What's Bothering You?

Got like zero rest this night and I want to sleep so badly, but don't want to waste the whole day sleeping šŸ™ƒ
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Ahahah, I just realised that I wrote pretty much the same just after you šŸ˜†
ngl I'm just gonna get the sleep I need today, don't wanna spend the whole day tired and exhausted. I would rather wake up late and feel somewhat refreshed.

now my neck is bothering me, and by neck I mean my upper spine actually hurts. idk what I did but now I can't move my head down without it hurting lol rip
really want to go to taco bell but I guess they decided serving breakfast would be a good idea and they don't start serving lunch til like 11 so that's cool šŸ™‚

seriously I hate when places like that don't start serving lunch stuff til like after 10:30a there were so many times in college when I just wanted regular food and they were like "haha we have fried eggs and other crap here til 11" (I can't eat fried eggs) so I just had to go hungry lol
really want to go to taco bell but I guess they decided serving breakfast would be a good idea and they don't start serving lunch til like 11 so that's cool šŸ™‚

seriously I hate when places like that don't start serving lunch stuff til like after 10:30a there were so many times in college when I just wanted regular food and they were like "haha we have fried eggs and other crap here til 11" (I can't eat fried eggs) so I just had to go hungry lol
yeah that stuff is dumb, at least include regular lunch food early even if it's like a few bucks more than lunch price?
A friend challenged me to name a Taylor Swift song for every letter of the alphabet and I couldn't come up with Q, X, or Z because there aren't taylor songs that start with those letters :( so embarrassing
New Years approaching always has me feeling sorta bad. There's just so much pressure for self-improvement lumped on to this time of year.
Currently running a low-grade fever. My whole body aches and my throat is killing me. But I still have to go into work, as long as my fever isn't 100 or higher. :^/

My job lowkey stinks sometimes.
I feel you.. I was sick 2 weeks ago, tested negative for the flu AND covid. I finally started feeling better and then I get sick AGAIN?! Like... -w-
I hope you feel better soon! ;v;
Ughh I'm really not sure if my grandparents got Covid over Christmasā€”my grandfather was sick Christmas Eve and my grandmother got the same symptoms two days later. :/ There's not a lot of tests available so they're uncertain, but for some reason decided to hang out with our other relatives anyway. I'm very relieved that we decided against visiting them again this year, but it's still got me worried about them and everyone they've been in contact with over the past several days.
New Years approaching always has me feeling sorta bad. There's just so much pressure for self-improvement lumped on to this time of year.
I know how you feel. I hate the pressure of feeling like you have to celebrate New Years with a huge party of some sorts. Then factor in everyone declaring their overly ambitious ā€œnew year, new meā€ resolutions as well. Talk about a lot of pressure when all you want to do is just get through life one day at a time especially during a never-ending pandemic.
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I've said before that I like the snow but I wanna take that back cause I can't get my car out and none of the residential streets are salted or scrapped.
New Years approaching always has me feeling sorta bad. There's just so much pressure for self-improvement lumped on to this time of year.
I've aimed low. Started flossing every day as a resolution a while back. The next year I added mouthwash. This year I'm cutting back a little on sugar. Replacing my yogurt and soda with low sugar versions.
One of my "friends" that I was getting close to suddenly called my dog gay and has never talked to me since. What's his problem? Things were going absolutely wonderfully, sharing stuff about our family, exploring each other's music tastes and sharing experiences with the books we like, then out of nowhere "Your dog looks pretty gay" and gone for a week. What the heck?
Okay, so in High School my arm was grabbed by two different girls; one during my freshmen year, and the other during my sophomore year. I donā€™t like being touched that way by strangers, so I shook them off. As it turns out they both had crushes on me and were hurt by what I did. One flipped me off regularly after my rejection, while the other gossiped to her friends that I was ā€œjerk.ā€

They touched me without my consent and they became nasty when I rejected them. I shouldnā€™t feel ashamed for what I did, and yet I still feel guilty for not giving them a chance. Itā€™s been years, but it still bothers me sometimes (partially because I ran into one of them the other day and she rolled her eyes). Should I feel this way?
Okay, so in High School my arm was grabbed by two different girls; one during my freshmen year, and the other during my sophomore year. I donā€™t like being touched that way by strangers, so I shook them off. As it turns out they both had crushes on me and were hurt by what I did. One flipped me off regularly after my rejection, while the other gossiped to her friends that I was ā€œjerk.ā€

They touched me without my consent and they became nasty when I rejected them. I shouldnā€™t feel ashamed for what I did, and yet I still feel guilty for not giving them a chance. Itā€™s been years, but it still bothers me sometimes (partially because I ran into one of them the other day and she rolled her eyes). Should I feel this way?
The girl you ran into seems pretty childish. I'm not sure how long ago this was, but if you're both my age, she should have been able to move on by now.
If you didn't have feelings for them, why lie that you did? Let's say, one day, you two were dating, yet since you lied about your feelings, it was a one sided relationship. One day you decided to reveal yourself and say that you lied about having feelings. This would most likely cause serious emotional damage to the girl involved. It might have brought them trust issues, and they wouldn't be able to be more open at first to their future partner.
I say what you did was the right thing. You respected your boundaries and didn't lie, which is a green flag in my book.
My computer is not working today but I need get things done on itā€¦ Iā€™ve been in a cycle of restarting it and waiting for hours now. Even when it is on itā€™s not responsive. Some days itā€™s just like thisā€¦ I donā€™t know what to do.

Iā€™m worried about losing everything on the computer. My coworker told me I should ask the company about having them give me a laptop. I was nervous to before, but having such difficulties shows me that I really need to get on that.