• Mario Kart players, joins us in TBT Neighborly Games and earn a recolor of the new toy car collectible. Sign up in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Weekend thread. More sessions to be added!

What's Bothering You?

Lowkey hate those missions that you are basically bound to fail unless you hardcore speed thru all other side missions which is more or less making you fail anyway lol.... if that one win condition is a win condition you can make it appear... faster lol -.-'''' looking at chu chapter 6
Sorry for posting here again. I just woke up to give my cat her medicine (she did not want to cooperate as always; I hope I don’t find the pills somewhere later). I woke up feeling panicky. Jaw and teeth on right side of my mouth are hurting a little. I think I should be able to go back to sleep without pain medicine though.
my phone is annoying me; i really need to make a point of ordering new one 😔
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Sweet jesus and his mother i give up on that for now, if y'all gonna give me like 2 minutes to finish off a boss with like 3 large HP bars, please no lol.
I'm so tired today, not just exhausted tired but "I could literally go to bed and go to sleep" tired. idk why, I thought I slept fine last night, or at least as fine as I do any other night. I cannot keep myself awake though, and ofc I can't take a nap cause everyone is bothering me constantly, wanting something from me.

also bummed that I can't get my old DSiXL to work, I guess all those photos I took and voice recordings I made when I was like 10-12 (that didn't save on the SD card which is also missing) are gone forever 😔
I didn't let myself rest enough during my week's holiday, I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.
i just bit into a wafer on the left side of my mouth and experienced an extreme sharp pain in the teeth. i hope this is just stress related :(. I think i was clenching my teeth tightly last night and probably grinded them too.
There's forest fires raging in my province and my parents let me know today that our childhood cabin & their land it sits on is most likely gonna be destroyed in the wildfires. The area has been evacuated but there wasn't enough time today to drive 3 hours to the cabin and take all our stuff out. Luckily it's old and there's nothing expensive left there but it still hurts cause that's where we went every summer to camp. I wonder what will happen to the value of their property if it's all burnt. Will it be worth it to rebuild the 2 cabins on the property or will it just burn down again in a few years from another forest fire? Ughh
Feeling very depressed again, just when I thought I was getting better. My family lectured me too and I hate it. I just want to curl up in a ball and not try anymore.
My head hurts to the point where I feel a little Nauseous. Just want it to go away so I can feel good on my day off
My family owns way too much junk. I spent three hours helping my moms go through our storage spot and only donated a tiny amount of what’s in there. It’ll take weeks to clear everything out. Moving really is a pain.
I hate having headaches and I hate knowing it developed from the lack of water I drank the last few days

just took a very difficult exam that I didn’t do so well on and I hate knowing that it could’ve been easier if my professor simply typed out his lectures on PowerPoint instead of creating “video podcasts” of him reading the material out word for word. I just hope he curves the test scores.
4 day weekend is coming to an end... It was a nice mental break, but damn am I so over training. This week really better be the last week so I can finally be on my own again.
I want to work on the post card but I was recommended to take a break since I took no breaks for the drawing I just did. Now that I’ve taken a break, I’m not sure if my idea for the post card is a good idea 🤔.

I still can feel a sensitive spot on my tooth on the left side every time I eat. I really hope it isn’t another cavity and is just stress or from the work that was done on the other side (doubt jt though).

Dreading saturday.
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my ex called me today so i took the chance to apologize for everything i did to him and i sobbed thru out the whole thing LOL. we were talking normally for about an hour, and i was under the impression that we were gonna start talking like normal again but it just doesn’t seem that way .. i’ll give it tomorrow and a few days and if he does want to start talking again i’ll talk to him
I’ve pretty much felt awful all day today I’ve never had a headache so bad to where I felt physically ill. It’s gone now that my day off is pretty much over and I stayed up too late trying to finish things I couldn’t earlier so I’m going to feel tired all day tomorrow. I just feel sad right now
My workplace is beyond toxic and I know this is the case because that turnover rate is so high and 50% of people leave after one day on the job. However, I’m trying my best to stay for the next two months I’m in this area just for a little extra money. The job was fine for me but there is friction between a coworker and I because of a little misunderstanding and we simply can’t work together because one of us will walk out. She’s on the verge of quitting anyhow, but I need to get through this until that happens. The manager really likes me though, so there’s a plus. Aside from all the drama, it’s really not a stressful job.