• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

Yes to all of this, it just annoys me how many people are either ignorant, selfish or just incompetent when it comes to this pandemic. Plus they're usually the ones who are so desperate to get back to normal, they'll take everything government says as gospel and then moan when it all goes horribly wrong again.
Yeah indeed, I think our gov'ment is the worst of them all though, they preach restrictions but they don't help people who have it hard one bit and takes like all the shots for themselves 😠

Also I don't think you should fine people who doesn't use masks, like people scalp the prices here and, as i wrote people can't use them, throw them on the ground and use it as an excuse to be close/bump into queues etc.

Also having a job interview coming up like less than an hour and i wanna dieeee 🙃🙃
Ughhh I've been exercising every single day for close to a month now and I'm seeing no progress whatsoever.

I got very fat very fast in quarantine because I really didn't feel like moving or doing anything physically challenging but I did feel like eating a lot and I deeply regret it because while I used to be fairly fit, I now weigh a lot more than I should and I'm worried about my health. But I'm also ridiculously impatient, and not seeing progress really bothers me. I still get super tired while doing basic exercises that I used to be able to do without any problem, and I HATE it.

I hoped to get used to it quicker and be able to little by little do more intense workouts, but I guess that's not in the cards for me and I gotta be more patient.
Feeling constantly exhausted while doing nothing special.. like I fall asleep at like 8PM and wake up at 10AM. Pregnancy is exhausting >->
My coach is an ass and he keeps kicking everyone off of the team for nothing. Im the last remaining eligible girl in my division and he's threatened to kick me off and kicked almost everyone I care about off already. He hates me for nothing. He ruined one of my favorite things and now our team is tiny and falling apart. Now I cant stand going to practice and I want to quit but I need to prove him wrong. God, I hate my competitiveness my life would be so much easier if I wasnt like that smh.

Im also insanely behind on school rn and I dont wanna deal with any of that right now

I also need to eat but if I eat too much Im going to do bad at practice, but if I dont eat enough Im going to pass out. I feel nauseous but idk if its from eating or because I haven't really been eating or if its because ive eaten not very good things..? I dunno

Im also 99% sure I have a cavity and it hurts

Also I used to be so active on here but then I had to go away for a bit bc its so hard to get on here but now everyone I used to talk to is basically gone and barely anyone remembers me so Im just here

Also my cats sick and I havent been able to sleep because he keeps waking me up to throw up everywhere :/
I want to go to sleep

And I have like 10 things I want to change my avatar too but I love them all and I cant decide and its stressing me out.. This is definitely the smallest of my problems at the moment though

Goodness Ive said too much again
as always... Sorry to anyone who actually read all of that
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My mom texts me every morning wanting to know how dispatch & work is going which was fine for awhile, but now she's stressing me out. I'm 27 not 18 anymore. And if I don't get work, then she acts all cold like it's my fault. Or still she take it as an opportunity to tell me what to do. I live on my own and take care of myself and yet she still tries to boss me around. She's so hyper focused on me and is always anxious and passing on that anxiety to me.

Work has been slow this week and she has texted me every morning & evening asking how things are going. Literally nothing has changed since we last talked 8 hours ago mother. I haven't texted her back this morning yet and if I don't reply fast enough, she's like "hello hello you out there?". Yes I am still here just let me breathe omg. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful but dang what's wrong with talking once or twice a week? Imma have to have a talk with her in person which really sucks.
everyone is buying properties so quickly, i barely have time to breathe before someone has already put in an offer, feel like i'll never move out at this rate, part of me just wants to rent for a while but my parents are so against that and i do understand why but AHhhhh
everyone is buying properties so quickly, i barely have time to breathe before someone has already put in an offer, feel like i'll never move out at this rate, part of me just wants to rent for a while but my parents are so against that and i do understand why but AHhhhh
Idk where you are but I know the housing market in the US has been pretty crazy like you described. I actually read an article recently where a woman bought a house real fast because she figured she'd miss out if she didn't, but it turns out she absolutely hates it and is now trying to resell. :/ I hope you can find a place you like and don't feel rushed into purchasing!
Really bothered by my own situation and that I’m running out of time to get a job. Also, the close-mindedness of some people baffles me every day. Like, alright, if that’s the way you want to think and live then that’s fine, but don’t expect me to support it. Also kind of just tired of hearing everyone I know’s problems lately and not being able to talk about my own at all.
@Dawnpiplup oof if you see a roach in your dorm room you really should email the RA or RLC (residential life coordinator, idk if yall have one but we do here) and let them know asap. definitely don't want the situation to get any worse! i think if i saw a roach in here i would freak out lol.

Thank you - the pest control folks came to my room in the afternoon the other day, and they sprayed my room. Hope it works! So far so good.
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Also uhhh maybe I shouldn't have drank that Red Bull like two minutes ago.... because right afterwards, I'm like, maybe I should just sleep LOL

Man, I keep on trying to pull all nighters and staying up late with the purpose of getting some **** done, but I never do. I just don't work during those hours. ****
So the job interview went fine, but I'm a bit sus of the actual internship hours cause hell no not quitting my current job no matter what and I don't think I can do full 8 hours WFH even if it would be three other days. Oh well, we'll see. Loads of paperwork to even get there.

Also my new contact person seems okay but why did she have to book a meeting 9.15 am on my free day :(
I'm never gonna finish university at this rate. I just can't, I'm hopeless. Just why the hell did I apply in the first place
when you floss too hard and your mouth just starts bleeding-

This happened to me last week, parts of my gum was really red and swollen and lasted a few days. It was very painful to brush my teeth, started to get worried and thought I had gum disease lol.

It really bothers me when I have to wait on other people, is that just me being ignorant? I'm very patient, don't get me wrong, but waiting on other people really tests my patience to the max. I feel like I could be doing better things, you know?
so my parents forced me to play my new game with my brother, he has a ps4 he can go play that and leave me alone
i really don't like playing games with him because he is terrible at them and slows me down but if i make 1 mistake he throws a fit 😡

on top of that he is super competitive for absolutely no reason like we were on the same team and he shouted when we won because apparently i beat him??