What's Your Favorite Flash Site?


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2018
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Silver Mailbox
Orange (Fruit)
So for those who may not be made aware of yet, the worldwide internet has already started the process to slowly end the support for everything that uses Flash to run their content. That means websites, flash games, blogs, gaming platforms, and other internet places that use Flash. In 2020 you can say goodbye to everything that runs on Flash as we are to make way for a new era with new means of fresh coding and new programs up to date in this time period. I'm pretty saddened to know that our favorite websites such as Neopets will eventually be wiped clean from existence on the internet. But that website that I spent countless hours playing as a pre-teen was one of the most fun thing I had in my childhood, despite how horrible and outdated the site is now. the site launched in 1999, Yet, old veteran players keep rushing onto that game to this very day! The tech that keeps the site running is all old outdated computers from the 90's, why keep that crap running in 2018? When I log into Neopets I still get a sense of nostalgia and the little child inside me gets excited even though every aspect of that site makes me sad and annoyed. I don't know how to explain it. but I hate that I love Neopets and I love that I dislike it too. I want to say good riddance and watch it get shutdown.......but let me just log in and play it one last time for old times sake. ;)
I don’t have a favorite Flash site, but I do have favorite Flash games.

The winner of that is the Mata Nui Online Game (first one), which is based on the Lego franchise Bionicle. I recently downloaded the offline version to my computer at home and played it again.
Newgrounds. I'm going to be very sad if most of that content is indeed deleted or whatever!
It’s been a long time since I’ve used flash sites or played flash games, but I remember there were a couple Smash Brothers knockoffs as flash games that were kind of fun. It will be sad to see everything flash-wise go for sure.
There is a website called learn4good that has games, and I used to play it all the time in HS because they never blocked it (since I'm pretty sure I was the only student who even knew about it). I used to play this one truck game on there all the time (that's gone now rip) and there was another flash game called "Super Mario Cart" where you race against 3 CPUs going 200mph in a shopping cart. That was hilarious but the drift was terrible. 7/10 would recommend.
The only one I still use is Crunchyroll, for watching anime. But they're transitioning to HTML5. FINALLY. I don't know why it took them so long, when pretty much all other streaming sites converted a few years back at the latest.
I'm pretty saddened to know that our favorite websites such as Neopets will eventually be wiped clean from existence on the internet.

don't worry, neopets isn't going anywhere! :p they're actively working on switching everything to html5!

honestly i never used many flash game websites outside of neopets so i guess my answer would have to be that :eek: thank goodness they're moving away from flash cuz i'd be super sad if i could never play meerca chase 2 again
Not a site specifically but I mean all those old Flash games that required like no gfx card were the bomb lol.. esp. ragdoll cannonball aha
RIP Flash.

I remember the good ol neopets days when you had to have like 3 browsers depending on what the game was of, like one for shockwave things, one for flash and a third for others lol.

Also AQW and the AE games are fun too, although they are switching to a launcher thing soon so yea
My childhood wouldn't have been the same without Flash. My favorite sites growing up were onemorelevel.com, Newgrounds, and like how you mentioned, Neopets. I really hope we hold onto those old sites, as I agree that they are still great fun to go back to.
Ginormo Sword! absolute beast of a game. Please give it a go before it's down forever. It's the type of game that will own your life if you let it.
Webkinz....that game was my entire childhood
If it gets shut down that's hundreds of dollars of my mom's money down the drain