I have quite a few:
- To eat better, work out regularly, etc. I want to get more fit and get some
abs bruthaaa
- To finish all gaming endeavors, including finishing my AC:NL town and getting it all prepped up to be a good af dream town - I know I'll struggle to visit the game once I'm done with all the important stuff, so I'll make sure to get my dream town out there when the layout is set and I have all my dreamies there, in case they move out after I'm done playing regularly. I definitely plan to check in of course, just not every day like I do now.
- To get my first job, and take driver's training in the spring! ^^
- To start my second town (dream town) and get some work done on it, although it won't be a top priority
- To get good art and animation programs on my new Microsoft Surface Pro and to start selling art and working on my art skills.
- To pass all my classes second semester ^^
- Join track so I don't have to take gym lmao if not this year it'll be next year
I think that's about it, but I'm really gonna aim to make 2019 a good year.