What's Bothering You?

There’s been a miscommunication or something regarding my dads painkillers and it’s terrible. He’s been without his pain patches for two days and now he’s all out of his pills and it’s awful. He looks absolutely dreadful. I’m going to try calling the pharmacy and see if maybe they forgot to call us or if there’s something they can do. He won’t call because he says it’s pointless but I don’t know. :(

Edit: called the pharmacy and they were lovely! They’re going to refill his pills. I think they did get the script but didn’t know to fill it right away.
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The wildfires in British Columbia have caused the train rail tracks to stop so it's effecting my work. There's been no work since the middle of last week and idk if there will be any work this week. The people of Lytton have it way worse though, their whole entire town burned to the ground.
The wildfires in British Columbia have caused the train rail tracks to stop so it's effecting my work. There's been no work since the middle of last week and idk if there will be any work this week. The people of Lytton have it way worse though, their whole entire town burned to the ground.

Oh I'm sorry, Oak. :( Hopefully you'll be able to get back to work soon. 💕 I heard about the fire in Lytton. God that heat wave was something else - I know out west is prone to wildfires in the summer but this was so early and that fire in Lytton was something else. Here's to hoping the rest of summer is easier.
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My dad’s anxiety makes him unbearable. I hate how he lashes out when my mom and I ask a question or if he thinks we sound the slightest bit annoyed even if we’re not, or idk something else he throws his hands in the air and huffs.

Firecrackers. Happy explosive happy go lucky day 🙃 Independence day.
Happy super loud, pointless fireworks day! For real, it's 8:37pm here, it's not even dark out yet, yet these neighbors are throwing fireworks like their about to get paid 10 million dollars if they annoy everyone on the street with loud fireworks
Happy super loud, pointless fireworks day! For real, it's 8:37pm here, it's not even dark out yet, yet these neighbors are throwing fireworks like their about to get paid 10 million dollars if they annoy everyone on the street with loud fireworks

just as I read this post, they started again here. 😔. Hang in there. If only the law that supposedly forbids people from shooting them off on non holidays would be enforced, I’d say at least once it is done, we won’t hear it for months, but no, I will hear them every week, month, holiday or not.
just as I read this post, they started again here. 😔. Hang in there. If only the law that supposedly forbids people from shooting them off on non holidays would be enforced, I’d say at least once it is done, we won’t hear it for months, but no, I will hear them every week, month, holiday or not.
Me too! I wish they would stop sometimes you can't even hear anything 😕
I can’t watch a TV show or read a book during the day without ruminating on past trauma. It doesn’t even have to remind me of anything. I can just watch an anime and think “those people were awful to you in High School.” Reading at night is only easier because my brain is too tired to think.

The only things that keep my mind from doing that throughout the day are video games and walks with podcasts in the background. As much as I love doing them, it’s not healthy to only have two coping skills…
I had some granola bars that were crunchy and now my jaw hurts again and my head is throbbing a little. Can’t take medicine since I took it at 10 or 11. >< Took four today which isn’t good.
My ear is also starting to feel sensitive too. I should have waited to take the pain medication when I was getting ready for bed. the pain is too much ><

Edit: I’m trying to sleep but my whole right side of the head/face hurts from my head to my jaw/teeth and a bit of my ear.
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me never learning not to eat fatty food combos ... and i'll not go into the details here but i slept for like max. 4 hours and rest was in the bathroom. LOL.

(feelin better now though but gdi lol)

I feel you. I do the same still, sometimes but currently it's the fact that I drink almost 1 liter of orange juice just before going to bed. Not the smartest thing to do, lol. Glad you're feeling better now tho!!
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Well that was an interesting morning, I guess. My cat Luna went into a space she wasn't supposed to go, so I grabbed her to not have her stay in the spot.. she's the most loving cat I've ever met, but not today and I still don't understand why. She started growling at me, tail tucked under her belly and just really really mad for picking her up.. one of my other cats, Poppy came to see what's going on and must've seen it as a threat against her, because she started launching at her, literally grabbing her with her claws into skin.. well, that was unfortunately mostly my arm and hand that she got. I dropped Luna to rescue the rest of my arm and see the damage. 4+ bandages currently on my arm, because it just won't stop bleeding (don't worry, I disinfected it), worst one is on my arm, blood was literally pouring out of it. Then I hear them running and crying, Poppy was still chasing Luna, big tails everywhere. I grab Poppy from the top, to press her slightly against the ground and make her more calm, luckily that worked and now they are acting like nothing ever happened, while I'm sitting here, still waiting for the wounds to stop bleeding. Oh yeah, my third cat, Ekko.. he obviously witnessed it all and he's super paranoid now and won't eat his breakfast. He's continuously looking around himself, I guess they put out some sort of odor when they fight? Anyways.. no pets for this two today.. :rolleyes:
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still can’t sleep. in too much pain and the white noise machine was hurting my ear. i hope i am not getting an ear infection :(