What's Bothering You?

All the negative assumptions that plague my mind!
so. i’m emetophobic which basically means i’m terrified of anything that has to do with throwing up whether it’s me throwing up, someone else doing it, even just the mention of it, etc. my mother’s health issues has led to her throwing up/dry heaving quite a bit these days which obviously, i am not thrilled about but i’m doing my best to cope. however, just found out that when this happens, if what comes up is clear, she leaves it in the ****ing trash can in the bathroom. she just. leaves it there. she says it’s fine because it’s clear and you can’t see it but iTS THERE???? maybe it is fine but oh my god my skin is crawling. it doesn’t matter that i can’t see it, now that i know it’s there, i literally ?????
Feeling really rough today physically. Kinda frustrated bc was planning my weekly outing but I can barely leave bed without nausea/pain. Just gonna hide in bed and hope the pain passes and try to distract myself I guess ;-;
Feeling really rough today physically. Kinda frustrated bc was planning my weekly outing but I can barely leave bed without nausea/pain. Just gonna hide in bed and hope the pain passes and try to distract myself I guess ;-;
Hope you're feeling better by now @ReeBear!

I ordered dinner and they forgot the main. Just sent me the sides. 😐
I need to work on my drawing for the secret santa art exchange but I've miraculously misplaced my tablet so now I can't work on it 😭😭😭
Using a gift card I got for Christmas at a restaurant and there’s a ****ing hair in my food.

In the middle of a pandemic. ****
so I eventually found my tablet but now my problem is that 1. I'm really tired nd would honestly like to go to bed (the one night I'm tired by 8pm) and 2. my tablet is almost dead and it says it'll take roughly 13 hours until fully charged.

my stress will be through the roof until i get this damn drawing done lol
Pretty sure I got a sore throat from either one of sisters that have been sick with one. It's not too bad but I hope it doesn't get worse.
Me rambling about my doctor, I put it in a spoiler just incase someone's not into reading that stuff.
Well I finally talked to my ear doctor today and I booked an appointment in February for a small procedure to get a tube placed inside my ear. It's a very small tube but it will help with my chronically infected ears to properly drain. The tube stays for about a year and falls out on it's own. This will be like my 6th pair of tubes so I'm used it by now but because of covid my boyfriend can't be there to hold my hand lol. For children they put them under sedation cause they cut into your ear from the inside but since I'm 27 they make me sit in a chair awake with no freezing lmao. The freezing wouldn't do anything anyways apparently but it turns like hell when they pour some alcohol in your ear and it pops a million times. And you can hear every little sound & cut they make in your own head 🥴 plus since my ears are always a little infected it hurts to have them sucked out & cleaned and my doctor thinks I'm a baby lmao. I mean I am but don't tell me that 😤