What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

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A few more smaller things that weren’t as recent including being given snacks by nearby passengers on the train. People traveling by Amtrak are super friendly. I had an Amish family offer me one of their swiss rolls (Ho-ho’s). It’s the small gestures that mean the most.
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there's tons of things people close to me do, my boyfriend spoils me every day even though he doesnt spend a dime on me. he just takes super great care of me. i adore him.

a stranger brought me flowers when i was working at gamestop because he was having a rough day and we had a super fun conversation about ghost of tsushima. i assume the flowers were for someone else but he gave them to me haha, i cried
In college I passed out and my teacher went to the hospital with me and stayed with me until my dad came. She even stayed while he chewed me out.
It was theorized it was my vagus nerve but looking back it could have been my bleeding issue or pain level that day. Who knows.
It's not really one situation. For example my husband. He supports me everyday in a way I feel special and loved. He gives me selfconfidance and never fails to make me laugh. He is my comfort person and I feel save with whatever will happen in life 💕
Even if I don't talk to him anymore and his behavior to me was... ugh (like putting his hand on my butt without asking the permission because he liked me even if it was not my case) later, one day, a guy I liked as a friend accepted to do 100 kilometers one day just to see me because I lost my grandfather the same day. It was a Sunday. I'll never forget. It was kind even if I suppose he did that with the hope I'll like him in return.
I can't really think of anything irl
I've done a lot for others though like my husband.
I surprised him by having our honeymoon in Mexico and our first anniversary in the Caribbean.
Maybe here on TBT the nicest things are the periodic giveaways some users do. I won a bell giveaway recently and really appreciated it.
I guess I remember more what I do for other people than what I get for myself.
Its strange but thats how I am.
I'm going to try to abstain from going into too much detail, but quite a number of years ago, I was in a bad relationship, but I was not aware of it. This person was constantly accusatory, manipulative, emotionally unavailable, and at times just kind of mean. And I mean mean. Never physically, thankfully, but enough that it had, without my knowing, impacted my mental and emotional health tremendously.

So to cut to the chase, in my online group chat, I was relaying the events of a vacation I had just taken with this person, and I phrased it in such a way where I believed anyone would walk away from it thinking "Wow, she must have had a really great time!" That anyone would read it and look at the photos and see anything else but someone who had just come back from a swell vacation seemed completely out of the realm of possibility to me. But then someone in the group, whom at the time I was not very close to (we talk a lot more now, but for completely unrelated reasons), and in fact I had presumed they would be the last person to really care, slid into my DM's and said in the most explicit, profanity-laced manner possible (paraphrased, obviously), "This person is treating you like ****ing garbage, and you are making excuses for them."

I tried to think of any excuse I could to prove them wrong, but in doing so, that essentially proved them correct. And they were correct. I had been suppressing how I felt, and what this person was doing to me for a long time, walking on eggshells to not provoke anger or some misunderstanding. And I just let it happen.

This DM isn't the thing that ultimately led to the dissolution of the relationship, but it is the thing that got me to take a critical look at what exactly was happening and to actually examine my own feelings. It was a splash of cold water to the face, but sometimes kindness comes in this way as well. They were under no obligations to do this; as I said, we weren't even particularly close at this time. But it means a lot to me that they did. It was blunt, but it was what I needed to hear at that time.
I know this is supposed to be the nicest thing someone has done for you, but honestly, I feel like it’s sort of hard to identify the single nicest thing someone has ever done for me, so I hope it’s ok to just identify a few nice things that come to the top of my head at this specific moment that I’m grateful for! 😊

Firstly, I would say I’m forever grateful to my parents and family for loving me and nurturing me. That’s the kindest gift they could ever give me. They have honestly done a lot of nice things for me over the years, and I appreciate how wonderful they are. ❤️

Professionally, there are a couple of people who have encouraged me, and wanted the best for me, and even though I wouldn’t consider their efforts the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I’m really grateful all the same!

I can’t be thankful enough that I have a few wonderful TBT friends who check in with me often. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you! 💗

Speaking of my amazing TBT friends, they have been so kind, generous and thoughtful! I have received endless encouragement, countless gifts of art, have been gifted so many collectibles, and King Koopa even organised an art thread for my birthday in 2022. Honestly, I tried to count up everyone who has been so generous to me, and I counted at least 20 people who have gifted me art, and another 21 that have gifted me collectibles, and hopefully I didn’t forget anyone. Regardless, it’s truly the thought that has been so significant! This is all on top of just the rest of the amazing community who are supportive in their words and actions. I’m so thankful to the wonderful friends I’ve made on TBT for just constantly being a source of awe-inspiring kindness! 💝

On the same topic, I will mention that most recently, Roxxy, Kilza, Croconaw, Midoriya, JemAC and themysterybidder have all gifted me collectibles, which all hold dear sentimental meaning to me. Honestly, it was so heart-warming that my friends would be so generous and thoughtful, and I can only hope to repay them one day! 💖

Last, but definitely not least, while I was sick earlier this week, someone close to me was sweet enough to keep me company, and distract me from being unwell. It was incredibly kind, and I’m incredibly grateful for them. It meant a lot. 💜
I can't remember how old I was. But I had to be between 10-12 because this happened during 2002-2004.

I'm a huge baseball fan. I was at an Astros baseball game and I was sitting behind the visiting team's dugout in the 3rd row. Someone on the Astros hit a foul ball and the third base coach picked the ball up. I stood up with my glove on because foul balls are usually thrown to the fans. He pointed at me and threw it to me.

Buuuut, the guy in front of me caught it and gave it to his kid.

The next time the Astros came to bat, he walked over and pointed to me to throw me another ball. He saw the guy in front of me catch the one he threw to me the first time. I didn't know he would get an extra ball just for me while he was in the dugout.

His name is Gene Lamont. He was the Astros third base coach at the time.

Thank you Gene Lamont.
Well, a rich stranger paid for my driver's license as charity. You can't really beat that.
  • When I was in kindergarten, I was very shy and barely talked to anyone. When I got on the bus on the first day of school, I cried. An older girl softly sang me a song to calm me down ;w;
  • One time during indoor recess other kids were taking turns with a toy that I really wanted to try and I didn’t get to play with it (or at least very much). I went home and told my mom, “There’s this toy I wanted to play with and didn’t get the chance… you turn these two knobs and you can draw.” She said, oh! An etch-a-sketch! And went out and bought me not one, but TWO! A regular one and a mini purple one! ^^
  • A woman at the store, a complete stranger once stopped and told me that I was extremely beautiful, and when she saw my dad, she said “your daughter is so beautiful!”
  • When I made my friend at the time (now boyfriend) a little clay applin, he decided to stop by with a huge box of chocolate ^^ He’s given me so many nice gifts over the years, like a hand-drawn corviknight card for halloween and a And that’s just one thing, I could go on for hours!
It's a tie! Back in 2017 my mom and I weren't allowed to stay more than 3 days at a seedy hotel in New York City (forgot the reason why) and just when we thought we'd be stranded on the street for the remainder of our trip, a friend she's had for over 40 years booked us a much nicer hotel for our remaining 4 days in Manhattan. Considering how unsafe New York is at night I'm very grateful.

The other story is I had a very difficult move several months ago back to an area I'm not fond of and an online friend I only knew for a few months at the time crocheted me a goldfish as a moving away gift and gave it to me when we had an irl hangout!
I got in line for food at a festival and realized I was short on money. The person at the register told me "This one is on the house" and purchased the entire thing for me right from her wallet.
One thing I’ll always remember is that when my mom died suddenly, the former girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend-from-college’s roommate, came to my doorstep at my parents home with a lasagna. We weren’t super close friends before that, I think we were just Facebook friends and friends by association because we were dating two guys at one point who were pretty good friends and roommates in college, but she lived out of state and so would only come to visit that guy occasionally. It was so fascinating to me that after we had both broken up with those guys, she still peripherally knew me on Facebook and then when my mom died years later, she showed up, and was one of the only people who physically showed up to help. I think I learned her father died suddenly when she was young in a freak diving accident and so it must’ve really hit a cord with her. Also she had moved to a different part of the state than my college was so fascinating as well. But she just happened to be somewhat near my parents home (actually it was an hour drive for her, I grew up in a suburb of San Francisco).
And now I love being her Facebook friend and supporting her work (she’s a fashion photographer and does some super awesome stuff, and she met a new guy and got married, which I’m super happy about (because she had been dating that guy from my college for like a decade and everyone thought they were a permanent couple and then he dumped her and it sounded really sad for her at the time, but I guess it all turned out well for everyone in the end).
When I was a kid and my parents were temporarily divorced, my mom was dating this one guy who had a daughter that was one or two years younger than me. She went to a different school and had to go to latchkey. Anyway, she told one of the teachers or aids there (i don't really know what their role exactly was I just know they worked at the school) that I liked Emily the Strange and that person hand-drew me an Emily the Strange pillow case.. it actually had a really big impact on me and my life now that I think about it, and I never even MET the person

As for a more recent event though, my husband helped me dye my hair with henna 2 weeks ago, I was really panicking but he helped calm me down and my hair turned out great 🥰
I met a lot of nice people in my life actually. I'm not the kind to expect anything from others, not that I don't have faith in them, but I don't think they owe me anything either, so when people go out of their way to help me, I'm really impressed and grateful.

Once a pharmacist thought I was paying too much for a medicine not covered by the insurance, so they called the doctor and asked him to put it on a list stating only that medicine works and there was no cheaper alternative, so that it got covered by the insurance (...) Anyway in the end I got it for free.

When Welcome Amiibo cards came out, I only managed to grad two packs the first day and never saw them again. And while I was complaining about that here @RedTropicalPeachyFish sent me some of her dupes with a couple of Sanrio for free. I'm so grateful for this.

I'm also grateful for all physical prizes I got here, more Animal Crossing cards and now a Nintendo subscription with expansion! ;)

A long time ago, my BF of then baked a fruit pie for my birthday (pie crust, vanilla pastry cream, fresh fruits), it was the first time he was trying to make a pie, it turned out really pretty but the crust was hard as rock, lol! He put a lot of effort into it and the cream and fruits were delicious, it really touched me.
On here, @WaileaNoRei sent me an extra pack of the sanrio cards when they were released; it was seriously so kind of her to do. At the time, they were impossible for me to find at my stores because of bad management, scalpers. (I hope you’re doing okay, I miss seeing you here).

Irl, at a convention, one of my friends paid for me to have a photo with one of my favorite voice actors since I didn’t have enough cash. I paid him back later but still, that was so kind of him. Unfortunately the person who took the photo, intentionally messed my friend’s camera settings up so the picture ended up blurry, but if I meet him again, the voice actor said I could have a new one free if i just show them my twitter post 🙂. Not sure if I’ll ever get the chance since I moved sadly, unless there are conventions here, but still that was really kind of the voice actor.