Let's see if we're talking physical things then I'd say I hate the surgery scars on my right leg from when I broke that leg and needed to have it put back together with steel plates & screws that will be in there forever. That injury is why I'm disabled. If we're not talking physical then I'd say I hate one of my OCD issues the most. I have an issue were I can't have food touching unless it's a combined food - like tacos. If we have chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner I cannot have them all on my plate at once or if I have to for some reason (buffet or something) then they absolutely CANNOT be touching. I also separate food by colors - like M&Ms. Then the different colors can't be touching. I have no clue why the food can't be touching but it CAN'T. I literally cannot eat if the food is touching. People have sometimes watched me eat because they've caught me separating food & thought it was weird.