what's your personality type? (MBTI)

Based on the 6 tests i took few years ago, 3 of the tests said i was INTJ, while the other tests said i'm ISTJ and INFJ

I might take another MBTI test again soon
Another INFJ checking in. I've taken the test a couple of times and it's pretty much rung the bell on that each time.
I took the test when I was a Freshman in college (so a few years ago) and I got INTP. I'm not sure if it would be any different now.
The last time I took the test (a few years ago now) I got INFP!
INTJ- the architect.

I have the same personality as many anime villains?
ISTP, but it changes often for whatever reason. In the past I've gotten INTJ, INFP, INTP, ENTP, back to INTP... Then ISTP.
infp last time i checked- i've taken the test two times, with a good 3-4ish year gap between them and got infp both times, but i'm afraid to take it again because if it changes idk what i'd do LMAO
i don't know if i believe in mbti, but i like having this label for myself i guess
Just took the test for the first time in about three years! I got INFP-T, which honestly sums up my personality perfectly.
Every time I take the test, I get ISTJ-A, though the percentages within each category vary sometimes.
I've always gotten ISFJ-T through the 16 Personalities test, which goes back roughly 5 years for me. Though I've never gotten 100% in introversion until now, lmao:
The test genuinely can't decide between INFP and INFJ so I'm sittin' pretty on the line of both and questioning the universe.