• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

ty both for the offers 🥺
I think some people were predicting they would be worth around 1k? I currently have about 250, ig I could try to sell something that I don't necessarily need though I've seen the market has been kinda slow lately :(
since this thread is for ranting about things, i’ll keep it at this.
If you still want it by the time I get it, i’d be happy to trade for another collectible (maybe frags, etc) or some tbt, i’m assuming you’ll have at least 500 by the time I get it!
Wanting to meet with a counselor because I had a ✨ mental breakdown ✨ from failing my previous tests and quizzes! Currently experiencing burnout and having no time to study due to the crap ton of homework my professors keep assigning~ Glad to know that the money I'm spending on education being useful rn :^)))))))))))))))))))) Yaaaaaaay!

Real note, I actually don't feel good rn. It sucks that right when I was starting to have a shred of self-confidence and slowly building myself up, I'm immediately pushed down.
Well, I wasn't really going to post much here - but then in the midst of checking out this thread, I saw a cockroach crawling nearby. Sprayed that effer with my cleaner like 20+ times LOL. Then covered it with a plastic bag and smothered it's body with the cleaning bottle. It's the second cockroach I've seen in my room so far. Think I should contact an RA about this - they may know who they call. I'm not sure where the crawlies are coming from - I mean, there's some bugs that I can see above me, inside the ceiling lights. The one I just killed was near my heater/AC, so maybe there's an entrance somewhere in there...? Though, it doesn't help that my room is a pigsty. I'm kinda afraid something's gonna crawl on me now...
I was busy for most of the day and didn’t get to talk to my SO as much as I’d like and I’m feeling sad from missing them. I should also be sleeping right now. I’m exhausted so why don’t I just go to sleep?
@Dawnpiplup oof if you see a roach in your dorm room you really should email the RA or RLC (residential life coordinator, idk if yall have one but we do here) and let them know asap. definitely don't want the situation to get any worse! i think if i saw a roach in here i would freak out lol.

it's 6am and I really want to go back to sleep cause i really dont need to be up for about another hour or more, but i think if i do that ill feel even more tired than i already so ig I'll just stay awake.

also have to move my car way down the street into a soccer field parking lot so B&G can clean out the parking lots today (thank god) and I really hate that I'll have to walk. wish I had my bike lol.
You'd think after more or less a year of being in a pandemic that social distancing would become second nature to everyone but no there are still some idiots around who choose to ignore the rules completely.
yeha and people using face masks as an excuse to be close to people 🙃 some idiots here i swear. also those throwing them on the ground i wanna slap hard.

on the other hand i love how our government is basically begging not to be re-elected. also don't force face masks if people can't use properly anyway, wow.
i need to start writing again if i'm going to be applying for grad school this fall so i can start next fall, but i'm still so burnt out. it's been a year since i graduated. i thought taking some time away from school would help me, but i still feel the same.

i don't even know how to go about getting letters of recommendation from my old professors. the two professors i was closest to retired when i graduated, and i haven't kept up with any of my professors in the last year. i have an extreme dislike for my thesis advisor, but he is the department chair so i think i'd need to suck it up and go back to him at some point to get a recommendation.

i'm afraid if i don't apply for grad school this fall, the professors aren't going to really remember me/having me in class and will give me mediocre recommendations. then i'm screwed. do i even want to go to grad school for literature anymore? i might be better off trying out creative writing on my own for now. or looking into a history program or something so i can teach while i figure things out. i don't know.
yeha and people using face masks as an excuse to be close to people 🙃 some idiots here i swear. also those throwing them on the ground i wanna slap hard.

on the other hand i love how our government is basically begging not to be re-elected. also don't force face masks if people can't use properly anyway, wow.
Yes to all of this, it just annoys me how many people are either ignorant, selfish or just incompetent when it comes to this pandemic. Plus they're usually the ones who are so desperate to get back to normal, they'll take everything government says as gospel and then moan when it all goes horribly wrong again.
I’m not ready at all to play this one piece that my directors decided to suggest for me last minute. They had too much faith in me because I’m pretty sure I’ll disappoint them.
Anxiety was through the roof last night, it kept me up after watching a creepy documentary. Got nothing to wake up too though as sad as it sounds, the days just seem to blur into one now.
I've been trying to photograph a painting for two days straight with no success. I'm about to settle with one crappy version that doesn't properly convey the colors, which I resent. Photographing art is my least favorite thing about making art. Everything looks worse than it is in real life. It takes me longer to get a decent photograph of a painting than it does for me to paint something.
i'm so annoyed with how bad i am at everything i try to make and when everyone says stuff like "do it faster" and "why are u taking so long"
like i'm not even a creative person, i can't come up with my own ideas when making stuff, how will telling me to be quicker make it easier for me??? i literally can't, i need time to do stuff if it's gonna be somewhat perfect 😑