What's the last movie you've seen?

Last thing I saw in the theather was probably Mad Max: Road of Fury. was decent
At home, Princess Mononoke, I think. Best ghiblimovie 5/5
Haha, I love Lion King 1 1/2, I haven't seen it since middle school... :D

The last movie I saw was Pitch perfect playing on t.v earlier.

that's why I watched it, and lion king 2, bringing back the memories <3
Short Term 12 -- I found it randomly on Netflix, and it's one of the best films I've seen all year x
lol jurassic world is tumblr-bait trash to be completely honestly...
I'm still going to see it this weekend though ahaha

about to put in Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch
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Watched Seulpeumboda deo seulpeun Iyagi / More Than Blue yesterday. Was behond my expectations, especially for one from 2009
The Wild Bunch is so good omg. it literally left me with the same insane adrenaline rush as Fury Road

watching Ride the High Country when I get off work for sure
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