INTJ, sometimes ISFJ. I can relate well to both of them to be honest. I always score highly on the introvert and judgement sides, so they never change. However the sensing/intuition and thinking/feeling scales are close to 50/50, so they change depending on when and what I'm feeling when I take the test.
I went from being INFP every time I checked a few years ago to now being ENFJ-A. When I was younger and in school I was super introverted and loved my own time, but since going to college I've totally jumped to the extrovert side and can't live without loads of social interaction haha. Funny how personalities can change.
I was an INTJ(and female, which is rare), but it might’ve changed now since I’ve had a baby and have another on the way. Motherhood changes you a lot, so I should redo the test; but I can never find the time