The Duke
ok so like the online friend i made a few days ago just blocked me on everything lol i didn’t even do anything wrong tho?? like i literally just went on my socials and i noticed i had lost followers on both my accs and i saw it was him :/
I’m sorry to hear that. I want to say to try not to waste your energy worrying about them since they don’t seem to want to give you a second thought, but I understand how hard that is to not let that bother you since I’ve experienced that at some point myself and I know it made me feel like I did something wrong even though I knew I didn’t do anything. At least you know now how committed to being a friend they are before you committed more of your energy and time on them; just would hate for you to end up being more hurt. I know that isn’t a good enough consolation. :/ Sorry. My dms are open if you want to talk more about it.