What's Bothering You?

im so impatient lol, I know a seller on Mercari has 3 days to ship an item but these people have already had me waiting almost 2 days and I hate waiting for mail orders like this. when I sell stuff I always ship it within 24 hours, I know it's unrealistic to expect everyone to do that as well but it would be nice if I at least got a heads up or smth lol.
Mood, especially when it's not even ads on those sites but actual stores but yet thy pile up content on instagram LOL.
Hey, Shellzilla. I’ve been taking a break from this thread, but I will reply to this.

I’m really sorry your family doesn’t believe in the vaccine shots. It’s kind of ridiculous with all the science behind it. And it’s especially ridiculous when there’s been other pandemics in the past in the world, and no one was as afraid of vaccines as they are now. It especially annoys me when people bring politics into it. This isn’t about politics or anything else, it’s about people’s HEALTH. Theoretically, if everyone started getting a new type of “flu,” but there was a vaccine to prevent it, would you refrain from getting the vaccine? NO! You wouldn’t, because it’s a basic procedure that has close to, if not 0%, chance of killing you. It just disgusts me that people are so divided on this when it’s such a basic concept.

As for the job hunt, all I can say about that is to not give up. I’ve sent in dozens upon dozens of applications within the past year+, and been rejected from all of them at some point in the interview process. I have a part-time job right now, however, and I also sent in an application for a company I have a reference for. There’s always the chance they could move me forward in the hiring process, but even if they don’t, I have other companies in mind. So yeah, don’t give up, because you never know what might happen.

Lastly, I completely understand feeling burnt out on your hobbies and passions. I’ve felt much the same recently. Not much I can say as advice there, other than try to find one that’s stress-free that you also enjoy, at least until you’re interested in your other ones again.

I hope you’re doing okay, and I wish you a good rest of your week. 💚
Thanks for the reply, Midoriya, and thanks for just snipping the post. I've been trying to stay away from this thread as well especially since we've just entered 2022, but I've reached my breaking point that I had to let off some steam.

I sometimes wonder about the mindset of some people trying to push their misleading message across and yet, self contradicting themselves. And since we're all still in a pandemic, you'd think those in power would do a better job. But nope, they're being incompetent as per usual and tanking the livelihoods of many people. Politics in general can just get in the bin. For the job hunt, it is tough for me to find one. I don't know what's worse, handing in the resume and not hearing back or going through the interview phase and not getting the job. But you're right, I shouldn't give up at all. Maybe it's just not meant to happen and that there's a job out there that's better for me. As for my hobbies and passions, I'm actually not burnt out. It's just that the severity of my situation is so bad that I simply cannot ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.

I'm most likely going to delete the said post so I can do my best to move on and power through my struggles. Thanks for hearing me out and I appreciate it wholeheartedly. 💙
it's been almost 2 months since I applied at the local craft store and I still don't know if they can hire me. I really want to work part-time but pretty much all the other jobs in the area require experience that I don't have or I'm really not comfortable working at. but I feel so useless with no income. really wish the library would open up a part-time position.
I just dealt with two losses and I'm really tired.
@Shoutarous Yeah, I don't think I've seen you around the forums/chatted, but situations like that can be really exhausting. When you can, get some rest and be sure to take care of yourself. 2020-2021 was overwhelming for me, for matters I won't really delve upon, but I felt trapped and didn't really give myself the self-care/help that I needed.
on my third period within the space of a month, and it's lasted almost two weeks so far. thought the pill was supposed to put a stop to it, not triple it 😒
You ever get hit with the thought that you'll never be the person you want to be?

anyways, uhh haven't heard from a school counselor in a bit about things and I'm getting antsy lmao
I've so much work to do today and I'm just sat around waiting for other people to be ready.
it's been almost 2 months since I applied at the local craft store and I still don't know if they can hire me. I really want to work part-time but pretty much all the other jobs in the area require experience that I don't have or I'm really not comfortable working at. but I feel so useless with no income. really wish the library would open up a part-time position.
Wow, I'm sorry your libraries seem that closed, one way or the other. I mean it's really hard getting part-time no proper librarian education positions here but been lucky working as an assistant here so I really hope you can find some place that accepts you!
Just me rambling about my rabbit again, don't mind me I know I've been bringing her up a lot.
Well it's been 2 days since my rabbit passed and I still haven't been able to clean up her little area. It's my last piece of her and there's tuffs of her white fur everywhere. I grabbed one and put it in a jar which is kinda weird but it was so soft and it reminds me of petting her. I really should clean up though cause her rabbit poops are still in the litter box. The little piles look like Nesquik cereal lmao.
getting real tired of youtube constantly giving me vegan (or, more specifically, "anti-meat") adverts. if you want to be vegan, go for it, it's none of my business, but i hate being shamed for eating meat as if i don't already have an iron deficiency lmao, not that people should be required to have a reason for eating it beyond "it tastes good" anyway.
getting real tired of youtube constantly giving me vegan (or, more specifically, "anti-meat") adverts. if you want to be vegan, go for it, it's none of my business, but i hate being shamed for eating meat as if i don't already have an iron deficiency lmao, not that people should be required to have a reason for eating it beyond "it tastes good" anyway.
Yeah some aimed **** really grinds my gears especially the stuff I get over at instagram. luckily i got adblocker for youtube since i mainly use it on laptopbut yeah the mobile ads I get ughhghhg.