What's your sexual orientation?

What's your sexual orientation?

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i say queer (mostly bc my gender identity is a mess) but if we wanna be specific im attracted to males and masculine presenting people i think some ppl might say thats bisexual bc it could include masc nonbinary people but idc enough!!
I'm abrosexual, meaning my sexuality changes. In my case, I transition between bisexual, lesbian, pansexual, and polyamorous. I'm awesome, and so are the rest of you all!
I'm pan but tbh I just use the term "queer" in public spaces. It denotes a departure from cis-heteronormativity without sharing more info than I need to. Plus most people don't know what pansexuality even is and it's not my responsibility to explain it and answer questions etc.
bisexual with a pretty big lean towards women that I question it sometimes
romance is a whole 'nother can of worms
usually might resort to "queer" just to save time
omg so many aspec people in this thread hiii <3
i'm aromantic, asexual, and agender. i basically said i would like nothing to do with all that lol. being aro in particular is a huge part of my identity ♥
You all, I had some ...thoughts the other day, that I won't go into detail about. :oops: And that led me to think that maybe I should think seriously about potentially considering myself a slight bit bisexual.

IDK. I'm confused.
For the longest time I considered myself bisexual until I learned about pansexuality. To be honest, I don't have a preference on which one I fall under. I just know that it'll never ever bother me with what the other person identifies as. If I love them, I love them. end of discussion. I don't see anything else. :,)
im asexual, i absolutely despise anything sexual in any capacity, and i hate intimacy. Swag

i might not be aromantic tho. in theory relationships look like fun but i don’t think it’s for me
bisexual, but i lean so much towards women that i used to question if i was actually a lesbian over and over again, still do sometimes lol.
I actually opened up this thread a few times trying to answer but I think I've decided with an i don't know! I think I'm straight but I also have no attraction or feel the urge to be with anyone.
i think i'm biromantic? but i also think i'm asexual?? i'm unsure/don't know, i mean intimate scenes on TV freak me the hecc out a major amount, i don't like them at all lmao- but also i feel like i'd be kind of bored a little while after i've started a relationship with someone unless we've got v. similar interests don't think that's relevant though but it's true? and being intimate with someone is something i don't want to do

so i don't really know ahah, but i think i prefer females
I’m triple A - asexual, aromantic, and agender. I occasionally enjoy “eye candy,” and have just enough preference for the male variety to know that if I were sexual/romantic, I’d probably be hetero, and that‘s it. Not the slightest interest in any sort of romantic relationship or sexual activity, such things never even enter my mind unless someone else brings the topic up. I’ve only recently realized just how huge a part of the mind it is for most people who aren’t any form of a, and that therefore being triple A actually is a key descriptor of me, even if it only describes what I am not.

As a side note, I recognize that my physical sex and my gender (or lack thereof) are two separate things, and that pronouns and stuff are usually referring to the former. I tried using “they/them” for myself for a while and it felt weird. But since gender really isn’t a thing to me, I don’t care what pronouns people use for me. Noticing just how much of our speech is dependent on gender/sex is part of what made me realize how important it is to so many people.

*Disclaimer - I speak for myself and only myself, I very deliberately do not claim to speak for anyone else who might categorize themselves similarly, or to assume that something is true of everyone in/not in any category.
Bi, i like Every1, no strong preference. I go unlabelled when it comes to describing the relationship as "same-sex" or "opposite-sex" as i dont quite fit into either no matter who im dating
im demisexual, only feel that kind of attraction if i get super close to someone
other than that i dont knowww i just really really like men but ive been romantically attracted to a few girls before so im very confused and dont wanna use a label
I guess it's okay to come out here but I'm ace.

Still trying to figure out everything else and want to try experimenting being called different pronouns to see if I like that more but I'm not out anywhere else but here so..