Uh, where are the stickers?color splash is basically sticker star wii u
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While I don't like the battle style, I could LIVE with it. Sticker Star wasn't bad due to the battle style, but rather the laziness and unoriginal bosses/plot. However this plot seems pretty cool.I actually think Colour Splash looks really fun? In some ways it's reminding me a LOT of The Thousand Year Door... In terms of the story (AND also Prisma Island looks a lot like Rogueport). I think it looks pretty unique and tbh TTYD was an amazing game (the best Paper Mario by far) so if they're going back to that sort of style then I'm not complaining. It's not a complete copy of the game but I kinda like the new mechanic of the colour splash hammer and Huey lol. I wish we would get party members back though, that was fun.