What's Bothering You?

I can’t believe this place didn’t contact me back at all this week. I was almost certain that they were going to hire me. I really need this job because I can’t find anything else and my savings are starting to dwindle. I don’t understand how companies with good positions can discriminate freely against people with autism. 😔
My childhood cat isn't well at all.

Oh no! i’m sorry. I just left a message on your wall about that :(. sending you and your kitties love and positive wishes 🍀💜🤞🍀💜🤞. have you considered bringing them to your house if bullying is the issue and not anything else?
I fell down some steps today and injured my elbow. I can’t open and close it properly, it’s making me really anxious…
so I'm pretty sure that the reason why my DSiXL is shorting is bc the ribbon cable connected to the upper LCD screen is messed up, and I will likely need to buy a replacement top screen and install it to get the DSi to work again. problem is those screens aren't cheap, they run about $24 on Amazon. I just want to play this thing again :(
literally just sad non stop, sometimes its get really bad which sucks :'(
I've made the decision to not look for a job in childcare. It's a really tough decision for me because childcare is what I love - it makes me so happy and it's something that I am good at. Not to sound full of myself or anything but I've been told I'm a good teacher and I am. That being said, childcare right now is such a gamble. The little ones obviously can't be vaccinated and this newest strain is affecting kids. My dad and I are both vaccinated but I still don't feel comfortable taking the risk of working with little ones when I know full well that parents knowingly drop their children off sick. They mask fevers with Tylenol, make excuses that they didn't sleep well, claim it's allergies - as if teachers aren't around their child enough to know when they're sick. It's frustrating and that combined with the fact that I know child care centres can be really hesitant about actually sending sick children home it's not a field that I feel safe returning to in a pandemic.

Which is really devastating. I'm hopeful that I'll find a new job that I'll be able to enjoy and feel like I can do safely but I will miss working with kids. It's a tough job - it very rarely has good pay, and it's even rarer to give benefits so I know that getting a full time job basically anywhere else will put me ahead in those categories but still.

I'm also just nervous in general to be returning to work. I've always struggled with my mental health and this pandemic has definitely made things worse while also making it impossible for me to get therapy. My dad is constantly home as well so therapy over the phone/virtual appointments are out of the question, most practices aren't taking patients in person (or at least they weren't earlier) and at this point I don't have the money to pay for therapy. So I've been sort of spiraling in terms of my anxiety which makes me really nervous to return to work. But I have to be working in order to afford therapy so that I can hopefully start getting back on track again which is really tricky.
I can’t believe this place didn’t contact me back at all this week. I was almost certain that they were going to hire me. I really need this job because I can’t find anything else and my savings are starting to dwindle. I don’t understand how companies with good positions can discriminate freely against people with autism. 😔

So they contacted me back, but they want me to help them with social media. Are you kidding me? I hate social media. There’s a reason why I only use TBT, Discord, MAL, and a job site. Idk what I’m supposed to tell them. If I tell them I can do it I’ll be roping myself into something I can’t do well, and if I tell them I can’t they may just move on from me. Why is society so ******?
I hate that I lose motivation to do anything in the weekend. I just literally can't be bothered doing anything and wish I had the drive to be more active.
yo not to be dramatic but having GAD is such a curse. Anything could happen and I chalk it up to being the worst possible reason/outcome and it’s so irrational. I feel crazy just thinking stuff like that. Especially when COVID starting appearing. That’s when the medical stuff got worse. Like I could have light sensitivity and think I’m going blind. It’s so intrusive and genuinely makes me feel like I’m going Insane. I need to see a psychiatrist but idk where to even start. Idk it’s just been a bad anxiety day for no reason. I’ll prob snip later idk just wanted to rant.
cried again today ;_; but i really need to stop dwelling on this, if he wants to come back he will but for now i’m just gonna try and do my own thing because i’m so tired of crying all the time
cried again today ;_; but i really need to stop dwelling on this, if he wants to come back he will but for now i’m just gonna try and do my own thing because i’m so tired of crying all the time

Hey Syub 💕 I'm sorry that you're having such a rough go of things. I really think that doing your own thing is for the best - breakups are hard already but trying to remain friends with an ex is even tougher especially when somebody still has romantic feelings. Not every relationship can end and turn into friendship and that's totally okay and healthy 💕 I really hope that deciding to do your own thing helps you heal from the breakup easier.
This is the first time I'm posting in this thread...but I'm hoping people will learn from it.

People need to stop bothering their pharmacy teams with garbage/idiotic questions. Just because you're too lazy to contact your doctors/dentists for recommendations, don't bother us...we've already got WAY too much on our plates now that we've been shouldering the majority of vaccinations.

You want a recommendation on a good toothbrush? Here's my recommendation...call your freaking dentist or do a simple Google search.

I had a lady ask me if the frozen food she was holding was any good...do you honestly assume just because I work the pharmacy in a store that I've tried every product within said store???

Can I call around and find another pharmacy that has a certain medication that we don't carry? Go suck a lemon, I'm not there to babysit you. You take the time to call around and find medication YOU need, not me. (I will make exceptions for prescription medications here.)

What you CAN/SHOULD be coming to ask me? MEDICATION advice. MEDICATION interactions. FIRST AID questions. DIABETIC questions. BLOOD PRESSURE questions.

Trust me...your pharmacy team does care about you to a certain extent, but on top of taking care of your usual medications, we now have people showing up to get vaccines/rapid tests every 5-10 minutes. Don't slow us down further with your misplaced inquiries.
cried again today ;_; but i really need to stop dwelling on this, if he wants to come back he will but for now i’m just gonna try and do my own thing because i’m so tired of crying all the time
I have to agree with lumi, remaining friends w/ an ex can hurt a lot & hinder you from healing. It sucks so bad at first. Especially when things didn’t end on your terms. It can hurt sm & I’ve been in your same position before. I’m so sorry you’re going through this right now. Be kind to yourself & focus on things you enjoy. 💓
This is the first time I'm posting in this thread...but I'm hoping people will learn from it.

People need to stop bothering their pharmacy teams with garbage/idiotic questions. Just because you're too lazy to contact your doctors/dentists for recommendations, don't bother us...we've already got WAY too much on our plates now that we've been shouldering the majority of vaccinations.

You want a recommendation on a good toothbrush? Here's my recommendation...call your freaking dentist or do a simple Google search.

I had a lady ask me if the frozen food she was holding was any good...do you honestly assume just because I work the pharmacy in a store that I've tried every product within said store???

Can I call around and find another pharmacy that has a certain medication that we don't carry? Go suck a lemon, I'm not there to babysit you. You take the time to call around and find medication YOU need, not me. (I will make exceptions for prescription medications here.)

What you CAN/SHOULD be coming to ask me? MEDICATION advice. MEDICATION interactions. FIRST AID questions. DIABETIC questions. BLOOD PRESSURE questions.

Trust me...your pharmacy team does care about you to a certain extent, but on top of taking care of your usual medications, we now have people showing up to get vaccines/rapid tests every 5-10 minutes. Don't slow us down further with your misplaced inquiries.

Oh my goodness, I feel this so much. I used to work in a pharmacy and it was so frustrating the sorts of questions we'd get. I don't have experience with things during Covid so I won't even begin to assume I know what that's like - but I know when we gave flu shots it was so hectic and I swear people came up to us with the silliest questions.

It always gets me when somebody will wait in line just to ask me where the shampoo is kept. Like. You can see that we're busy, we have signs above the aisles, and there are staff stocking shelves but you chose to wait in line at the pharmacy to ask us?? I've had people ask us about the food or cosmetics, too! Like. I don't know if we carry strawberry cream cheese, I'm in the pharmacy. Or the people who have a basket/cart full of stuff but can't be bothered to wait in the normal line so they come to the pharmacy to cash out 🙃 It's always when we were busy too and the pharmacy cash only had tiny bags because like... it's a pharmacy. You get your medicine and go.

Ugh. Pharmacy work is so stressful and my heart honestly goes out to you. I was an assistant for a while so I wasn't able to answer specific medical questions and had to always grab a pharmacist for those. It's such a fast paced part of the store and people don't realize how much work takes place back there. Phone calls (I loved when people would call and just... describe the colour of their pill. "I need to refill my blue pill" ????? can you be more specific?? My computer doesn't show pictures and I don't have all the medications memorized), customer questions, data entry, stocking our own shelves, actually counting out/making up the prescriptions, the pick up... ugh. Best of luck with everything 💕
Oh my goodness, I feel this so much. I used to work in a pharmacy and it was so frustrating the sorts of questions we'd get. I don't have experience with things during Covid so I won't even begin to assume I know what that's like - but I know when we gave flu shots it was so hectic and I swear people came up to us with the silliest questions.

It always gets me when somebody will wait in line just to ask me where the shampoo is kept. Like. You can see that we're busy, we have signs above the aisles, and there are staff stocking shelves but you chose to wait in line at the pharmacy to ask us?? I've had people ask us about the food or cosmetics, too! Like. I don't know if we carry strawberry cream cheese, I'm in the pharmacy. Or the people who have a basket/cart full of stuff but can't be bothered to wait in the normal line so they come to the pharmacy to cash out 🙃 It's always when we were busy too and the pharmacy cash only had tiny bags because like... it's a pharmacy. You get your medicine and go.

Ugh. Pharmacy work is so stressful and my heart honestly goes out to you. I was an assistant for a while so I wasn't able to answer specific medical questions and had to always grab a pharmacist for those. It's such a fast paced part of the store and people don't realize how much work takes place back there. Phone calls (I loved when people would call and just... describe the colour of their pill. "I need to refill my blue pill" ????? can you be more specific?? My computer doesn't show pictures and I don't have all the medications memorized), customer questions, data entry, stocking our own shelves, actually counting out/making up the prescriptions, the pick up... ugh. Best of luck with everything 💕

Lumi...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT! I always think to myself people have no idea what it's like back here. You restored some of my faith in people's comprehension ;)