I know this is supposed to be the
nicest thing someone has done for you, but honestly, I feel like it’s sort of hard to identify the single
nicest thing someone has ever done for me, so I hope it’s ok to just identify a few nice things that come to the top of my head
at this specific moment that I’m grateful for!
Firstly, I would say I’m forever grateful to my parents and family for loving me and nurturing me. That’s the kindest gift they could ever give me. They have honestly done a lot of nice things for me over the years, and I appreciate how wonderful they are.
Professionally, there are a couple of people who have encouraged me, and wanted the best for me, and even though I wouldn’t consider their efforts the
nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I’m really grateful all the same!
I can’t be thankful enough that I have a few wonderful TBT friends who check in with me often. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you!
Speaking of my amazing TBT friends, they have been so kind, generous and thoughtful! I have received endless encouragement, countless gifts of art, have been gifted so many collectibles, and King Koopa even organised an art thread for my birthday in 2022. Honestly, I tried to count up everyone who has been so generous to me, and I counted at least 20 people who have gifted me art, and another 21 that have gifted me collectibles, and hopefully I didn’t forget anyone. Regardless, it’s truly the thought that has been so significant! This is all on top of just the rest of the amazing community who are supportive in their words and actions. I’m so thankful to the wonderful friends I’ve made on TBT for just constantly being a source of awe-inspiring kindness!
On the same topic, I will mention that most recently, Roxxy, Kilza, Croconaw, Midoriya, JemAC and themysterybidder have all gifted me collectibles, which all hold dear sentimental meaning to me. Honestly, it was so heart-warming that my friends would be so generous and thoughtful, and I can only hope to repay them one day!
Last, but definitely not least, while I was sick earlier this week, someone close to me was sweet enough to keep me company, and distract me from being unwell. It was incredibly kind, and I’m incredibly grateful for them. It meant a lot.