I was refereeing to Nintendo they ban the people who do duplicate glitches in their games that sell those items for more bells which is considered cheating. FYI I am not a streamer. Not sure where you got that idea from. I said in another comment that a YouTuber was recently banned for showcasing a hacked island which he wasn't the one doing the hacking yet he got his account banned. I don't remember the name, but I do know of that happening.
Don't misunderstand its not like I would do stuff like this. I don't like hacking in the games because I think that is unfair. I am just saying that the people who this tend to use it the wrong way and then get banned. Even people who try to avoid getting banned when they see hacked island they still get banned. Hope this clears up the confusion.
I remember you saying that somewhere and I think that's really cool. I honestly don't care for the music and just deal with it, but I would love to be able to mod my Switch to do something like that. Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up bricking the thing though.I have a modded Switch in which I replaced the ACNH soundtrack with my own fan made version. That probably sounds big headed but you know what? I enjoy the game more when I'm not forced to listen to music I don't like, while being able to hear the nice sound effects too. At some point I may change it to the soundtracks from other AC games to mix it up.
I know there's someone else on this forum who replaced the OST with my soundtrack and it's really nice that they enjoy it too.
Of course, you can contest me if you want, but it's not going to change my mind if I'm honest and I probably won't respond to anyone who attacks me for it.
I remember you saying that somewhere and I think that's really cool. I honestly don't care for the music and just deal with it, but I would love to be able to mod my Switch to do something like that. Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up bricking the thing though.
As far as other hacks and mods go, as long as it is in good fun and not intended for any ill-intention to others, I am fine with it. I think some of the NL modded towns are pretty cool, but then you had people who just went hogwild with the feature and it looked like something from like old-school 90s sites where there wasn't any rhyme or reason why things were placed/copied/pasted where they were.
There were people on Phantasy Star Online (PSO) for the GC who would go online with the intention to corrupt people's data with mods/hacks. They'd wait for people to load in when their game would initiate a save and time it just right to freeze their game as it was saving. They called it fsod/fsoding. It got to the point where the population went from 1000-800 during one summer to just like 90 people over a few months or even a month. I hated those people. I always wanted to see what these people looked like and how pathetic they really were. They got pleasure out of other people's misfortune. I hope by this point they grew up and if not I hope they get their comeuppance.
Oh, yeah I remember that! I was kinda tempted to hack my island to get the star fragment trees because it would fit my island ascetic, but I never did because I don't know how to hack lol.Oh dear..... I remember when there was like hacked trees when someone had an island with trees with fragments and other stuff on them. However when it was posted in a dream address some people reported it to Nintendo and then they took it down. If anyone was caught having hacked trees on their island they would risk getting their account banned.
As far as I think about it I could see there be fun from it, but when it comes to like cheating the system just to get stuff earn stuff rather than doing it the intended way I would say its unfair.