What's the last movie you've seen?

I saw Dogman, I loved it, it was so goofy, and funny. But also had alot of warmth, and emotion from it too. Really fun ride all the way around.

I told everyone who turned down my offer to see it that they missed out on a supa movie. 🐶
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I saw First Man,the story of Neil Armstrong's journey to become the first man on the moon.This movie has a bit of a somber tone compared to most movies about space flight but Neil Armstrong was kind of a somber guy.One of the advantages of being old is that I was alive when Armstrong first stepped on the moon and remember watching the Apollo 11 mission on television.It was something that everybody on Earth,not just Americans,could be proud of.
watched his three daughters on netflix a few days ago. i didn't see the first 30 minutes or so but overall rate it a 7/10
I watched Heart Eyes. Highly recommend it, it's a slasher but a new take on slashers. So I recommend it to horror fans, it's surprisingly alot of fun, and good development. I hope more slashers come out with a similar-ish formula.

Im still counting down the day to the Monkey 🐒
Saving Wendy on Tubi, a TMZ documentary about Wendy Williams’ confinement situation. Harvey Levin did a job interviewing her, and it felt bittersweet when they showed old clips from the show. She definitely had substance abuse issues in the Lifetime documentary, but it doesn’t seem like she has dementia or whatever this “guardian” is alleging.
I saw Brutalist today, I need an opinion for the Oscars. It was pretty good, I really liked the story, and visuals. But I don't really like how they ended it? Not bad. But I'll sleep on it for sure.
On Thursday night I checked out Studio Ghibli's 1992 animated film Porco Rosso from director Hayao Miyazaki. I thought it was a cool, enjoyable, interesting movie. Better a pig than a fascist indeed!


Last night I watched director Zelda Williams and writer Diablo Cody's movie Lisa Frankenstein which released last February. Wow. Wow. Loved it. Very much a movie for me specifically; it's like that famous scene from Junji Ito's short story The Enigma at Amigara Fault: "This is my hole! It was made for me!" That's how I felt watching it, haha. Vibed with it so much.

I was originally planning to watch it back in October as part of my Halloween horror movie marathon, but I couldn't fit it in, so earlier this week I decided to pick it up from the library as a movie for Valentine's Day. Very glad it worked out this way.because it was perfect for that; it's more romance and comedy than horror, so it fit in this setting better than it would've for Halloween. While rated PG-13 and definitely a teen movie, there are some aspects that might be more appropriate for viewers who are a little older and, depending on the individual, more mature.

Definitely something I'd like to watch again in the future, so will probably end up buying my own copy.
I recently watched the animated movie Flow. I'm not sure if I've seen anything like that before. I'm impressed how they conveyed so much emotion in such an eventful story with a movie without any dialogue. Even though the animals acted somewhat humanized, there was still a certain sense of realism. There was so much detail put into every scene with the animals' behavior and environment I just could not look away. Definitely worth a second watch sometime.
Who’s Harry Crumb? It’s one of the few John Candy movies I haven’t seen. I enjoyed the mystery element of it, and also how goofy it was— with him spinning on the ceiling fan! 😂

I saw Wicked recently.I enjoy a good musical but there's been a dearth of memorable ones made in the past 25 years with the exceptions of Chicago and La La Land.I'm glad to say that I can add Wicked to that short list of good musicals.For me it started a bit slowly but really picked up in the second half.There are great performances all around.I watched Wicked in 4K with Dolby Vision and it's flat out the best looking movie I've ever watched on my own television(btw,I have an LG B4 48" OLED 4K Smart TV).There is a sequel coming out this November so here's hoping it's at least as good as the first one.If they do a third one I'm hoping it's an all-out remake of The Wizard of Oz.
I saw "Hitpig!", which was part of the family winter movie lineup at my theater. It was alright. The next one I'm seeing is "Abominable", which I'm looking forward to.
Wicked. I also was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it. The cast was great.
The Forge. We watched it home, because our church watched it and we figured we should too even though we didn't go with them, because it could be a talking topic in the morning socializing. And it would be kinda nice to know what they are chattering about or if they ask us what we thought about x y z we would be able to answer.

It was an okay movie, I guess?
(Maybe not after finishing typing this all out😬).

Like I get what the general message was suppose to be and that part wasn't bad. Which was prioritize responsibilities, stick to them, build relationships with other people around you, build and encourage people around you, and cultivate your prayer life. But at the same time I also felt that film is a reflection of what many of the audience of that film falls into.. fantasy.

The story felt very unrealistic like you can't pay over 200$ every month for rent, save for a car, start college, and buying your mom random crap when you are only working 3 days a week at 8 hour shifts and no loans and even if you applied for a loan I don't think he would have gotten it but idk because I don't deal with loans.

And you shouldn't start college until you have a car first, but maybe the college was online only classes?? Idk. Anywho the mom did use the one year worth of rent payments her son gave her to refurbish his beat up non running mustang car that was sitting in the garage... Which again isn't even possible number wise. (Oh and she was a single mom hairdresser so not a doctor or anything)

And certain parts of the film, I really didn't agree with. Like, you don't need a father in your kid's life to teach your kid to show up to their commitments. If your kid fails at that, it's probably because you didn't teach them when you were suppose to start teaching them that.

Or pawning all your video games isnt necessary when setting priorities unless you simply can't control it at all.. reprioritizing gaming time or what games to play would have been a great thing to do in the film considering most people today (of all ages!) game to some extent. And beyond playing street basketball with a couple of friends, those video games were the guy's (not really a kid at 19) only hobby which is a mental health thing at that point. People need a hobby or two. And video games are not childish either like they tried to depict in the film. There is nothing wrong playing a game for a couple of hours a day... Or for a few hours on the weekend.

Well, needless to say, I didn't really care for it tbh.
Babygirl. I’ve never seen a movie like that before so I guess it was enjoyable but it was also cringy. I didn’t enjoy the ending though, there should be consequences for having an affair.

I saw Lucy(2014) which features Scarlett Johansson as an unwilling drug mule who ingests a substance that enables her to use 100% of her brain.From what I've read the science behind the "we only use 10% of our brain" theory is iffy but the bizarre combination of organized crime and faulty scientific theory kind of works in this movie.