What's the last movie you've seen?

^I hateeee wes anderson. idk I like his films (especially his earlier work) but at the same time I hate them... I think I just reallly dislike his stupid dollhouse aesthetic^

Xavier Dolan's Mommy

it was damn good!

Haha well I guess it is a very mannered mise en scene, but that's one of the reasons that make me like it I guess ^___^

And Mommy was such a great movie, have to agree on that!
At home was probably the village by M night shyamalan :p lol... This was one of his better movies before he made the well known disaster, the last airbender.
i saw The Book of Life at home a few days ago c:

i think the last time I was in a theatre was years ago for Wreck It Ralph
At home was probably the village by M night shyamalan :p lol... This was one of his better movies before he made the well known disaster, the last airbender.

oh god that airbender is so bad, thanks for the reminder.

hoping to catch up on a few films soon. thanks tv for finally airing something else than dumb action or romantic comedies
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I just saw Hot Pursuit last night in the theaters, and my last movie that I watched at home was Pitch Perfect (in prep for the second one I'll see this weekend).

I consider myself to be a bit of a movie buff, so I see a lot of movies in theaters during the summer.
Avengers: Age of Ultron

It was good, but for an Avengers movie it could have been better. I'm not really sure what they were trying to do with Black Widow and Hulk with that attempted romance between them. They already tried that in the second Captain America movie with her and Captain America. I thought the movie deserved an 8/10 overall. It felt a little off.
Just saw Avengers as well, I really didn't enjoy it.

I really don't like the way the Marvel movies are being made, DC seems to be doing a much better job