What's your opinion on hacked/moded save files for ACNH?

What's your opinion on hacked/moded save files for ACNH?

  • A.) Yeah I think they're pretty cool.

    Votes: 58 58.6%
  • B.) No way! It's cheating, it's unfair!

    Votes: 16 16.2%
  • C.) I'm not sure how to feel about this...

    Votes: 18 18.2%
  • D.) What's a hacked/moded save file?

    Votes: 7 7.1%

  • Total voters
As long as the intention is good, and there are no form of any monetary exchange or harm is involved, then it's okay with me.
It's your game and I think you should be able to play however you want. As long as you're not doing anything to harm other people's save files like putting game-breaking glitches in presents, I'm not going to judge.
I was refereeing to Nintendo they ban the people who do duplicate glitches in their games that sell those items for more bells which is considered cheating. FYI I am not a streamer. Not sure where you got that idea from. I said in another comment that a YouTuber was recently banned for showcasing a hacked island which he wasn't the one doing the hacking yet he got his account banned. I don't remember the name, but I do know of that happening.

Don't misunderstand its not like I would do stuff like this. I don't like hacking in the games because I think that is unfair. I am just saying that the people who this tend to use it the wrong way and then get banned. Even people who try to avoid getting banned when they see hacked island they still get banned. Hope this clears up the confusion.

Oh, oh no! That was a general you. Not a direct you. I wasnt calling you (singular) a streamer personally, but referring to the multiple people who might be a streamer using the multiple you. English is weird that we don't have a difference between the singular you and the multiple you like other languages have. Which can make written text confusing sometimes. 😕 Even to completely native speakers and grew up speaking, reading, and hearing English all the time.

And it does clear it up. Even though I still don't see how Nintendo would necessarily know if one game was hacked and another was. Like, they don't have direct cameras on all the switches in the world and check them constantly for cheating. (And if they somehow do, I really don't want to know)
I don't mind them in general. They look awesome. But I want them off in my island! :ROFLMAO:
Personally, as long as it can't affect my own save file if I visit one of them, I don't care. It's your game, do whatever you want.

But it is still against Nintendo's TOS and if you get caught and banned, you can't complain about it. (This referring to people who hacked their own islands, banning someone for showing footage on an unrelated site seems pretty overkill.)
I think every persons game is their own and they’re free do to with it what they like. I think modding and hacking can add a new and interesting aspect to the game. For example, for years I enjoyed my NL game. Then last year I decided to go down the route of modding it to change up the town and get things exactly the way I wanted. I found new enjoyment in that.
like most people, I'm not too bothered - as long as it doesn't negatively affect my gameplay in any way, who am I to police how other people choose to enjoy their game? I think hacked/modded save files can be really pretty and it brings something new to the game that wouldn't ordinarily be there. my only problem with it comes in when people try to disrupt others gameplay (for example the first thing that comes to mind is those presents you can't remove from your inventory)
I have a modded Switch in which I replaced the ACNH soundtrack with my own fan made version. That probably sounds big headed but you know what? I enjoy the game more when I'm not forced to listen to music I don't like, while being able to hear the nice sound effects too. At some point I may change it to the soundtracks from other AC games to mix it up.

I know there's someone else on this forum who replaced the OST with my soundtrack and it's really nice that they enjoy it too.

Of course, you can contest me if you want, but it's not going to change my mind if I'm honest and I probably won't respond to anyone who attacks me for it.
I remember you saying that somewhere and I think that's really cool. I honestly don't care for the music and just deal with it, but I would love to be able to mod my Switch to do something like that. Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up bricking the thing though.

As far as other hacks and mods go, as long as it is in good fun and not intended for any ill-intention to others, I am fine with it. I think some of the NL modded towns are pretty cool, but then you had people who just went hogwild with the feature and it looked like something from like old-school 90s sites where there wasn't any rhyme or reason why things were placed/copied/pasted where they were.

There were people on Phantasy Star Online (PSO) for the GC who would go online with the intention to corrupt people's data with mods/hacks. They'd wait for people to load in when their game would initiate a save and time it just right to freeze their game as it was saving. They called it fsod/fsoding. It got to the point where the population went from 1000-800 during one summer to just like 90 people over a few months or even a month. I hated those people. I always wanted to see what these people looked like and how pathetic they really were. They got pleasure out of other people's misfortune. I hope by this point they grew up and if not I hope they get their comeuppance.
I remember you saying that somewhere and I think that's really cool. I honestly don't care for the music and just deal with it, but I would love to be able to mod my Switch to do something like that. Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up bricking the thing though.

As far as other hacks and mods go, as long as it is in good fun and not intended for any ill-intention to others, I am fine with it. I think some of the NL modded towns are pretty cool, but then you had people who just went hogwild with the feature and it looked like something from like old-school 90s sites where there wasn't any rhyme or reason why things were placed/copied/pasted where they were.

There were people on Phantasy Star Online (PSO) for the GC who would go online with the intention to corrupt people's data with mods/hacks. They'd wait for people to load in when their game would initiate a save and time it just right to freeze their game as it was saving. They called it fsod/fsoding. It got to the point where the population went from 1000-800 during one summer to just like 90 people over a few months or even a month. I hated those people. I always wanted to see what these people looked like and how pathetic they really were. They got pleasure out of other people's misfortune. I hope by this point they grew up and if not I hope they get their comeuppance.

That kinda reminds me of all the hacked 3ds themes back in the day. They had all those fanmade wii u and switch soundtracks that sounded great. It also feels the same as using a sound pack in Minecraft as well, it's neat. I'd love to do that since I'm not a huge fan of the new horizons soundtrack.

I'm kinda in the same boat as a lot of others here, whereas long as it doesn't hurt others I'm fine with it. (flashback to new leaf when people would hack rocks to surround your house and you couldn't break them) In fact, I think it's amazing what some of the people that hack their islands do to decorate past what's 'possible' to non-hackers.
I think having a hacked/modded town is fine. In fact in NL I use to especially love visiting the dream addresses of hacked towns who had cool stuff like trees and flowers in the rivers and bushes on their plaza. Honestly I believe that since you paid your own money for this game you have the right to play it however you want since you "own" a copy. Even if you're hacking the game to give you multiple rare items I really don't care. Now I wouldn't want to trade with these people because I'd be afraid of corrupting my game file, but I wouldn't report them or anything either. Its just a game and I don't think I have the right to tell people how or how not to play it.
Pretty much what others say, I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't negatively harm other players.

I also really love seeing what people can do outside of normal game play and the ideas they come up with are very creative.
They're perfectly neat to me, so long as they don't affect my game.

I know when you have people trading potentially hacked items, and it ruins entire games...I want no part of that. My island is vanilla, and always will be. I don't need any of the hacked assets.

But I do enjoy seeing some of the interesting things that can be hacked in.
Some modded switches are just more camera perspectives, while others are making your island into a bunch of smaller islands. These are totally fine in my book but I wouldnt risk losing my save file by modding my switch. Though it is really cool and I like seeing modded islands online!
Like most people have said, hacks/mods are pretty cool as long as it doesn't impact other people negatively. It's not a big deal if it's not impacting people negatively in my opinion.
Oh dear..... I remember when there was like hacked trees when someone had an island with trees with fragments and other stuff on them. However when it was posted in a dream address some people reported it to Nintendo and then they took it down. If anyone was caught having hacked trees on their island they would risk getting their account banned.

As far as I think about it I could see there be fun from it, but when it comes to like cheating the system just to get stuff earn stuff rather than doing it the intended way I would say its unfair.
Oh, yeah I remember that! I was kinda tempted to hack my island to get the star fragment trees because it would fit my island ascetic, but I never did because I don't know how to hack lol.
I also agree on your point about hacking just to get everything. It's not fair that someone hacked fragment trees and now Nintendo will immediately take down any islands with them, even 1 simple tree will probably get the island taken down.
But at least it's not the dreadful seed hackers from wild world, gosh was that terrible.
As long as it doesn't impact anyone else, I don't see a problem with it. Some of those islands are actually very cool to visit. No idea how it's done, but if it doesn't hurt, go for it.
I'm totally cool with it, and love to see what people do with that power lol

I've never hacked any of my AC games but i'm too afraid of things going wrong (and honestly, I'm not that interested in the benefits for my island personally)
Missing poll option: It doesn't bother me. People can play how they want.

However, some of these "hackers" are guilty selling their hacked goods on sites like ebay for real world money, and that's sort of a gray area.
I don't have a specific problem with it as long as anyone doesn't use it for malicious purposes. Like I am 100% not cool with someone duping someone to ruin their game, etc. Some may remember there was a rash of people hacking present bags at large events that wouldn't let a person drop it from their inventory, effectively ruining their game. Like that is totally 100% not cool for any reason. There were so many instances of things like that last year it was so scary! Plus just general things like hacked NMT devaluing that type of currency for trades, etc. Hacking impacted most everyone who trades even if you're against it. That type of hacking is not acceptable to me. But like hacked star frag trees? Sure, knock yourself out I guess.

That said I wouldn't knowingly buy hacked items given the choice and I wouldn't hack items myself. Star frag trees and things like that are pretty but just not worth the risk to me. All in all I'd say I'm neutral on hacked items but lean towards no. Obviously it's against Nintendo's rules and most if not all group/forum guidelines online so it's not something I'll ever be interested in.