What's Bothering You?

First the shooting in my own state and then this... this nation is really headed in the wrong direction. Yikes.
What's happened now?!

I wish I've been more successful with money, and had more independence. Others do respect me, but I feel I should just be a bigger person by now.
Feeling cold when it's summer. Like I hate feeling cold in winter too but summer shouldnt be a thing.
Can't sleep but at least I did relax some earlier today.
And it's bothersome when people try to make something a bigger deal than it really is or they try to make it something it isn't.
Also, multiple society/global stuff is bothering me but I don't foresee that stuff improving.
And earlier today, it was mentioned by our leader that they are prepping for a second pandemic and it's bothering me that more details wasn't given beyond that. Like, what is on the radar? Covid junk or monkey pox? Something else? And what prepping is being done exactly?
I think my meds stopped working. I've felt absolutely horrible today, as I have been for almost 2 months now, and it really isn't getting any better. I'm back to resenting my life. I don't want to have to try yet another antidepressant, ive already been through this so many times. wish I could just be normal and depression free.
I know I've already complained here today but I'm still so angry. Like I feel anger coursing through my veins. The SCOTUS decision is going to kill so many people. Including those who WANT to have their child, but for whatever medical reason they cannot, and now they won't be able to get the abortion they need to save their own life. Not everyone can afford to feed themselves, let alone a child.. so many children are going to suffer. And there's no universal healthcare, no free daycare, inflation is rampant, college tuition is insane... And not everyone wants to be a mother. You can't force someone to keep their child, you can't force someone to love their child. Not everyone has that in them.

I just don't get how they can do this. It's not right. It's evil, it's corrupt, it's barbaric. The Supreme Court is supposed to be neutral. This is not neutral. At all.

I wish I could be there protesting right now, though I feel like protesting at this point doesn't do what it used to. Everything else seems so trivial compared to this. And now they'll probably go after gay marriage, gay rights, contraception, etc.

Like.. do I even bother renewing my US passport at this point? I'd love to be able to visit my family but I am so enraged by this.
I’m feeling kind of lonely but I really want to try and sleep for the next two hours before I get up again. I just feel snotty right now.
Oh boy, the Roe v. Wade thing.

I'm not from America, but hoo boy am I from a place where abortion has never been legal in the first place. The US basically overturning this not only spells disaster for the country, but it means that my side of the world is going to be even less inclined to allow abortion, because now they can pull out the "America made abortion illegal, so why should we here it legal here then?" card. This decision is so dangerous not only because of its effects on biological women, but other places might follow in their footsteps and make abortion illegal, too. It might snowball into a larger disaster for biological women everywhere.

It breaks my heart to see how much more unsafe things are going to be from now on from people in the US. To echo what I read from a post, banning abortion won't stop women from getting them; it will only put them at even greater risks of complications or even death. It feels suffocating having to live in a place where other people have a right to your own body and choices, things that don't even affect anyone but the woman involved.

Sometimes it's tiring being a woman in this day and age.

Also, a few things I'm annoyed at (unrelated to the above):
- Professor just sent in a requirement earlier at 8 pm. It is due 12 nn the next day. God why would you schedule a deadline and not even give us 24 hours to do it?
- I'm having acid reflux again, it hurts. I shouldn't have eaten too much today.
- I'm sleepy. I have other papers to do, too. I kinda wanna rest but I can't.
First the shooting in my own state and then this... this nation is really headed in the wrong direction. Yikes.
I’m so sorry for what has happened in your state. This decision they made is dangerous.
All the political news thats been coming out of America in the last 24 hours, the story of the Handmaid Tale's really is coming true right now for women and their right to choose freely and it's down right scary.
It is terrifying what they are doing. It makes me so worried about what other decisions they will try and overturn.

dare i explain

I've had a headache nonstop for like 3 days now.

also tired of being broke all the time, this is why I hate buying things cause times like now we need the money and I just feel an immense amount of guilt for spending any amount of money on myself.

also also need to find out the process for applying for disability but it's such a daunting task and I'm already stressed abt all the work I'm gonna be doing this coming week so I don't even want to think about it 😓
i absolutely don’t want to step on anyone’s toes by saying this since i live in canada, but roe v. wade being overturned is one of the ugliest, most horrifying things i’ve heard in a long time. they go feral and start frothing at the mouth at the mere thought of having their guns, a weapon that has killed billions, taken away, but they wanna call it pro-life when they dictate what a woman can and can’t do with her own body? i don’t think they realize how truly dangerous it is to force a woman to keep a pregnancy, to become a mom, or what lengths some women will go to to terminate a pregnancy if they can’t rely on their country to allow them to do so safely. backstreet abortions, drugs, self-inflicted injuries in hopes of inducing a miscarriage. they just sentenced so many women to their potential death. it’s sickening.

i may not live on american land, but i still stand with you. this absolutely will not stand. i’m so sorry.
I went to my doctors appointment this morning and my car wouldn't start after so I called the roadside assistance place. Then the guy showed up and my car started no problem so I looked kinda stupid. At least my car is worked but idk why it had that hiccup. Poor car is getting old. I have been driving it for over a decade now so that's to be expected I guess.
I am repulsive and should disappear ; ; also I learned that breweries are just as scary and alienating as I thought
just when I think my life couldn't get any worse, I'm seriously on the brink of checking myself into a behavioral hospital. I can't deal with this anymore. I'm so tired of living this life. it clearly wasn't meant for me.