What’s your native fruit?

My native fruit is peaches! I would purposefully reset my towns/islands to get peaches though. It's one of my favorite fruits so I couldn't do without it!
My native fruit was peaches!! I got super lucky, getting my favored map, fruit, and dock color (yellow) on first RNG try.
Mine was peaches, which across all of the games and saves I've had over the years seems to be the most common fruit I start with, with Oranges being a close second.
In new horizons, I have apples, which I kept because I liked the map and starter villagers. My favourite of them are pears though, which I think might be an unpopular opinion-
My native fruit is peaches. I restarted many times to get peaches and a layout that I liked. I wanted to restart as well for a good native flower combination, but I think I tired out and ended up with cosmos.
In the past, I've often had cherries, which are pretty (but especially when they're golden/special fruit - they look like Rainier cherries!), but peaches will definitely always be my fave:)
It used to be the orange. Peach is my favourite flavour out of them if I had to choose but I hate ita shape for some reason.
Peach! I love them. I always got pear in thr other games so I am glad to get something different this time around!
Mine is apples! I wish we still had perfect fruit like in New Leaf because I loved how perfect apples looked! (Mine was pears in New Leaf)

Have been on-and-off resetting for my perfect map on my second switch for a verrrrrry long time (no luck 😔) and one of the requirements are cherries (or oranges if other specific conditions are met) I know native fruit doesn't really matter, and I would have been done ages ago if I had just accepted that, but for some reason I NEED to have the right fruit on my passport 😶
Oranges! I wasn't hoping for anything in particular when I was starting but when I saw those oranges we fell in love and it was meant to be.