• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

What’s the story behind your town name?

My first town?s name is Odanah. It?s my hometown where I grew up. It literally means ?town? in Ojibwe, my Native language.
My second town was inspired by space names! I came up with a couple cool space rooms in one of my houses in my first town, but I decided to try and make a completely second town with an entire houses dedicated to that theme. I was browsing space names and people here on TBT helped me pick out a name.
They vary but usually it's just whatever sounds fitting for the theme I'm going for.
If my town name starts with J for example...sometimes I associate the letter J with the colours blue & purple.
Sakura is just a beautiful sounding name to me and I love the symbolism behind cherry blossoms. My town is sort of a conglomeration of all the different things I like, which includes a lot of zen/asian inspired things, so Sakura felt like the perfect town name to me.

I now have a second town with the name Nocturne. In classical music, a nocturne is a piece that evokes the feeling of the night. The town will be mostly set in the twilight or nighttime hours and I plan to use a lot of streetlamps and other PWPs that work well at night. The town tune is Beethoven's Silence.
My Panem is pretty obvious from Hunger Games


Pentos from Game of Thrones
My town name is Veniha which was rough early translation to Venilia who was a deity in Roman mythology associated with the winds and the sea.
I named my town Beanz because it’s apart of a username I use on some other games. I don’t necessarily like that name for my town anymore but I just keep it like that anyway.
fourside is from earthbound (i'm stuck there because i'm lazy and underleveled.) and overall, creative and cool.
my old town's name was atlanta because im from georgia.
Town name : S o l a r i s (unfortunately without spaces as it didnt fit)
Before starting my game I was searching online through town name generators and forums etc, when I came across it! I loved the way it sounded and then when i googled the meaning it said "pertaining to the sun" i thought it was super rad!
F?dlan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It's the name of the region that they all resonate in.

And then Nohr, from Fire Emblem: Fates. It's the name of one of the two regions in the game c:​
Calalini is the name of an imaginary world in which a young girl called Jani whose mother had her pushed everywhere as the youngest schizophrenic's "delusions" lived. They included a cat called midnight and a girl called 24 hours. Jani schofield was never schizophrenic but her mother had a case of munchausen's by proxy which caused this behavior.
my usual town name is nowhere which i picked just because i thought it would be funny and it sounds good with my player name! recently though i started a new acgc town and i wanted it to have a different name so i picked mimimi after the ukagaka mimimi. i don?t actually know anything about her, i just think she?s cute!
It's called Brotopia because I started it up while I was lying in bed on heavy pain meds after having a four-hour-long surgery, and I was obsessed with Homestuck at the time. Regret it now because it's pretty meh, but I don't want to give that town up. Especially since it's now over six years old.
When my game and 3DS got kiped and pawned, I had to start all over, and I couldn't for the life of me come up with a new name for my town. I was watching Pokemon XY and there's a character on there whose name is Eureka. She's so cute, and that's when I thought - why don't I name my town Eureka?! It's like a good idea!
I was a kid, got AC on my birthday shortly after release, and coming up with names is really hard for me. I would never play if I had to actually sit down and think of a name that had real meaning to me. Too many possibilities.

So, I usually just pick the first word that comes into my head or is somewhat inviting. Went with Welcome. Can't get anymore inviting/basic than that. lol But it ended up fitting the nostalgia, homely vibe I eventually went for.

Also, usually in the games you get announced town name, mayor name. So it felt kind of like I was a smash bros character, getting welcomed onto the arena.
1st town I ever started was named Historia, but I didn't have it for more than a couple weeks. I don't remember why I named it that, possibly because it had an rpg/fantasy type of feel to me. 1st town I finished was named Rosewood, which was stupidly too common and had the "romantic" red and white rose theme to fit. I just thought it had this romantic appeal which I honestly now can't get by. Got sick of looking at that name so I made another one called Cyprus after Cypress trees, which is what the cedar trees reminded me of. I preferred my spelling though. I was going for a Zen forest look with lots of cedars. My current town is named Ginger and my mayor, including my other characters that all live in that town are Tea themed names. Mayor Chai (Tea) of Ginger (Tea). Characters names are Matcha, Sage and Ceylon. All teas!
My newest town is named Citron. It's gonna be a citrus orchard town so Citron fit since it means Lemon in French and there's a citrus fruit already named a Citron. Similar to a lemon but with a really thick layer of piff. Also my town fruit is orange. Picked the town map purposefully with oranges just to further enhance the citrus theme. I just wanted the option of planting as many perfect oranges to push the theme even further.
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Named my main town Ville because french is my second language so naturally, I called my town, town (so creative I know lol).
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Truth to be told, my town name just suddenly popped up into my mind without referencing anything in real life
This sounds really cringy but I made a list of town names I liked and asked my mom which one she liked the most and she said ?clair ... and ... here we are lol.