What's Bothering You?

We lost a good coworker today because of dumb decisions from our management. He told them how stressed he was TWICE about his current position and gave signs of him leaving if they didn't move him back to our side of the department. They told him this week on Monday he would be back over with us, but ended up giving him more **** to do with the current accounts and he ended up walking out because of it. I am just really, really angry. He was a great guy and it takes awhile to train someone. Guess who is going to have to train the next person to? We are! This is only giving me the encouragement I need to find another job but man am I just not looking forward to the process of it.
You know what I'm just gonna say it... I'm mildly disappointed in the snowman collectible options we ended up getting. This is of course down to personal preference, but the decorations are kinda sparsely used, and the themes are questionable (still trying to figure out what 2, 6 and 9 are supposed to represent). Also, why are there two buff snowman options when we could have had something much different? I don't like how they used the same decoration from the same users on multiple snowmen when there's already not a lot on each and there were so many entries by other users that were excellent and fitting. I like snowangel the best but it looks kinda bland with nothing on the bod. Like so many people made angel-themed decorations and that harp one would have fit perfectly. Instead, the harp was used in option two, where it almost entirely covers the bow? And I think it's funny how togepi snowman is literally just that, but option 9 has like fifteen things on it.

Not knocking the staff if that's genuinely what they like but I lament all the entries that went unused. I also got a little too attached to the idea of a snowkitty with all the cat ears and the tail and bow we had but that's on me lol. If it doesn't end up being snowangel I'll have to sell my collectible though because I just have zero interest in the other stuff.
Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.
Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.
So sorry to hear that. My pet Rabbit Fluffy died back in 2017. She was struggling to breath and she didn't breath. After the day she died my mom buried her in the backyard. She was devastated since she loved Fluffy as much I did.
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Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.

oh god, oak, i’m so sorry. sending lots of love and virtual hugs your way. 💔
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So sorry to hear that. My pet Rabbit Fluffy died back in 2017. She was struggling to breath and she didn't breath. After the day she died my mom buried her in the backyard. She was devastated since she loved Fluffy as much I did.
oh god, oak, i’m so sorry. sending lots of love and virtual hugs your way. 💔
Thanks you guys ❤
idk what the deal is, and there isn't much logic to my thinking, but I just really don't like my own art. I compare myself to other artists a lot and idk I'm just not content with the way I draw and shade. and bc I have no emotional permanence, even if someone tells me one time that my art is good I start to think otherwise a few short days later 🙃

so like I really want to draw an old character of mine but I have so little faith in my art skill that I don't even feel like trying. I want it to be as good as it can be and I just don't know if I can do it without being dissatisfied again 😢

Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.
awh poor baby, I'm so sorry to hear about that oak. losing a pet is so hard 😔💔
Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.
I’m deeply sorry for your loss and I hope you’re doing ok.
awh poor baby, I'm so sorry to hear about that oak. losing a pet is so hard 😔💔
Thank you, she was quite the big presence in our house.

I’m deeply sorry for your loss and I hope you’re doing ok.
Thanks Totoroki. It hasn't hit me yet but I feel okay knowing she lived with us for 6 good years after being born on a meat farm.
emailed the woman i had my therapy assessment with just after christmas, asking if it was possible for me to switch to something other than CBT, since i'm now pretty certain it won't work for me, but haven't heard back. i'm too anxious to email again in case it's too soon or i come across as impatient/rude. maybe i just didn't send it right? i don't know. gmail wouldn't let me reply directly to the last email she sent me, it just kept showing me my original response, and i had to kind of reply that way. maybe i'll have to copy out the email address and resend it, but i also don't want to look like a moron sending the same email twice. uggghh.
not looking forward to school starting again and im afraid they might make us go virtual again :'c
I have mixed feelings about going home in a couple days. On one hand, I miss being able to catch up with friends at any moment and miss the good times with family. On the other hand, I really won't miss the bad times with family (I.e. my dad and his multitude of issues). It's kind of bittersweet I guess.
my tooth hurts so bad and i’ve already taken more than the recommended dose of tylenol. my dentist appointment today really can’t come fast enough.
I'm upset and kinda scared because there is still no answer to when I can see my dentist again. I don't want to keep waiting with cavities this bad but there is nothing I can do about it. I'm not the one who pays for insurance.
emailed the woman i had my therapy assessment with just after christmas, asking if it was possible for me to switch to something other than CBT, since i'm now pretty certain it won't work for me, but haven't heard back. i'm too anxious to email again in case it's too soon or i come across as impatient/rude. maybe i just didn't send it right? i don't know. gmail wouldn't let me reply directly to the last email she sent me, it just kept showing me my original response, and i had to kind of reply that way. maybe i'll have to copy out the email address and resend it, but i also don't want to look like a moron sending the same email twice. uggghh.
Rule of thumb for me is if it's been a week, a follow up email wouldn't hurt. It's possible she is still on some kind of extended vacation due to the holidays. Has it been a week? I've waited at least a week to follow up with messages with all sorts of things, but health related issues are kind of more up there.

@xara I've been meaning to comment on your posts about your situation. It's really great that you were able to get a earlier schedule. Your health is no joke and shouldn't be taken lightly so I'm glad it's being taken care of as soon as possible/today. I hope you feel better later today!

@oak I'm sorry for your loss. I had to put down my cat years ago when he got cancer and I still miss him. I know how rough it can be.
douchebag brother ate my last yogurt (or gave it to his girlfriend, who knows at this point) even though i hid it, and i'm so annoyed. really tempted to just, like, take and hide his darts or whatever game is currently in his xbox so he can learn that actions have consequences. also, my mom and sister went shopping (i assume) without telling me, and neither one took their phone, so i can't even call and ask for more + anything else i need. imagine if i was in serious danger or in hospital or something while their phones are just sitting unattended on the couch for 2 hours, like ????
Well my rabbit Anastasia passed away. Apparently she had suffered a stroke which caused her symptoms. I couldn't let her suffer so we made the choice to put her down.
im so sorry for your loss oak. 🖤 thats a really hard decision to make

decided im quitting my job for a number of reasons but the last straw being harassed by my boss almost every single day since ive been out sick. i really loved the job but my boss (department head) has really developing a pattern of disrespect towards me and obligation to work more than i was ever hired to. im the only other person in the department, so i get her stress but im minimum wage and was hired part-time. still working full-time hours most weeks since being hired for some reason. i know its my fault for not establishing enough boundaries but i just gave and gave because i liked the job and i cant deal with her being rude to me on top of it.

just waiting to text her back now. i never wanted to leave a job this way so i feel really guilty and sad, but i just cant put up with her treating me like this. i think ill have enough money to make next months rent, so thats good. i dont understand why employers want to suck up every last part of your soul until you have nothing left. its not a great way to retain employees. my only solace is that the last person in my position (which they cant seem to fill since my boss was hired as director a few months ago) also quit abruptly and said they wouldnt come in another day. at least everyone is looking to hire right now so i should be able to at least find something stable to pay the bills while i look for something more ideal. i never wanted a part-time job so attached to my life. i just want to work my hours and get my paycheck and then focus on the rest of my life which is what i actually care about.