What's Bothering You?

i can easily tell what my supervisor thinks of most of the staff at work, even my work friends easily, but i can't tell what he thinks of me, and it's bothering me because he acts so quiet around me. not quiet in a calm way, but quiet in a very awkward way. and it's weird that when we do the individual staff catch-ups, he so far always finds a way to bring up the two former employees that i got along with, and it just is weird.
hey, xara, i don't know if you want people to reply to this, and i don't know what tests your vet(s) did exactly, but since you've said they're not even 6 months yet, is there any chance that even one of them produced a false positive due to inheriting fiv antibodies from their mother? these don't usually go away until 6 months and over, and tests can't usually distinguish between the two. since you said one of them is more progressed, maybe you and/or your vet has already considered this, but i figured i'd maybe mention it anyway. of course if your vet is sure it isn't a false positive and they do genuinely have the virus, i'm really sorry -- i can't imagine what you must be going through. my DMs are always open even if you just want to vent without a reply. there's no judgement here. i know how difficult it is to lose cats.
Hey Xara, I'm sorry you got this shocking news. I hope your vet told you that some cats live full long lifes with FIV, just like any human with HIV. My friend adopted a kitten with FIV and she hasn't gotten sick once in years. I'm sure your vet told you the worst possible outcome but just remember there is hope. I know how deeply you love your cats though so I'm sorry about their diagnosis.
oh no xara, I'm so sorry to hear about this. that's absolutely devastating. I'll definitely be keeping you in my thoughts, I wish there was some way I could just take away all your pain 😭

edit: just read others' messages above. I'll be hoping that at least one of them can make it. I don't know much about it myself because I've never had a cat with that problem. best we can do is hope that they live good lives no matter how long they're here.

thank you guys so much. both kittens are asleep right now and are doing relatively okay, but mazikeen’s belly is full of fluid (visibly so) and she is also a bit lethargic and moving slowly. she is most definitely sick, but alize is thankfully still asymptomatic. we’ll hopefully be speaking to our vet sometime today, and will be getting a second opinion as well. thank you guys again for responding; i really appreciate it. ❤

My girlfriend of whom I lived in/with for 16 years passed away a few days ago...

god. i’m so so sorry. i can’t even imagine the pain you must be in right now. sending lots of love and virtual hugs your way. 💔

Tested positive for Covid, feeling very rough and can't fall asleep ☹

oh no! i’m so sorry. i hope you feel better soon, and that you’re able to get some sleep. :(
apparently my grandpa may have covid and he's not doing so well. my mom told me that if he goes into some kind of arrest the nurses aren't allowed to bring him out of it because he already has so many other health issues and dementia.

I guess if he goes then he won't be in any pain/suffering anymore, but it still makes me so upset 😭
thank you guys so much. both kittens are asleep right now and are doing relatively okay, but mazikeen’s belly is full of fluid (visibly so) and she is also a bit lethargic and moving slowly. she is most definitely sick, but alize is thankfully still asymptomatic. we’ll hopefully be speaking to our vet sometime today, and will be getting a second opinion as well. thank you guys again for responding; i really appreciate it. ❤

will mazikeen be going back to the vet for the fluid? hopefully they're okay !! whether it's a symptom of the FIV or something they've caught because of a weakened immune system (or maybe something else entirely and this is bad timing), it can probably be treated, and it takes several severe illnesses before an FIV-positive cat is in serious trouble <3
oh no! i’m so sorry. i hope you feel better soon, and that you’re able to get some sleep. :(

Thank you Xara ❤

Also I really hope you get some positive news from the vets, as others have said many cats can live long lives with FIV and I really hope that will be the same case for your lovely little kitties. It's good to hear that Alize is asymptomatic but really sorry about Mazikeen, as daringred has said it could potentially be from something else and can hopefully be treated, I really hope they're okay and the vets are able to help.
I'm so sorry you're going through all this, after everything else you've been through this is just so unfair, if you ever want to talk or even just rant I'm always happy to listen and give any support. Sending bug hugs to you and your lovely kittens ❤
People who sit and tell detailed family story stuff that maybe one person in the company knows about, like hello we're 2-3 other people who couldn't care less about the same **** you tell every day, like we heard that stuff like thrice the least, we're sorry but it's like, can you talk about something else lol.
my mini-fridge kicked the bucket. not sure how long it's been down for, but i went to get a yogurt, and the whole thing was room temperature -- green light on the back was flashing and making a beeping sound. tried taking the back off and dusting it out (it was really dusty), but the two bolts were insanely rusty, so i think it was just knackered. had to order a new one for £40 f.
ONCE A-****ING-GAIN, my parents have zero respect of my privacy and went throu my stuff. For the third time that I'm aware of atleast.

I was at work and my mom was looking for a specific pair of her pants. Instead of texting me or just wearing different pants, she had the BRILLIANT idea to go throu my clothes to try to find it.

Here's the part that prob gets me the most. She doesn't use common sense. I just put away ALL my clothes. Everything. Everythin in the dryer, everythin in the chair that I pile all my clean clothes on cause I am a procrastinator, any clean or dirty clothing is in its proper place. She knows this, and I know she knows I did all that cause she made a comment about it. I already was looking for a shirt of hers that may have gotten mixed up in my laundry, but after looking in my closet and pile, I did not find it and I told her that. I was ALREADY looking for clothing that wasn't mine. If I had her ****in pants, I wound have given them to her.

But God FORBID that I did that to them, if I went sifting throu their stuff to find somethin of mine. They would throw a damn fit. I can't pet the dog in their room without them asking me what I'm doing. The hypocrisy.

Also the transformer outside keeps trying to blow so it keeps flickering the power. I've lost count around five.
went for my booster jab after work.. went well and everything but feeling the effects now and feel nauseas. it's already 11:30pm so probably best to head to bed and see how I feel in the morning
why does finding a part-time that suits my needs/accommodations have to be so ****ing hard, I honest to god feel like crying out of frustration right about now 😭😭
I really don’t want to do fills for my job right now. I haven’t been feeling my best and I’m already at 43 hours a week of permanent hours. So when I showed up to my Tuesday/ Wednesday and they don’t answer the door even though I know they are home. Im more than ok with that because I don’t want the hours and I’m tired of being sick so much lately. I’m tired of being tired. I should be allowed to say no I don’t want to without the office people getting irritated with me.
I realized that on January 30th I have "8:50-15:00 no water" (i think, it's messy) written down and I have no clue what this could mean.

It could be a doctor's appointment but it seems too long and I normally don't have to make appts that far in advance. I can't think of any events it could be either.

I've had this planner for almost a year so it's possible I wrote it down months prior thinking it was a different month. I have no recollection of this.

I'm at a loss. Any ideas? I tried searching my emails but nothing came up. There's an information session for volunteering that day I'd like to go to if possible.
Lost 4hrs of work and needed to redo it. I need it for tomorrow morning so couldn't even take the time to destress first. Now it's done I'm not even happy but rather just feel drained.
Idiot government putting on new restrictions they've had 2 years planning so they wouldn't have to do them, nor do they make any use or support businesses for it. Big fat sigh.

Also public transport where I live is the worst handled **** ever, guess that happens when you let right-wing people decide over that.
I realized that on January 30th I have "8:50-15:00 no water" (i think, it's messy) written down and I have no clue what this could mean.

It could be a doctor's appointment but it seems too long and I normally don't have to make appts that far in advance. I can't think of any events it could be either.

I've had this planner for almost a year so it's possible I wrote it down months prior thinking it was a different month. I have no recollection of this.

I'm at a loss. Any ideas? I tried searching my emails but nothing came up. There's an information session for volunteering that day I'd like to go to if possible.
My first thought would be a doctor's appointment too. It would be either something that you're getting anesthesia for, though even still, you can usually have water up to 2-3 hours beforehand. Or it could be something like a blood glucose test (oddly specific example, I know lol) where they don't want you to eat or drink anything beforehand. Though I feel that you'd remember if you had either of those types of appointments scheduled...

Other than that, I have no clue! Would you have set a random water fasting time for a personal health reason or goal? Instead of a fast from food, a fast from water?