Whats your nickname?

I'll have to translate but for now Dom calls me Rhomboid and Reneigh, Rapper. The Rapper one was funny because seconds before Reneigh, Dom and I were making a song together, so she must have been very impressed. I don't know why Dom calls me Rhomboid, who knows what's going on inside that cute head of his.
Victoria asked to call me Glitter.....now I have two more calling me that. I don’t mind, glitter isnt too bad.
On my previous Island I was called hon and I want it back. It sounds especially cute coming from lucky for some reason. On my new Island I’m pumpkin which is fitting, but it’ll be hon again if given the opportunity.
Each one has a different name for me. Chickadee (Flora), kitten (Purrl), princess (Lionel), lollipop (Lolly), butter bean (Sally), cutie pie (Cherry), glitter (Filbert), honeybun (Snake), peanut (Dobie), and half-pint (Gruff).

Given the chance, I'll change Filbert, Sally, and maybe Dobie. I like the others, so I keep them when asked.
Cid calls me Kid M. Judy and Sherb call me Luv. It's really adorable this time.

Last time I was trying to get all my villagers call me Lady.