Bisexual, plain and simple I'm very attracted to girls but I was put under a spell of some sort by a Tiger (aka my husband lol) and we started as high school sweethearts and have been together for 14 years now. Some men can be very good-looking but there's just something about girls, especially when she has a cute smile
I'm not sex-repulsed but I don't necessarily crave it all the time, either.
i’m honestly not sure, apart of me feels like im straight or possibly bi. i have never told anyone this but i can be physically attracted to other girls but i can also feel attraction to boys too but not as much. however even though i can be attracted to girls, i don’t have any desire to date them. i have little interest in dating, meaning that i don’t view being in a relationship as important but of course i’d love to be in a relationship. i have zero interest in doing anything sexual and honestly i find the thought of sex to be disgusting maybe that’s just because im young. if i were to picture myself being in a relationship i’d see myself being with a guy, i said possibly bi because i can be attracted to other girls but then again i have no real desire to be in a relationship with one, so im probably just a straight person who’s making this overly complicated. at the moment i don’t really label myself. i’m sort of confused and sexuality is a spectrum.
Paaaaaaaan as heck, thou I do have a preference towards girls. That's not to say I won't ever date a guy or anyone of any other gender, as I am not cis myself. I'm somewhere on the non-binary spectrum, but don't know what label would be appropriate to my experience, so for now I used non-bianry as an umbrella term.
im still not sure, but im leaning towards panromantic asexual (i think is the correct term). I havent had pretty much any romantic life to confirm that though.
I'm a lesbian. I'm attracted to other women, and only other women. Pretty simple. lol.
What's not simple is that I constantly shift between sex-repulsed and not. I try so hard to put a label to this, but I'm yet to find one. In truth, I don't really like having a sexuality and think that sex-repulsed is what I should purely be, but alas.
Bisexual hehe. Kind of a funny story because I’ve been in denial about liking women for so long LOL. The first sign I remember of me liking a girl was when I was like 14, playing Harvest Moon on my DS, and I decided to play as the male protagonist because I wasn’t interested in any of the men. There was a bachelorette I really liked too (Lumina) and I courted her for so long, haha. Same goes for Rune Factory, played it as a teen as well and I really liked the bachelorettes more than the bachelors. I can’t believe I never realized I wasn’t straight until years later, haha. When I finally came out to my friends and my boyfriend about being bisexual, I felt a huge weight drop off my chest, like I’ve finally figured out who I was. I’m also glad my closest ones are really supportive of me.
i THOUGHT i was lesbian but i guess not. there has been some labels that fit me but i don't feel comfortable identifying with them. i've never been the one to restrict myself with labels and such.
i'm unsure of a lot of things relating to my sexuality but i'm for sure sapphic. let's just say i'm unlabeled for now.
i'm aromantic asexual. i'm open to change if i ever feel like it (like, actually experience attraction, it's not a decision) but for the moment i'm happy not being involved with people. i think asexuality is more open to change than other sexualities because there are more often causes (trauma, mental or physical illness et cetera) that causes us to not experience sexual attraction or want to be in a relationship. idk why i'm asexual, could be my brain being sick as hell, autism, trauma or just me being me. idk if i'll ever get into a relationship and i'm fine with that.