What’s your first language?

What’s your first language?

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Mine is English. I've been taking Spanish for 2.5 years now so I know the basics (I think) and can somewhat translate, I'm better at writing in it though.
First language is Danish.
I also had German, and French in school.
We have a foreign exchange student living with us from denmark right now, and I'm not kidding when I say rødgrød med fløde is the most difficult thing i've had to pronounce in a long time.
We have a foreign exchange student living with us from denmark right now, and I'm not kidding when I say rødgrød med fløde is the most difficult thing i've had to pronounce in a long time.
Haha, det er altid det første vi torturere folk med.
Take good care of them ;)
Mine is English, but I wanna learn others. Like Spanish (I know this one on a conversational level), French, Japanese, and Korean. If only I could discipline myself more lol.
It's German but I wish it wasn't lol. I got immersed in the English language early in my childhood despite having no actual natives to talk to and somewhere as a teen I started to think and dream in it almost exclusively. People here are kinda harsh to me as a German native whenever I accidentally start a sentence in English or need to translate a word in my head first. I'm also not good at German speaking overall because I can't pronounce the in my region most conventionally used R-sound ("Reibe-R") 🙃
Atm I'm trying to learn Dutch in order to go live there someday and Korean but like... It's going badly lmao
My first language is Indonesian. i studied Mandarin on my school. I speak English and Indonesian most of the time. I learned English since I was 3, and I enjoy both languages because i love literature. I really want to study French since i want to sing Le Festin correctly and properly! 😆

(i also had difficulty with people not playing animal crossing on my country :<)
I'm not sure whether to consider Russian or German as my first language but I'll say German since I've been living here since I'm 1.5 years old and I grew up learning both languages and my German just turned out better because.. I'm living there.
my first language is english 2rd spanish but i can understand good but not speak it good lol 3rd japanese i learning japanese
I'm from Belgium where we have 3 official languages (Dutch, French & German) but I live in the Dutch part so that's my "native" language. To be really precise I speak Flemish which is a sort of dialect from Dutch. The Dutch from The Netherlands & Belgium is best compared with English from the US and UK, just different sounds and words for things sometimes. :giggle:
It's German but I wish it wasn't lol. I got immersed in the English language early in my childhood despite having no actual natives to talk to and somewhere as a teen I started to think and dream in it almost exclusively. People here are kinda harsh to me as a German native whenever I accidentally start a sentence in English or need to translate a word in my head first. I'm also not good at German speaking overall because I can't pronounce the in my region most conventionally used R-sound ("Reibe-R") 🙃
Atm I'm trying to learn Dutch in order to go live there someday and Korean but like... It's going badly lmao
How did you get immersed without any conversational partners? That's really interesting that it was a strong enough influence to get you thinking in English!
My first language was Teochewnese (a Chinese dialect), along with Cantonese! Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of these so English is my official "first language" now. I'd like to relearn them one day, though, but it's difficult.

I've also learned French! I can read it for the most part, but I can't speak or listen to it nearly as fluently.
Had to select "Other". I was born only knowing binary code. All I knew in life were 0's and 1's. My parents were like "WTF is he saying?" It was hard only having machines as friends. Then one day, I woke up... and then I fell asleep again. But then I woke up again, realizing I was able to speak English. Life has been easier since. I've forgotten all about binary co- 01101111 01101000 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100.
Korean is technically my first language and English is technically my second language. My parents used to speak to me exclusively in Korean when I was a child but well... I needed to know English to live in the States. Since I watched U.S. TV and went to U.S. schools, I became more fluent in English. I'm a gigantic nerd for learning about Korean language and culture though, so I was able to maintain a good level of fluency even though the environment I grew up in wasn't ideal for retaining Korean!

So though English is the second language I learned, I consider myself to be a native English speaker and semi-native Korean speaker.
My first language is German! I also had French in school but idk that.
Finnish! I can also speak English and some Swedish. I used to study Russian but it's been a while and I'm not at all fluent
American English is the only language I know. I hope that changes one day. We'll see.
My first language is Polish!! I've learned English in school and then through games, online chats etc, internet in general helped me become pretty fluent in English, even to the point where I was able to think and dream in English. I'm really thankful for pushing myself to learn it, because it's incredibly useful.
I also know German, though understanding spoken German can get kind of hard for me when people speak very fast. I try my best tho!!
english, and its the only language i know although i know a bit of japanese (maybe enough to get through early elementary school lol). id love to learn japanese, korean, spanish, french, and american sign language one day though. im not sure if i will ever dedicate the time to learn all that, but it is something i think would be really cool. honestly im a bit jealous of kids who were raised learning multiple languages because its the easiest time to learn language when youre young and there are supposedly a lot of benefits in school and life (beyond being able to speak multiple languages) so that would have been nice lol. thankfully theres still more time for me to learn! i just dont feel like allocating my free time toward it right now
Hallo to the other german speakers 👋😏

I also speak english and french fluently!