gray of everything and just let it go. Maybe if I am lucky I can find a patch later of something cool to stick on it.