What's the dumbest thing you hate about yourself?

Everything nags me once i notice it and until i forget about it, the worst one is my hair.
Probably my butt and thighs. Like they are not obese but they are really large compared to my other body parts and I'm not that static at work nor other times and I try to eat healthy so yeah they can die lol

SAME!!! I keep telling my mom I want to chop my hips and my ass. It literally ruins shirts/blouses that are longer since they make me look fat overall. Also looking for jeans in a total pain. I'm always taking at least 7-8 pairs in the changing rooms to only come out with 2 perfect fits.
SAME!!! I keep telling my mom I want to chop my hips and my ass. It literally ruins shirts/blouses that are longer since they make me look fat overall. Also looking for jeans in a total pain. I'm always taking at least 7-8 pairs in the changing rooms to only come out with 2 perfect fits.

Yeah, and since I love vintage dresses they are always too small around my butt and too large around my breasts like bruh. And dresses make my ass look even more fat in general ugh.

Feeling that jeans pain, idk how much time i spend on that anymore lol
My health and the doubt it creates for me in being able to pursue certain things for my future.
I hate my skin. I'm about to turn 40 and I still have acne and acne scars. When I was in high school, I got through it thinking that this won't last forever and one day it'll clear up. Here I am 20 years later and nope. I also have eczema so there's places on my skin that get dry and scaly no matter what I do. The area just from the base of my right index finger to the knuckle looks like an alligator's back even though I put medicated lotion on it multiple times a day.

But probably the dumbest thing that bothers me is that one of my ears is lower than the other. It's probably not even noticeable to most people, but ever since I saw it, it irritates me. I wear my hair down covering at least one ear and I don't wear long earrings anymore because that's what first drew my attention to it. It's silly but it bugs me.
Let's see if we're talking physical things then I'd say I hate the surgery scars on my right leg from when I broke that leg and needed to have it put back together with steel plates & screws that will be in there forever. That injury is why I'm disabled. If we're not talking physical then I'd say I hate one of my OCD issues the most. I have an issue were I can't have food touching unless it's a combined food - like tacos. If we have chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner I cannot have them all on my plate at once or if I have to for some reason (buffet or something) then they absolutely CANNOT be touching. I also separate food by colors - like M&Ms. Then the different colors can't be touching. I have no clue why the food can't be touching but it CAN'T. I literally cannot eat if the food is touching. People have sometimes watched me eat because they've caught me separating food & thought it was weird.
I have a really big nose. I look at my face in the mirror every day and think, "Wow, I could be really pretty if I didn't have this monstrosity of a nose." Honestly it's like an inch thick and looks horrible.
Let's see if we're talking physical things then I'd say I hate the surgery scars on my right leg from when I broke that leg and needed to have it put back together with steel plates & screws that will be in there forever. That injury is why I'm disabled. If we're not talking physical then I'd say I hate one of my OCD issues the most. I have an issue were I can't have food touching unless it's a combined food - like tacos. If we have chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner I cannot have them all on my plate at once or if I have to for some reason (buffet or something) then they absolutely CANNOT be touching. I also separate food by colors - like M&Ms. Then the different colors can't be touching. I have no clue why the food can't be touching but it CAN'T. I literally cannot eat if the food is touching. People have sometimes watched me eat because they've caught me separating food & thought it was weird.

I am the same way about not having my food touching. Those plates with the separators are wonderful, but sadly you can't really find those out at restaurants or anything. I never really thought about that being attributed to my OCD, but I guess it makes sense.

I also separate my M&Ms by color before I eat them and I only eat one color at a time.

People like to make fun of the way I eat, but they usually do it good-naturedly so I don't mind too much.
I hate that everything makes me cry and I CANNOT stop it.
Last year there was an someone that was horrible to me and I literally cried every day at the work place even though I didn’t want to. I went to see a therapist to learn how to control it lmao but it’s still really hard. I cried a lot as a kid too especially when I get intimidated by a teacher/someone in a position of power so I guess old habits die hard
I really don't like my posture, people say it's fine, but I think it's pretty crooked. Also, I don't really like my voice all the time as well, it's a bit on the deep side and is quite monotone so it can be hard for me to actually express my emotions through my voice.
I bump into everything.
Every morning I have a host of fresh bruises that I have no idea how I got.

Same, people always try to get me to show off my fugly teeth that never got corrected as they should so I look like a freaking cartoon 7 year old lol.

Also my high as **** forehead. it's not that bad now that i have short hair but the moment it gets framed by hair without me cutting bangs it makes me look like some eggman face :/

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Same, people always try to get me to show off my fugly teeth that never got corrected as they should so I look like a freaking cartoon 7 year old lol.

Also my high as **** forehead. it's not that bad now that i have short hair but the moment it gets framed by hair without me cutting bangs it makes me look like some eggman face :/
I can get sent into a full-on panic from the slightest negative provocation, I'm actually genuinely worried for my health because I've seen a lot of articles that imply that stress can really negatively effect immune function + speed up aging and the amount of stress I feel doesn't feel healthy. It's not a dumb issue but it's dumb of me to hate myself for it since I logically know my mental health isn't my fault.
I hate my teeth because they stick out noticeably because I need braces
I hate the acne scars on my face (acne’s completely gone tho)
I hate my nose because I think it looks big
So yeah I pretty much hate my entire face.
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