What's Bothering You?

I'm really sorry to hear that. I think you said somewhere that this was your first relationship? If you want to talk about it, I'm happy to listen. I've 16yrs dating experience under my belt (all genders) and 6yrs advising young people on relationships and sexual health.
to be honest there are so many parts to this equation and it's pretty complicated (which is a big reason why I'm so overwhelmed), I've talked to my mom and a friend abt it quite a bit so I don't feel like I really need to get anything off my chest. I really appreciate the gesture though 🥺💞
not looking forward about going to school tomorrow especially because i must attend my least favorite class, chemistry. i dislike the teacher tbh but i hate the subject in general. im also not looking forward to math, it’s such a boring class and im missing like 5 years worth of the fundamentals so i don’t understand a thing.
I also keep getting recommendations on YouTube for edgy videos like “I’m too ugly to get a girlfriend.” Why am I getting this garbage? All I watch are videos on languages, video games, books, psychology, and geography. Does anyone else get terrible recommendations on videos that have nothing to do with what you watch?
I also keep getting recommendations on YouTube for edgy videos like “I’m too ugly to get a girlfriend.” Why am I getting this garbage? All I watch are videos on languages, video games, books, psychology, and geography. Does anyone else get terrible recommendations on videos that have nothing to do with what you watch?
They'll either be targeting what they've assumed your age group and gender to fall under, or it may be linked to your interest in psychology.
I feel like I'm going to throw up for no good reason. My stomach is not feeling good.
i was complaining about this yesterday but i hate how i have three classes that all involve math. i literally do not understand a thing that is going on, i have a tutor but nothing really sticks because i am missing a lot of the fundamentals. i can probably only do up to early 6th grade math, im not even joking, this is because i have never really applied myself to math and because i have zero attention skills. i don’t know where to even begin catching up.
i was complaining about this yesterday but i hate how i have three classes that all involve math. i literally do not understand a thing that is going on, i have a tutor but nothing really sticks because i am missing a lot of the fundamentals. i can probably only do up to early 6th grade math, im not even joking, this is because i have never really applied myself to math and because i have zero attention skills. i don’t know where to even begin catching up.
Ask your teacher to advise you on a specific area or some exercises to start with. Teachers are often happy to help students who are keen to start applying themselves and improve.
my phone broke again and even though my parents are the best people ever i still feel like i failed them :(
been having a rough time mentally, and i got a pretty icky cold so i decided to skip school today which is nice but i'm still so stressed and sick. i hate getting sick but it happens to me so often because i have a weaker immune system than most with my long haul covid.
i just need a hug and a break from life. sleeping it off isn't fixing my problems like it used to.
Someone I’m not really close with and also gets on my nerves sometimes… his mom is really sick and not doing well. I feel bad for his mom, I really do. Well his apartment burned down and now they’re both staying in a hotel (that’s being paid for). I feel bad that I don’t feel as bad as others do. He lost some of his stuff. And it’s bothering me that I’m not even remotely as concerned as others. Maybe it’s because we aren’t close? Do I wish we were? I don’t know.
I’ve damaged my company Ute coming out of my driveway this morning 🤦‍♀️ At least I have a genuine reason to be in a crappy mood other than my own self loathing
Hope things get better and work out for you. Taking time off to heal is always good. I know that I'm not as well known as most of the others here, but feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.

Not that it's my place, but if you feel this way you should try to address it in some way. There's not much of any relation if this is the case. I wouldn't even consider them a friend if you're not even an afterthought to them.
My knee is in agony. No clue what I've done to it. No swelling, so been lying down for the past ~4hrs hours with a hot water bottle on the affected area while I play the PS5. Sleeping is going to be a challenge tonight.
Family already getting whipped up about the holidays 🙄 it is still the beginning of October...
I just... Would rather do other things.
Is it bad that I'd rather not go visit family?
I don't have anything to say, and they complain I don't participate in conversing but my interests are boring or pointless to them or I say something that upsets others. especially when they bring up a topic that they themselves don't like. I have to sit there for hours waiting for stuff to end basically because if I bring something to do, it is seen as rude and I get that but... If I don't stay for hours and hours that is also considered a problem yet I don't understand why 2-3 hours isn't enough visiting time. Especially when you are just sitting there. I just... Can't wait till Feb when holidays are done and a chunk of birthday demands are done too.