old thread but my first game was wild world and with that, i reset pretty frequently since i was just a kid and was having fun. i don’t remember
all of the town names that i chose but they were just typical kid nonsense, from fun city to naming it after irl places, such as new york c’:
with new leaf, i was still pretty young and so my town names weren’t super spectacular here, either. my first town’s name was cloudluv which was just,,, a typical 5th grade concoction LMAO. i named my 2nd town clarity which was,, much better than cloudluv imo but still not great lmao. and lastly, i was continuously resetting my 3rd town but i believe the name i had the last time i played was wintry, since i wanted to turn it into a winter-themed town aha.
and more recently, with new horizons, my island name is axolotl; it was originally going to be apricity but i read @/sierra’s “island names for sale” thread prior to the game coming out and one of the names listed was axolotl and immediately, i was obsessed with it; i think this is the first and only time i’ve ever been truly happy with the name i chose for something aha