My native fruit is peaches! I would purposefully reset my towns/islands to get peaches though. It's one of my favorite fruits so I couldn't do without it!
Mine was peaches, which across all of the games and saves I've had over the years seems to be the most common fruit I start with, with Oranges being a close second.
In new horizons, I have apples, which I kept because I liked the map and starter villagers. My favourite of them are pears though, which I think might be an unpopular opinion-
My native fruit is peaches. I restarted many times to get peaches and a layout that I liked. I wanted to restart as well for a good native flower combination, but I think I tired out and ended up with cosmos.
In the past, I've often had cherries, which are pretty (but especially when they're golden/special fruit - they look like Rainier cherries!), but peaches will definitely always be my fave
Mine is apples! I wish we still had perfect fruit like in New Leaf because I loved how perfect apples looked! (Mine was pears in New Leaf)
Have been on-and-off resetting for my perfect map on my second switch for a verrrrrry long time (no luck ) and one of the requirements are cherries (or oranges if other specific conditions are met) I know native fruit doesn't really matter, and I would have been done ages ago if I had just accepted that, but for some reason I NEED to have the right fruit on my passport