in theatres: dracula untold, absolutely incredible
on tv/at home: oh man i watch movies 24/7 i think the last one i rewatched was your highness? i'm about to watch neighbors with my family right now. such a funny movie, rose byrne is a god.
Just watched Funny Face! I'm a ginormous Audrey Hepburn fan and I've been looking for this film for ages, but today just realized it was on Netflix. So good!
Just watched Funny Face! I'm a ginormous Audrey Hepburn fan and I've been looking for this film for ages, but today just realized it was on Netflix. So good!
the last movie I've seen was Frozen about a week ago. The least "new" movie I saw was Total Recall maybe 2-3 weeks ago. Yeah I know, it's not new, but i say that because it was my first time seeing it! nyah~