What's Bothering You?

My boss won't let me finish early before our Christmas shutdown. We close on the 23rd of December, and I ideally want to go back home before then so that a. If my flights get cancelled/delayed then I have a few days buffer and b. I can get Christmas shopping done in time because shopping is crap here and I don't want to fill my suitcase with gifts. I don't know if my boss or my boss's boss are sympathetic enough to give me more time off 😔
Why is one person’s unnecessary comment ruining my whole night? I don’t even like the person (and he’s not particularly fond of me either), but it’s bothering me for some reason.
That friend that I mentioned the other day has been treating me very differently ever since they broke up with their partner. They quit reacting to my messages with hearts and they quit liking all of my social media posts. I know it’s just because they’re sad over the breakup, but I’m paranoid they don’t like me anymore…
That friend that I mentioned the other day has been treating me very differently ever since they broke up with their partner. They quit reacting to my messages with hearts and they quit liking all of my social media posts. I know it’s just because they’re sad over the breakup, but I’m paranoid they don’t like me anymore…
People are often more wary of coming across as available or mistakenly giving the impression that they're interested when they're single. It won't mean that they like you any less.
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faintly worried about my cat. she's 13-ish and in good health, from what i can tell, except for one thing. a few weeks ago, she took a tumble from my desk, and when anyone touched a specific place on either of her hips she would hiss/meow. i gave her some unused pain medicine i had from one of her last vet visits, and it seemed to help. i didn't think she'd broken anything because she was still walking, running, jumping and playing just fine. after a few weeks, it seems to be hurting her again? sometimes when she gets up in a weird way, she meows/hisses like she's in pain, but i have no idea what might be causing it. maybe she has a specific fracture or something that means she's otherwise perfectly mobile unless she twists around in a certain way, i'm not sure. i can't afford to take her to the vet right now though >< if it's still going on when i get paid soon, i definitely will though.
People at work who handles meetings need to sort out who gets invited and when. Like unless I'm actually supposed to be there stop inviting me for reals, I have better things to do lol and I can always read the notes. Wrong kind of "inclusion", buds.
I just remembered I have a solo competition in two weeks that I've barely practiced for, and everyone is expecting me to do really well. And school is just... something that's for sure.
There was a guy with a gun in my town who robbed a bank (or tried to, I'm not sure which) and my old elementary school had a lockdown because of it. I don't think anyone got hurt and I wasn't even there when it happened, but it's just scary to think about I guess...
The DHL site is down, so I’m unable to authorize no signature delivery. It’s been down for a whole week. I don’t know what to do.
Never work as a poll worker if you have bad memory retention like me. I just came back from training, and I’m already stressing about making a mistake on election day.

I wonder if I can really handle this. It would be nice if I could.
Wound up in a complete depression kinda mood nothing has really been helping thinking about it. Cant muster any feelings. Also i badly bruised my leg just because i bumped into my bed (i bruise easily on my legs so im used to/cant feel but its bigger this time)
I'm really enjoying The Wheel of Time series so far but one problem I've noticed, at least w/ the editions of books I have, is there's the occasional grammar problem. Typos and whatnot. It's not a huge deal cause I can usually work out in my head what's supposed to be there but it is noticeable.
These freaking engineering designers man…doing my head in. Next time I’m doing a job and see that there’s a crap tonne of missing information I’m going to flag it up super early so that they don’t change the design on us when we’ve already got 20m of pipe and manholes in the ground 😐
My mom's plants catching white flies again (and some weird grey bug) so she really needs to throw em away.. :/
feeling very anxious. had an argument with my mother about an hour ago, and i just sent her an email telling her how i feel. i’m never able to get across what i want to say verbally, and she never seems to hear me that way, so figured i’d give writing a try. i wrote a lot of things that i’d never have the courage or ability to say to her face (nothing offensive) so i am... very anxious. i’ve never been this open with her and i’m terrified of her reaction. please wish me luck lol.
An essay I thought was due on Sunday is actually due today. The rubric doesn't mention how long the essay should be and there's not enough time to ask my professor. He doesn't accept late submissions either. I'm screwed. All I can do is guess it's the same length as the previous assignments and hope my grade turns out okay.. I'm honestly tempted to drop the class because my workload is still too much to handle.