What's the last movie you've seen?

Poltergeist (2015). It wasn't as good as I was anticipating, but maybe one day I'll find the 1982 version and watch it.
I just saw Mad Max in theaters yesterday, and very surprisingly, had a lot more female influence than I was expecting from an action movie about cars in the dessert. It left me at a loss for words.
rewatched It Follows with a few friends who were ~scared to watch it alone~

I loved that movie so much! The rest of my friends weren't as excited as I was, though.

Back to the main topic, last movie I've seen is The Fly (1986).
I don't really like movies that much, but the last movie I saw was Insidious a year (or was it two years?) ago.
Just saw the Avengers: Age Of Ultron, it was sooo good.
I just can't... ♡x♡
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Watched Poltergeist tonight. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. It made me hella jump for the first half so I couldn't really watch that. But the second half was all right.
Okay, alright, I finally watched all six movies of Star Wars. My most recent one - Revenge of the Sith. While some people say the Phantom Menace was the worst of the prequels as others say Attack of the Clones is, I think Revenge of the Sith is the worst of the prequels. In my opinion, it was very depressing (worse than The Lion King). And I hate to say, but I liked the Phantom Menace over the other two prequels, but at least it's no better than the worst of the original trilogy. Since I found Episode III to be depressing and Episode II to be boring (as the worst planet in Star Wars in my opinion was in this episode), the Phantom Menace reigns over the other prequels IMO.

This is how the order goes:

1. A New Hope: Best Star Wars I seen. There was nothing I criticized this film over.

2. The Empire Strikes Back: Although this was one of the best, it had a few flaws (such as its indefinite ending and Luke never completing his training). Still spot on.

3. Return of the Jedi: Despite the battles in Tatooine at the beginning and the fall of the Galactic Empire, most of the movie turned out to be boring. It got better at the end.

4. The Phantom Menace: No, Jar-Jar didn't ruin this movie. I can tolerate him. However, this was not the best movie, and there was more politics than war.

5. Attack of the Clones: I didn't like Geonosis, and there were hardly any excitement.

6. Revenge of the Sith: Like I said before, this was more depressing than The Lion King.
In theaters: Woman in Black 2.
At home: Taxi Driver. Interesting Scorsese movie.