Sunset Boulevard (1950)
It was good. Netflix is offering it at the moment, check it out.
It was good. Netflix is offering it at the moment, check it out.
Citizen Kane (1941)
I liked it a lot, for sure and it is very well-made but I don't think it deserves 'best movie ever' of whatever people think about it. It's a good story and interesting characters, but then a lot of movies have that. Even though I had a good time figuring out 'Rosebud'.
^^^^^ citizen kane is obv amazing and an important classic but I cringe when I hear it referred to as the greatest film ever made ^^^^^
^^^^^ citizen kane is obv amazing and an important classic but I cringe when I hear it referred to as the greatest film ever made ^^^^^
yeah exactly my thoughts summarized lol
The Graduate (1967). It started off very strong, the directing was fantastic at first, they really knew how to convey that hopeless, existential feeling that the main character gave off. It's transitions were fantastic as well, by far some of the most clever transitions I've ever seen.
Then it just falls apart when the "main love interest" is introduced and it ends up feeling like nothing more than a creepy attempt at a romantic comedy in the 60s, but for some reason the editing and directing becomes inconsistent. It's as if you're watching a completely different movie. The only thing I could say I really liked from the last half was the final shot.