What's Bothering You?


telling me i'm not allowed to hold a grudge against my brother for telling me to kill myself a few months ago
okay that's actually a problem. you have every right to be mad at your brother for that. I know that people can get in serious trouble if they tell someone to off themselves and they actually do, but I think threats like this in general should be punishable as well.

okay that's actually a problem. you have every right to be mad at your brother for that. I know that people can get in serious trouble if they tell someone to off themselves and they actually do, but I think threats like this in general should be punishable as well.

yeah, when it happened literally nobody cared lmao, and i've pointed it out several times since then but family just shrug it off. he knows full well i have serious depression and am on meds, and he's never apologized. i think the fact that it's stuck in my head since summer is a clear indication that it's more than a harmless argument between siblings. even if he didn't mean it, it was way too far. he's 18 and should definitely have known better.
I just realized I messed up one of my lineups by selling one of my Sept 2017 blue pansies and now I'm sad :,,,,,,,,)


rip indeed
Really tired of getting poked fun at for being one of the few people to wear a mask in my church and having it ripped off because it’s “funny” and “not needed”. Yeah, because COVID’s left at the doorstep of the Lord.
Anyways, hope this feeling of sickness is from dog hair and not some dumbass who brought the disease home 👍
^ hate when ppl do **** like that, just as it's their right to not wear a mask it is your right to wear one if you want to. people wear masks for different reasons so the fact that anyone would get mad at someone for "still" wearing one really steams me.

okay two things, 1. why tf does my head hurt AGAIN and 2. really wish these canker sores would go away?? like it seems like every day a new one shows up, I now have 3 clustered together and they hurt so much bdjeueheh
^ hate when ppl do **** like that, just as it's their right to not wear a mask it is your right to wear one if you want to. people wear masks for different reasons so the fact that anyone would get mad at someone for "still" wearing one really steams me.

okay two things, 1. why tf does my head hurt AGAIN and 2. really wish these canker sores would go away?? like it seems like every day a new one shows up, I now have 3 clustered together and they hurt so much bdjeueheh

feeling your pain. i just developed a canker sore (we call them mouth ulcers here) and it sucks. it's right at the back of my cheek, exactly where it was last time, so everything hurts: talking, eating, drinking, swallowing. brushing my teeth is a special kind of agony since i have to open my mouth wide and it stretches with the skin :/ bonjela doesn't apply very well because it's so far back, and a salt + hot water rinse has never worked for me rip. guess i'll have to suffer until it disappears on its own.
feeling your pain. i just developed a canker sore (we call them mouth ulcers here) and it sucks. it's right at the back of my cheek, exactly where it was last time, so everything hurts: talking, eating, drinking, swallowing. brushing my teeth is a special kind of agony since i have to open my mouth wide and it stretches with the skin :/ bonjela doesn't apply very well because it's so far back, and a salt + hot water rinse has never worked for me rip. guess i'll have to suffer until it disappears on its own.
Try putting bonjela on a cotton bud or q tip, it makes it easier to reach the back of your mouth! :) usually night time is better so that it will stay on while you sleep

My sleep schedule now sucks since I’ve been on holiday and now I’m tired all the time lol
Try putting bonjela on a cotton bud or q tip, it makes it easier to reach the back of your mouth! :) usually night time is better so that it will stay on while you sleep

My sleep schedule now sucks since I’ve been on holiday and now I’m tired all the time lol

hm. i'll give it a go. i think the bigger issue is that i don't have enough hands asdfghjk. since it's so far back, i need a torch to see, but then i also need a hand to apply the bonjela and another to pull my cheek outward so the ulcer is visible T-T it's a shame, because bonjela does usually numb them for a little bit, but this one is in literally the worst place possible.
^ hate when ppl do **** like that, just as it's their right to not wear a mask it is your right to wear one if you want to. people wear masks for different reasons so the fact that anyone would get mad at someone for "still" wearing one really steams me.

okay two things, 1. why tf does my head hurt AGAIN and 2. really wish these canker sores would go away?? like it seems like every day a new one shows up, I now have 3 clustered together and they hurt so much bdjeueheh

I just wanted to hop in to ask if you've maybe changed your toothpaste recently?? Once I got a new toothpaste and it gave me a bunch of canker sores 😭😭😭 I hope yours heal soon!!!
COVID-19 has gone too far now: Quality Street's manufacturer has citied it as the reason for removing the chocolate caramel brownie flavour. I just unwittingly ate a coconut flavour one. 😩
This one guy back in my old town keeps stealing my mom’s phones, and I got some strange texts from him. O___o
My allergy for strong fragrances/scents. Eurgh.

Also people who say they'll call 4.30-5 PM but it's now past 6 pm okay you could like, at least texted or called to say you can't? lol.
COVID-19 has gone too far now: Quality Street's manufacturer has citied it as the reason for removing the chocolate caramel brownie flavour. I just unwittingly ate a coconut flavour one. 😩

why am i actually saddened by this lol. i liked that flavour. :(

Also people who say they'll call 4.30-5 PM but it's now past 6 pm okay you could like, at least texted or called to say you can't? lol.

that’s literally my doctor every time i have to make a phone appointment with him. it’s ridiculous, especially since you’re unable to do some of the stuff you need/want to do bc you’re waiting for the phone to ring. 🤦🏻‍♀️
why am i actually saddened by this lol. i liked that flavour. :(
It is devastating. I was so upset I tossed it aside and started on a box of Thorntons instead.

...I swear I'm going to be 300lbs by the end of leave.
My mum drove past a PCR testing centre today and said it was the busiest she’s ever seen it. Yet the government have just announced they’ll be NO new restrictions until after the New Year. England is now the only part of the UK not to implement any new restrictions to help curb the rising number of infections thanks to Omicron variant of COVID. 🤦🏼‍♀️
that’s literally my doctor every time i have to make a phone appointment with him. it’s ridiculous, especially since you’re unable to do some of the stuff you need/want to do bc you’re waiting for the phone to ring. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Yeah exactly, I mean I guess dr's are busy but this is not even business or professional errands so it's like, it's past 7 pm and you never called, good grief lol.
just accidentally dropped the freezer door on the back of my head, just behind my ear. doesn't really hurt, but this is the second time i've whacked my head in a few weeks, and i always worry i've given myself a brain bleed or something rip.