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If you know it, what is your MBTI type?
If you don't know about Myers Briggs:
Basically, it's just a personality assessment that is mostly theory (It's fun to think about, but I don't think it's completely legitimate). According to Myers Briggs, there are 16 personality types and four different dichotomies.
These are:
Introversion - Extroversion
Intuition - Sensing
Feeling - Thinking
Perceiving - Judging
So, for instance, if someone were an extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving person, then they would be an ENFP. These are all based on preference.
Of course, the dichotomies barely scratch past the surface! Each of the 16 personality types has its own set of four cognitive functions. I like to think that the Myers Briggs assessment just tries to encapsulate a person's cognitive functions (brain/thinking process) as opposed to real personality. The "personality biographies" online are utterly wrong and really stereotypical.
Here's a pretty good assessment that I found:
I am an INFP~
If you don't know about Myers Briggs:
Basically, it's just a personality assessment that is mostly theory (It's fun to think about, but I don't think it's completely legitimate). According to Myers Briggs, there are 16 personality types and four different dichotomies.
These are:
Introversion - Extroversion
Intuition - Sensing
Feeling - Thinking
Perceiving - Judging
So, for instance, if someone were an extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving person, then they would be an ENFP. These are all based on preference.
Of course, the dichotomies barely scratch past the surface! Each of the 16 personality types has its own set of four cognitive functions. I like to think that the Myers Briggs assessment just tries to encapsulate a person's cognitive functions (brain/thinking process) as opposed to real personality. The "personality biographies" online are utterly wrong and really stereotypical.
Here's a pretty good assessment that I found:
I am an INFP~