What's the last movie you've seen?

Last one I clearly remember was Age of Ultron.

But I'll most likely watch The Cat Returns today.
Hmm... The last movie I saw in theaters was Age of Ultron and the last one at home was probably something on Netflix.
Saw on SyFy
the first one

i was watching it alone downstairs in the living room at 3am lolol
Theaters: Age of Ultron
At home: Warphotographer (It's a documentary about a photographer who, yep you guessed it, photographs the horrific scenes going on during war times, it's really good, but haunting and sad.)
Terminator 2 on Netflix. I'm watching all the Terminator movies to be caught up when Genysis comes out.
Tarzan and I've been watching it like twice a day because of my younger brother ( ̄(工) ̄)