Okay, so I don't time travel. I was worried about how long it would take me to find someone using the campsite method.
Reneigh is probably my favorite of the new villagers added into New Horizons. And I wanted her to be my only sisterly villager.
So I had to get Diva to move out. She was my starting sisterly. Once she moved out I had no sisterly villagers.
I could now start the campsite method for sisterly. I waited for a campsite visitor. The VERY FIRST visitor I get is Reneigh. I couldn't believe it. I was shocked and very excited. My first attempt at the campsite method. I was worried it would take me weeks/months to find Reneigh.
Now I'm attempting the campsite method for the second time. Iggly, my starting jock villager, moved out on December 8th. So now I don't have any jocks, and I'm looking for Louie via the campsite. My first campsite visitor since Iggly moved out was on December 12th. I've had 4 campsite visitors. 0 of the 4 have been jocks. But one of those 4 was Raymond so I invited him.
Reneigh is probably my favorite of the new villagers added into New Horizons. And I wanted her to be my only sisterly villager.
So I had to get Diva to move out. She was my starting sisterly. Once she moved out I had no sisterly villagers.
I could now start the campsite method for sisterly. I waited for a campsite visitor. The VERY FIRST visitor I get is Reneigh. I couldn't believe it. I was shocked and very excited. My first attempt at the campsite method. I was worried it would take me weeks/months to find Reneigh.
Now I'm attempting the campsite method for the second time. Iggly, my starting jock villager, moved out on December 8th. So now I don't have any jocks, and I'm looking for Louie via the campsite. My first campsite visitor since Iggly moved out was on December 12th. I've had 4 campsite visitors. 0 of the 4 have been jocks. But one of those 4 was Raymond so I invited him.